Opinion Parents - what a coicept Words of Wit and Rhyme by Stephani Veff Opinions Editor Why won’t they trust us? by Stephani Veff Opinions Editor Those of you with parents will know exactly what I mean when I say it’s getting harder and harder to train good parents these days. I’ve had mine for 19 years and still they continue to feel they know everything. Question - what is “everything?” “it’s getting harder and harder to train good parents these days. ” The parents I know, mine as well as my friends’, are always saying they know what’s best for us because they’ve been to “quite a few county fairs.” Well, just how did they get to go to these county fairs? Did their parents let them? My guess is no. Chances are my parents and my friends’ parents were always bucking at authority in light of their new-found independence and that’s how they ended up going to their county fairs. Well, I’d like to go to a few county fairs of my own. I’ve got common sense and I’ve never been one to get myself into too much trouble, so why can’t they just trust me? “Parents trust you to believe that everything they say or do is ‘law. Trust. What a scary word, it’s kind of like the word “commit­ ment.” Exactly what does it mean? Webster’s New World Dictionary defines “trust” as “firm belief in the honesty, reliability, etc. of another; faith... .responsibility resulting from confidence placed in one.” Okay, now that we know what Webster’s definition is, what is our parent’s? Parents trust you to believe everything they say or do is “law.” And the “law” says that you will grow up to be bet­ ter than your parents and that you will have everything that they never had but always wanted. You will have a better education, a better job, and a better marriage/family. That is about all our parents can trust us to do, is to believe in them, and we do....BUT we would also like them to trust us with the family car, to stay out past midnight, and to choose friends that will not be a bad in­ fluence on us. FOG The fog rolls in with the waves, As I stand upon the shore. I try to run away, But its cold, dank shadows sur­ round me like a damp, gray sheet. I stop and sit upon a rock, To watch it leave the bay, But I know it will be back again, Just as it came today. - Stephani Veff - Does anyone know what ASG is? Does anyone out there know what ASG (Associated Student Government) is and what it does? If you do maybe you should tell some of the people on campus who don’t. Recently an election was held on campus for next year’s ASG president, but the election was poorly promoted and out of the 10,000 students enrolled at Clackamas Community College only 151 voted. The debate was also poorly attended with only 15-20 people there and five of them being ASG members. At the time of the debate 35 people were found in the game room and when people were asked about the debate most people asked, “what debate?” The student government is supposed to be the representative body for all students on campus. It is also supposed to “promote activities to stimulate the social, physical, moral and intellectual life of students.” ASG does not seem to be fulfilling its job if many of the students here on campus do not even know that Clackamas Community College has a student government. What needs to happen is there needs to be a better promotion of ASG and what it does and in turn there needs to be some interest shown by the students on campus. ASG does affect the students of CCC and if they are going to be affected they should be aware of that fact. Letter “...at some point in everyone’s life he or she must break away from the nest and become independent... ” “To err is human,” but the way our parents act sometimes they would prefer us not to make mistakes, especially if they are the same mistakes they made growing up. The funny thing about mistakes is that you learn from them. Not too many people enjoy making mistakes and being told how stupid they are for having done so, but because our parents are protec­ ting us from the “cruel world out there” they can’t trust us to make mistakes. If it weren’t for the fact that at some point in everyone’s life he or she must break away from the nest and become independent maybe parental protection wouldn’t be so bad. But we all need to move out into the world on our own, go to our own coun­ ty fairs, and most of all make mistakes because if we don’t how will we ever make it in this “dog- eat-dog” world? To Write Letters to the Editor'They must Be Typed. For Information or Questions Call Linda or Dean at 657-8400 ext. 309 or Come by Trailer B. Deadline Friday at Noon Prior to Publication. ■»NON-TfWPVTlßMA1- to the Editor LETTER TO THE EDITOR First of all I would like to note some positive remarks concerning the articles by Steven Ziolkowski in the 4/8/87 edition of the Print. His articles present news and in­ form the reader. Also his choice of photos is to be praised. Unfor­ tunately the points made in the article by Thad Kreisher titled, “Grey Matter Pudding” are not taken by any form of pleasure. Although listed under ‘entertain­ ment’ I found nothing funny or informative about the article. While “The Print” is said to be, “a fair and impartial newspaper” this article plainly puts down Jesus Christ and Christians in general. If this article was read in many of our community’s chur­ ches there would be no smiles and no amens. Most would be as I am, disappointed. The Easter eggs at the end of the article add to the list of things being degrad­ ed by including Christ’s resurrec­ tion. I understand that many readers may find nothing wrong with this article, while on the other hand many others do. For those of us being made fun of I ask you to see that more time be taken in deciding what should be printed. For some this article is funny but this joke is written at the expense of anyone with a Christian faith. “Do not reprove a scoffer, least he hate you, Reprove a wise man and he will love you.” Proverbs 9:8 “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” Proverbs 27:17 - A concerned student, Mark Shaver ..-Vou J- WAB ihlNklMq thftf c oUccr c-owe howe to jpuft pl Ace iM&teAol, sifiice, yOUR doRM will be open.. - - --Pf- /touwe kiold IWQ! - -bRANa/HAS * bu show fAe. mi we. The Print aims to be a fair and impartial newspaper covering the college community. Opinions expressed in The Print do not necessarily reflect those of the College administration, faculty, Associated Student Govern­ ment or other members of The Print staff. Articles and information published in The Print can be reprinted only with permission from the Student Publications Office. The Print is a weekly publication distributed each Wednesday*except for Finals Week. Clackamas Community Col­ lege, 19600 S. Molalla Ave., Oregon City, Oregon 97045. Office : Trailer B. Telephone: 657-8400, ext. 309. Editor-In-Chief: Dean Grey News Editor: Heleen Veenstra Design Editor: Bret Hodgert Photo Editor: Beth Coffey Opinions/Copy, Editor: Stephani Veff Feature Editor: Marie Stoppelmoor Sports Editor: Christopher Curran Staff Writers: Terri Grayum, Jan Hampton, Sherri Michaels, Mary Prath, Steven Ziolkowski, Tammy Swartzendruber Photographer: Von Daniel Artist: Jo Crisp Layout Staff: Darin Kuehl, Tom Shauvin, Judy Singer, April Cooke Business Manager; Jim Brow« Typesetter: Crystal Penner Advisor: Linda Vogt Clackamaa Community College