Feature Editor not dead, damn by Dean Grey Editor As you may have all ready guessed, I’m not dead. However, it is not within me to lie so I must explain how I came to be among the living once again (By the way God is not a woman, nor will he ever likely turn into one very soon). My memory is a little hazy when thinking back t the start of my death, in fact there is a two or three hour gap in my memory from the time I look at the re­ mains of the skate until the time I woke up in a tunnel with the pro­ verbial white light at the end. I’ll start there. It was a long tunnel that I found myself in when I woke up. There was an strange light casting of warmth at the end of it and the walls of the tunnel were a red like that of burning coals. Now I know what most of you are thinking and so was I, so I took off running away from the light. After several minutes (about two) of running I came across this old man sitting at an intersection of the tunnel. He was relatively Old. Of course all age is relative accor­ ding to the person’s point of view. My point of view said this guy was at least 70. He was wear­ ing blue jeans and a black Sex Pistols’ t-shirt. In his hand was a cigarette that was yellow from age and wet from his lips but not burning. I asked him where I was supposed to go and he pointed in the direction of the red light. I didn’t want to go there so I tried to step past him and continue down the dark way of the tunnel when he stuck his leg out, tripped me, and pointed down toward the light again puffing anxiously on his smoke. For some reason I felt I could bribe him so I check­ ed my pockets for a tempting ar­ ticle. All I found was a half pack of Camels and a lighter. As I pulled these from my pocket his eyes brightened so I through them a little way down the tunnel in the direction of Hell. In response he scrambled to the pack. I took this opportunity to run the way I wanted to go. Sometime later I found myself in a small room with what looked like a K-Mart security officer. He had a list of names that he would check off when anyone would go past him. To his right I saw a line. From the experience I gained on earth I knew this to be where I should go, so I stepped in line. I waited for a long time before the line moved, but all too soon it was my turn to find the fate that awaited me. “Next,” he said. I walked up to him. Without looking at me he called me by name and assigned me to another line. As I neared this other person, who was to give me my destination, I heard him assigning various animal and people positions back on earth. It was (hen that I realized I had stumbled into the reincarnation area of where ever I was, I’ll call it “The waiting place.” Almost thrilled, but not quite, with the knowledge that I would soon be back on earth with another chance to improve my life I hurried into yet another line. The familiar “Next” com­ mand was issued and my turn was up. I sat down and the per­ son, it was a girl this time, look­ ed intently at me. “Dean Grey?” she asked. “Yes?” “It says here that you didn’t do too good on earth so I would normally reduce you one or two steps in the chain of worth, (The chain of worth dictates what you are reincarnated as. For ex­ ample, if you were a bad dog! you would come back as a cat.) But in this particular case you are as low as you can go. Have you ever been here before?” “No.” “In that case I have no choice but to send you back as you were, in other words Dean, worms are reincarnated as you when they are bad.” From there I was put into a tube and I woke up at home normal (Without any radiation side-affects). Not that I was changed into a good person -just myself with one more cliance to do right, not that I will of course...But maybe. National Older Worker Week not pointless by Marie Stoppelmoor Entertainment Editor Ever been afraid of losing your job to your grandma? March 9-13 was National Employ the Older Worker Week. As both Jean Sullivan and Ellen Gagliardi can attest this is not just another pointless “awareness week” sponsored by the government. Ellen Gagliardi, a youthful- looking 77 year old lady, attain­ ed employment partly because of a seminar held on the Clackamas Community College campus during National Employ the Older Worker Week. Participating in the seminar was Fred Meyer manager, Tom Blumenfeld. Jean Sullivan, Coordinator of the Senior Job Program, describes Ellen as “a very char­ ming, outgoing woman.” Apparently, Fred Meyer manager Blumenfeld agreed since he hired her over several other candidates. As Ellen described it “I went in and Mr. Blumenfeld interviewed me and he said he would call me back Monday because he had more interviews. He called and I said when do I start?” Why did Ellen want a job at the age of 77? “I don’t watch much T.V.; I turn it on for the 5 o’clock news, but after that there’s nothing to do in the even­ ing. I don’t have a love interest. I decided I didn’t have long enough to break in another man.” During the day Ellen does volunteer work for Meals on Wheels in Canby as a receptionist Ellen Gagliardi was recently hired at Fred •>» *»" Meyer following National Employ the Older Worker Week. and driver. “I meet a lot of peo­ ple on my route and I enjoy them. They’re all very nice except for one grouchy old man.” How does it feel to be 77? “I feel fine. So many seniors take expensive medication, I feel Her job at Fred Meyer as customer assistance represe tative is “so far I like it. Tl managers are all really nice. I’ just getting so I can fir everything when someone asks As Jean Sullivan put it “This lucky. I don’t get lonely, I don’t get depressed and everything goes along great for me,” Ellen replied. With some of the extra money Ellen plans to “help my grand­ daughter out; she just moved to Texas.” a very strong trend right no1 hiring the older worker. Tl market has reversed itself. Th (employers) are finding them be dependable and skilled. “The big thing is dependable Sullivan concluded. MICHAEL J. FOX There's no such thing as an overnight success. Brantley Foster took two weeks. THE SECRET OF MY- S uccess ■ ■ a HERBERT ROSS film ■ "THE SECRET OF MY SUCCESS” ■ HELEN SLATER ■ RICHARD JORDAN ■ MARGARET WHITTON ■ ■ screenplay by JIM CASHj JACK EPPS, JR, and AJ CAROTHERS ■ STORY by AJ CAROTHERS ■ music by DAVID FOSTER ■ a RASTAR production [pa ■ EXECUTIVE PRODUCER DAVID CHASMAN • PRODUCED and directed by HERBERT ROSS ■ A UNIVERSAL Picture OPENS APRIL 10TH Page 4 Clackamas Community