The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, April 15, 1987, Page 8, Image 8

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Reasons to Party
by Bret Hodgert
Entertainment Editor
Welcome once again to
“Reasons to Party.” Due to the
fact that this schedule of events is
supposed to cover the next two
weeks, I will be covering only the
major celebrations. If I happen to
miss a day or two, that’s okay;
you don’t always need an excuse
to party. In fact, you could use
that as an excuse in itself, “I’m
partying today because I have no
April 15
It’s National Gripers Day! Do
you have problems or complaints
but no one will listen to you ? To­
day’s the day to spit it all out. I
wonder if the I.R.S. had anything
to do with this?
April 16
Stick oh your mustaches and
throw your hands in the air! Pop
a brew, wash down the aftertaste
of tax forms and celebrate the
birthday of silver screen star,
Charlie Chaplin. You may as well
sit back and relax, returns are go­
ing to be awhile.
April 17
Carumba! Fiesta ’87 is under­
way. Today is the start of ten
days ^of pure party in San Ant­
onio, Texas. But don’t let that
stop you. Just because it’s in'
Texas doesn’t mean we can’t help
them celebrate up here. (Fiesta is
not to be confused with siesta.)
April 18
It’s the anniversary of the ride of
Paul Revere. If that’s not reason
enough, it’s Saturday. Come up
with something on your own.
April 20
I am going to contradict myself.
Today is not a good day to party.
First of all it’s Monday, a day of
rest for those of us who caroused
all weekend. Second of all, today
is the birthday of Germany’s ex­
dictator, Adolf Hitler. Take two
asprin and go back to bed.
April 22
Nebraska first began celebrating
Arbor Day over 115 years ago. It
is now celebrated all over the
April 23
It’s Lover’s Day today in
Barcelona, Spain. Lover’s Day
was created to celebrate the
works of romantic writer, Miguel
de Cervantes. Make of it what
you will. Today is also the birth­
day of famed playwright,
William Shakespeare.
April 24
Gimme a break, it’s Friday. You
think of something.
April 25
It’s Saturday, - refer to excuse
stated for April 24.
April 26
Here it is folks, the event of the
year, the World Cow Chip
Throwing Championship! This
gathering has been labeled as “A
highly specialized athletic event”
which draws dung flingers from
around the world. A special divi­
sion of this competition is held
for politicians, who are known to
be highly practiced in this area. If
you can’t make it to Beaver, OK.
this year, feel free to visit our
local pasture to practice for next
years event.
America * television =
a hopelessly sick society
by Bret Hodgert
April 27
Jamestown, S.C. lets all hell
break loose for this one. It’s the
South Carolina Hell Hole
Swamp Festival, practiced to
highlight history and customs of
the south. One of the featured
events of this celebration is the
home made whiskey competi­
Well, that rounds out another
edition of “Reasons to Party.”
Remember, if a day isn’t listed
don’t panic, I’m more than sure
that you can come up with a
reason on your own.
from the caring
^2 Planned
Photo by Bret Hodgert
Rick True expresses his concepts of 3-dimensional design with this untitled scupture displayed ji
north of the track. The sculpture will be on display for one week.
Entertainment Editor
Could it be that our nation is
becoming mentally and socially
warped? American’s strange
sense of entertainment seems to
be slipping to an all time-high.
Television viewers of today
are becoming increasingly
picky. They are becoming
satisfied less and less with the
network’s conventional pro­
gramming. The 80’s are becom­
ing the dawn of a new age, the
age of off-beat T.V.
The Monkees pioneered the
original concept when they
combined television, anti-logic
and music. It was another 13
years before the idea actually
caught on.
M.T.V. re-introduced us to it
all with the music video. It com­
bined today’s music with special
effects and surrealistic imagery.
America was now exposed to
the concept of watching so­
meone else’s acid trip on big
screen T.V. We could ex­
perience hundreds of five
minute mind melts a day and
never even have to touch a
single chemical.
Then the comedians stepped
into the act. Forced by competi­
tion to come up with material
that was more and more
diverse, they began looking and
acting more like circus side
show attractions than profes­
sional entertainers.
When faced with a choice of
“I love Lucy” or a show featur­
ing a mature adult acting like a
mentally mutilated six year old,
T. V. viewers of today wouldn’t
even give it a second thought.
What sort of self respecting
human would change . their
name from Paul Reubens to Pee
Wee Herman? All across
America people of all ages are
getting up early on Saturday
mornings to watch “Pee Wee’s
Playhouse.” We are sick.
_ Now the computers are star­
ting to put their foot into the
ring. Let’s step twenty minutes
into the future and into the
world of the latest off beat T.V.
craze, Max Headroom. H
computer with the mind oi
world’s greatest investig
reporter, a name provided
warning sign and a
courtesy of IBM Compu-te
Where did the likes of “I
sky and Hutch” and “Ba
Miller” disappear to? 1
happened? Will convent
programming ever be the si
Tell us Max, you know a 1
American idealism beginni
look like a record left in th
or what? I really want to k
Health Service
Located in Trailer A
Hours: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Monday - Friday
To arrange an appointment with medical staff, please
call ext. 250 or 236, or stop by Trailer A during working
hours. No charge to CCC students.
Medical Staff Hours:
Dr. Ronald Powell
Thursday, noon - 2 p.m.
Pat Krumm, A.N.P.
Wednesday, 11 am-1pm
Ema Lewis, A.N.P.
Monday, 10am-Noon
Mary Fitzgerald, M.A. NCfi
Tuesday, 10 a.m. - noon (by appointment only)
Alcohol Treatment Specialist for Clackamas County
Mental Health Dept. Free drug or alcohol counseling
or evaluation. Confidentiality respected.
Visit the Health Resource room and check out our
pamphlets and information on various health subjects.
Another feature is a “self-help care"area with minor
firsfaidjtemsforCCC students and staff.
Clackamas Community Co
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