The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, March 04, 1987, Image 1

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By Dean Grey
I Panic. People running around
B mass hysteria trompling
Ihildren looking out for
Bemselves. In their horror they
Bause their own destruction. They
■urn buildings trying to destroy
Bn invading creature that has
Bowers greater than their
B This was the scene that H.G.
■ells set in a radio play, later
Biade into a movie, about some
Buterspace creatures that set out
B conquer the earth. That was
Bien and we thought it was a
Brce, but it’s happening again
Bght under our noses in Pauling
B If you will remember the
Beatures came in a round,
Blinderish type ship that had a
Bng neck extending out of the
Bp ending in a grotesque eye, an
Be that wrought death and
Bestruction in its wake.
■So what does this have to do
■th Pauling? Let me start at the
A couple of weeks ago a
ptany class was down at the
Last near Newport when, in the
idst of their studies, they came
reveal surprise
a protective covering called an
egg case or mermaid’s purse. The
egg case can be used to identify
what species of skate it came
The Raja Binoculata, as
adults, average 6 feet and can
weigh up to 200 pounds, some get
up to 8 feet in length. They have
practically no commercial value.
The wings are the only part used
and they are eaten primarily by
those other than North
From a total of six skates that
they started out with, there is
now only one left, the biggest.
If the class can raise the Skate to
a juvenile state, the Marine
Science Center, who have been
giving the class advise since the
capture, will take over the care
77ze above pictured skate is the last survivor of an invasion force discovered by the botany class.
of him.
The captive is being held in Pauling 141 and may 'be viewed freely.
The Science Center said that
Inside were two small embryos Skate embryos.
across two plastic “containers”.
it is difficult to raise the Skates
Not knowing exactly what they of some sort of ocean (space)
Raja binoculatus or Big Skate in captivity because little is
were, those who found them creature, later identified as belong to the order of Ra- known about duplicating the
brought them back to the rest of “Skates”. The two embreonic jiformes. Other members of this birth conditions.
the party. Bob Misely, the leader Skates made the trip home safely order are sawfish rays, electric
The Skates are being kept in
and instructor of the group, hav­ and were put into an aquarium.
rays, stingrays, eagle rays, manta an aquarium n Pauling 141 and
The next day in class Misely rays, and devil rays. There are is open for student and staff
ing a small inclination of what it
might be, but not totally sure, in­ directed the opening of the se­ about 11 species of Rajiformes viewing.
structed the students to open one cond “Egg Container” and off the pacific coast.
of them up.
found inside four more of the
The eggs of the rays are laid in
CCOSAC rallies în Roseburg
■Student representitives from
■lieges all around Oregon got
Kether at Roseburg to discuss
Bveral topics of importance. The
■oup of students known as
■immunity Colleges of Oregon
Budent Association and Com-
Bission (CCOSAC) held their
•nference Febuary 27 and 28.
Ke discussions featured topics
■ch as raffles, drawings and
■ch, and whether they should
■ legalized or not.
■CCOSAC is a little known
■oup of students that represent
■egon community colleges,
■ere is one representative from
Kh of the community colleges,
■tally from student govern-
Bent, that make up the Board of
Residents. The fourteen
■embers of the Board of
■esidents attend monthly
leetings that are held at a host
IThe COSAC function is an
[measurable effort to serve
Ldent interests. They ac-
Implish this through sharing
Iccess stories to infuse other
alleges with ideas for entertain-
ment, fund raising, and student
services on campus. At this time
in the legislative season there is
also a political ¿involvement
committee that is reponsible for
letting legislators know the
united concerns of community
A typical COS AC meeting
begns with roll call, approval of
minutes, distribution of writtten
reports of events from each col­
lege and approval of the agenda
(topics to be discussed)’
The February 27-28th
meeting was held in Roseburg at
Umpqua Community College.
The primary topics included:
discussion of supporting a bill
to legalize raffles and drawing
from school fund raising; stu­
dent health insurance; free legal
advisors on campus; and a
special report from the political
involvement committee (PIC)
team leader Ron Robbins.
The discussion of supporting
a “raffle bill” centered on one
student president’s account that
a casino nite event at her college
was “really successful”. At the
time of planning the event she
did not know that the bill which
legalizes some games (such as
the lottery) does not include
The PIC team was commis­
sioned to discuss the ammend-
ment with legislators.
The subject of student health
insurance was analyzed, with
Bill Baze of Linn-Benton Com­
munity College supporting a
united community college
policy which would supply low-
cost health insurance for
students who wanted it. He re­
quested the Board of Presidents
examine the need on their home
campuses and send him some
figures he could discuss with an
insurance company.
A request, by Chemeketa
Commumity College Senator
Tim Rogers, for information
from other community colleges
that have lawyers available for
students, brought about a
discussion of this service. The
Board of Presidents asked to be
informed on the outcome of this
A request for a $100 donation
for Jean Mooneyham, a Port­
land Community College lob­
byist, was discussed and ap-1
proved. The donation will help
to send her to a national
legislative conference held by
United States Student Associa­
tion (USSA) in Washington
D.C. USSA is a student
organization which, through a
united national effort of letter
writing, petitioning, and lobby­
ing lets the Senate and House
Budget Committee know the
needs of colleges and the effect
of finacial aid cuts. Her main
persuasion was that after speak­
ing to “some key officials in
Washington D.C.” she learned
that not one Northwest com­
munity College had been heard
from. She will be representing
all fourteen Oregon community
colleges and some Washington
community colleges also.
The Political Involvement
Committee activités was the
principal discussion topic. The
PIC team is comprised of team
leader Ron Robbins from Lane
C.C., Tim Rogers from
Chemeketa C.C., Mary Van
Agtmael from Linn-Benton
C.C.1, Mark Tomlin from Linn-
Benton, and Robyn Jenson
from Treaty Oak C.C.. They
are student lobbyists that repre­
sent all Oregon community col­
leges in the Salem legislature. In
Salem two or three times a week
they keep frack of any legisla­
tion that will affect community
colleges. Depending on
COSAC’s stance on the issue,
the lobbyists support or protest
the action through testimony in
front of the assembly, petition­
ing, and personal interviews
with state officials.
The PIC/Board of President’s
'debate centered on the feasibility
of holding a community college
rally in Salem to protest financial
aid cuts and/or inadequate fun­
ding. It would be sponsored by
COSAC and buses would be pro­
vided for students'without cars.
The idea for a rally was voted
down due to lack of funds, the
continued on p.2