The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, April 08, 1987, Page 6, Image 6

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Softball season under way
by Sherri Michaels
Staff Writter
“Our infield play has been in­
consistant. And it is probably
the coach’s fault,” said Paul
Fiskum, women’s softball
“We need to work on it. The
infield play has not been as
good as it could be,” comment-
ted Fiskum. Whereas the
“whole outfield is doing really
good with Wendy Morton, Kim
Stewart, Sue Richardson and
Jackie Butch.”
The hitting for the women
has so far been inadequate ac­
cording to Fiskum. “We need
to hit more.” Though Sue
Richardson is batting 6 for 13
with a batting average of .462.
Along with Richardson, Angie
Downey is 8 for 18 at the plate
with a .444 batting average.
Kim Stewart is holding her own
with 13 for 34 at the plate and
.382 batting average.
The Lady Cougars frosted
Western Oregon College 10-1
and 14-2 in a double-header
March 20. Then turned around
on March 21 and played “one
of the hardest teams (Pacific
University) in the Pacific Nor­
thwest.” Pacific University
stole both games in the double­
header 1-0 and 3-0. “Niki Biser
threw an awesome game against
them,” said Fiskum. Wendy
Morton let only 3 runs in on the
second game.
Lady Cougar s slid into a
nine inning game win against
Shoreline 8-6. They split a
double-header with Skagit
Valley March 27th losing the
first game 8-2 and winning with
one point on the second game,
- Highline gave Clackamas two
losses the 31st of March in a
double-header here at home, 7-3
Edmonds lost big in the first
of a double-header, Tuesday
8-1. It was a slow game with on­
ly one run for the Cougars go­
ing into the bottom of the fifth
inning where they soon speed up
things collecting seven runs.
One on a awesome slide to
home by Michelle Day.
, .The second game of the
double-header Edmonds put up
a fight. Though turned around
and gave up three runs in a
home plate scramble. Day again
did a squeak by slider into home
the bottom of the third after a
wild pitch by DoAne of Ed­
monds. The final score was 6-1.
Community Recreation Supervisor
Fiskum added to sporting positions
Sherri Michaels
Staff Writter
“The real reason I coach is
that I like working with kids,”
said Paul Fiskum.
Fiskum graduated from
Madison High School, in
Portland, in 1971. From there
he went to “a college'
(Clackamas Community Col­
legejin a little hick town,” he
said with a gleam in his eye.
And in 1976 he graduated from
Oregon College of Education
(now Western Oregon State
He returned that summer to
Clackamas when the positions
of PE aid and lockerroom
supervisor opened up. Along
with that he was also assistant
coach for men’s basketball and
football respectively under Len
Tirrill and Dale McGriff.
Fiskum is now the Communi­
ty Recreation supervisor. “I
really enjoy it. And being able
to provide recreational oppor-
(SVC), 6-2 and 6-1.
The men’s section of
“The Tennis Club here on Clackamas Community Col­
campus provides a unique oppor­ lege’s Tennis Club lost to PSU’s
tunity for students, faculty and men’s team 9-0.
staff to get better at tennis and to
Upcoming matches for the
be competitive with other people men are April 16, 3:30 p.m.,
and school,” said Nancy here, against Oregon City High
Milketon, Tennis Club Advisor.
School and May 7 at 3 p.m.,
The Tennis Club was formed here, against PSU. The women
to fill the void created by the loss will be*-challenging Willamette
of the tehnis team. “The tennis University April 30 at 3:15 p.m.
team was cut because there had in Salem.
not been any increase in the
The campus singles tourna­
athletic departments budget and ment is scheduled to start April
they wanted to upgrade a few 27 iand runs through May 8.
sports rather that have a lot of There will be men’s, and
sports with bad funding,” com­ women’s divisions with three
mented Milkleton.
Between 25 to 30 people par­
ticipate in Tennis Club activities
throughout the year. Some of the
opportunities offered through the
club include practicing stroke
techniques, challenge ladders,
competition with other colleges
and having fun.
The Tennis Club’s women lost
to Skagit Valley 7-2 on Thursday,
April 2 here at Clackamas. Dani
Ferguson swiped a tie breaker 7-0
from Skagit Valley’s Mario
Wilkins after splitting a set 2-6
and 6-2 and 6-4.
First seeded Christen Morris
lost 6-2 to Rose Steiner of Skagit
Valley. Other losses were Linda
Anderson (CCC) against Renee
Hankins (SVC) 8-4 and Kim
Waitte (CCC) lost to 'TJ Salter
(SVC) 6-1 and 6-0. Tiffany
Cesena of Skagit Valley netted a
win over Noelle Moore 6-1 and
Morris and Anderson, in
doubles, lost in a close volley to
Young and Hawkins of Skagit
Valley. Whereas Waitte and Sue
Stahl lost by a larger margin to
Salter and Damaris Hibdon
Staff Writer
Page 6
Paul Fiskum: Community
Recreation Supervisor.
‘7 really like working
with kids and helping
them achieve"
Tennis Club fills void
by Sherri Michaels
tunities for the community is
great,” said Fiskum. Fiskum
currently is the assistant coach
of men’s basketball and is the
new head coach of women’s
softball. When the softball
coaching position came open “I
levels of play. The entry fee is
one dollar and is due by April
24 in Randall 115. Trophies or
medals will be awarded to the
The campus doubles tourna­
ment is May 11 through May
22. Along with men’s and
women’s divisions there will be
a mixed division with 2 or 3
levels of play depending on the
entries. There is a two dollar en­
try fee per team due May 8 in
Randall 115. Medals will be
awarded to the winning teams.
Both tournamnts are open to
students, staff and faculty.
jumped at it. I really like work­
ing with kids and helping them
achieve,” said Fiskum.
Fiskum believes that the!
greatest joy of a coach is to see
someone improve. And that in-l
eludes academics as well as
Sports have been one oil
Fiskum’s main interest since hei
was a young boy playing in Lit!
tie League Baseball. “Any sporl
there is I seem to enjoy,” sail
Fiskum. He also dreams of be]
ing a tennis bum for a year.
Hawaii and Palm Springs arl
two of his favorite places to visit
when he travels. He has been tJ
Hawaii five times, once with thl
men’s basketball team il
December where they played il
a tournament.
Fiskum enjoys coaching bul
when talking to athletes thl
“really big thing with me il
academics. Emphasizing th J
earning 20 points a game is nJ
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