Sports Jlmer rates best aridi worst iy Jerry Ulmer cheering corresponds with play description. “Holy jumping-up- It is easy for the sports media and-down-Martha” is starting to o sucker punch sports figures, wear thin. Colorful, just like the ecause they know they can’t [ guy sitting behind you with the et hit back, at least not in OSU booster cushion^ Seldom rint. As a service to our local confused. Accounts for every jorts figures, it’s now time to pass. Various tones of voice used He the local sports media: effectively. HE BEST 3. Scott Lynn, sports anchor, 1. Steve Duin, columnist, “KGW-TV 8”- Despite having I The Oregonian”- The writer’s the charisma of Judge Wapner vriter. Superbly educated, in- and the flair of the Emergency |>rmative, clever, and often Broadcast System, easily the most tmorous. Often disliked for informative of all the anchors. iting the truth. Steve writes Could get a job doing conference r an educated audience, calls for Federal Express. Can savily cynical, his greatest really give the scores, which are >et is his ability to see all sides updated-to-the-minute. Best a sport. Can be counted on to highlight package this side of provide entertaining and cable. Keeps golf and tennis in Icessary research information, their place. Gives NHL scores. lually in that order. Able to 4. David Kahn, sportswriter, Ike fun at his loyalties and “The Oregonian”- Makes sure liases. Big future, despite being the NBA rumor mill visits a Wake Forest grad. Probably Portland, not very opinionated in ■n’t dunk. print. Potentially another Peter I2. Darrell Aune, “OSU sport- Vescey (New York Post). Likes to Iister,” KEX radio- What Bill write about ex-Blazers. Excellent honely should try to be, on top job of finding interesting anec­ )f every play, the game is much dotes, even though some come Bwer than his mouth. Crowd from “Sports Illustrated” or taff Writer 2. Rick Metsger, sports an­ chor, “KOIN-TV 6”- Some time ago, someone at Channel 6 thought it was necessary to get in touch with the community. Covering 10-year old ice skaters It’s now time to rate the and strolling at Clackamette Park is a way to get in touch, but it is local sports media also very boring. And who cares if the guy who just won on the probowlers tour attended the fifth grade in Beaverton? Just give us some scores and THE WORST highlights, Rick. And lay off the 1. Bill Schonely, “voice of the bicycle motorcross stories. Chan­ Blazers”- Schonz has been nel 6 “Sportscall” (778-6006) around so long we don’t know epitomizes this attitude, as it fre­ haw bad he really is. He must quently avoids baseball scores or assume that all listeners are wat­ gives them a day late. ching on TV, because he tells 3. Steve Jones, Blazer everybody to watch the replay. Broadcasting- Someone should Falls behind a lot, either that or put Steve Jones and Bill Russell fans at Memorial Coliseum fre­ in a room and see if they could quently cheer for the visiting laugh each other to death. Had team. Leaves descriptions un­ a mediocre playing career, finished for the listener to figure which is reason enough to doubt out over a period of time; like his strategic suggestions, half an hour. Doesn’t give the sentences wander: “Well, you score after every hoop, and when know Steve Johnson had that he does he doesn’t say who’s win­ big first quarter, and Wayne ning, whines about the refs too Cooper sits to take the tape off much. Always confused. his fingers so T.R. Dunn comes "The Sporting News.” Doesn’t have a knockout punch, yet. out.” Acts like he’s fed up with his colleagues. 4. Terry Frei, columnist, “The Oregonian”- Why did the chicken cross the road? I don’t know, but I do know this: Terry Frei should go back to Denver where he belongs. Cannot write a story without some mention of Denver. Terribly homesick, loves to write about U of O also, being ah alum. Actually picked the Broncos to beat the Chants. Dishonorable mention 1. George Pasero, “The. Oregonian’’- George, forget about Oregon’s 0-0 tie with USC’s “Iron Men” in 1933 at Multnomah Stadium. 2. Blazer Broadcasting- They always cut to the floor camera behind the basket in the midst of a fastbreak, causing the viewer to lose his place. Show replays at inopportune times, missing important pieces of ac­ tion. 3. Tauna Vandeweghe, Blazer Broadcasting- Not even worthy of criticism. CAA recruiting battle tough as making final four | Jerry Ulmer Intributing Writer ■The closest most of us came ■the NCAA Men’s Basketball nal Four in New Orleans ■irch 28-30 was eating Cajun ■ice Ruffles potato chips. The ■sest another west coast team rill come to a future Final Four fcbably would be best explain- I by Carl Sagan. ■JNLV, seemingly the west’s By hope for national respect, ■nt into the loser tank lirtesy of Indiana in the «¡finals. The Hoosiers dared 9 run with the team deemed lai to run against. With Steve ford and his hair popping apers. from behind screens it revealed USC’s look like t another Big ten team, a mo- tion suspected a week earlier when Iowa raced to a huge halftime lead on the Runnin’ Rebels. One couldn’t help but infer that UNLV’s industrious record (37-1) was amassed against a sea of weak western opponents. The Rebels cannot attribute this loss to poor play, as big guns, Freddie Banks and Arman Gilliam, both made ex­ cellent showings. They were just outplayed, or more aptly put, outcoached. The Rebels are a very good team, but they have many equals east of the Rockies. The reason the quality of play between east and west has grown apart over the past five years is obvious: television. Cable TV has brought all the eastern teams into western living rooms. Unfor­ a movie be made about HIS Vegas stigma arouse suspicion. It tunately, vice-versa is not true. “Hoosiers,” and Syracuse coach isn’t difficult to imagine Tark The time difference makes it a bit Jim Boeheim, who would easily having a run-in with Dan Tanna awkward for eastern viewers. To win a Bob Weiss look-a-like con­ in a parking garage. But the truth watch a west coast game, a viewer test, have brilliant recruiting is he produces a team capable of in the eastern time zone (the bulk futures ahead of them, and that competing back east, year after of the population) would have to creates a snowball effect. year. Las Vegas is an oasis in the The west is in trouble, their desert. And unless western stay up until 12:30 a.m. Thus, the imbalance in exposure creates an best recruiter, Jerry Tarkanian of coaches find a recruiting tool, imbalance in recruiting power. UNLV has been under NCAA UNLV will be the only oasis in Each game is like an advertise­ scrutiny for many years. Tark’s the Sahara we call west coast ment for two universities. This is godfather appearance and Las basketball. mostly why eastern schools are stealing growing numbers of western recruits. The Final Four is the biggest, advertisement. A high school recruit tuning in to hear Brent Musberger’s game-show host im­ itation in front of 65,000 rabid fans is impressed, Indiana coach Bobby Knight, who may suggest ZCCORCH/Yfr TO *.CFo*VF,. PftRK't yOHA'i AAMMfr Tit F TBP PiXyffÄT \MU0 vuill P lay collets A all I n ho Pty or having ANN í I 7 SbLtO PLAYS RT A FC\ a > PoiZTS po -'A' P ar < J M/VlOß CoLLffi-S COACH«- AMO W ICrtt ? CHOO I II 29, 1987 SN: 010055 i / v