The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 18, 1987, Page 8, Image 8

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on the
by Bret Hodgert
Design Editor '
We’re back again with more
reasons to party and celebrate.
Hopefully you used up all of last
week’s reasons. If you didn’t,
you may as well throw them out,
they aren’t any good anymore.
If some of these celebrations
seem like pretty lame exuses, they
are. It’s February, nothing ever
happens in February.
Wed. Feb. 18-
Today is Gambia’s Indepen­
dance day. It’s also the very first
day of the Oregon Shakspearean
Festival in Ashland. A road trip
south could be in order for this
one. Don’t be in too much of a
hurry though, the Festival goes
until October 26.
Thurs., Feb. 19
Look out, it’s Mardi Gras!
Time to put on your wildest
costumes and act outrageous.
This could very well be one of
America’s biggest parties of the
If you happen to be an
astronomer and feel you need
some reason to celebrate the , to­
day is the B-day of Nicolaus
Copernicus. Remember, he was
the one who told us that we go
around the sun and not visa ver­
by Bret Hodgert
Once again Sylvester Stallone
has hit the screen with muscles-a-
flex. “Over The Top,’’ his latest
release, rates better than any of
his previous macho roles follow­
ing the early ‘Rocky’ films.
Taking a step away from his
tough guy roles of Rambo and
Cobra, Stallone has created a
character that can not only beat
the hell out of the next guy, but
can also be a living and caring
When the film begins, Lincoln
Hawk (Stallone) suddenly ap­
pears in his twelve year old son’s
life. Having left Mike’s mother
shortly after the birth of the
child, Stallone and the boy
(David Mendenhall) have never
even seen each other.
Through out the rest of the
movie Stallone strives to win the
respect and love of his son. In the
process of doing so they both
teach each other a few lessons
about life. These are the films
good scenes.
by Bret Hodgert
Design Editor
Ever since birth
I was told
people are things
A thing is a noun.
Fri., Feb 20
If you were born between to­
day and March 20, rate the sign
of the fish. Today is the first day
of the astrological sign of Pisces.
I don’t know if any of you
remember ol’ Vic Atiyeh, but for
what it’s worth, today is his Bir­
thday. Hey cut that yawning.
Such as people
places and things,
a person is a thing.
Am I a noun?
Sat,. Feb 21
All right you guys and gals, are
you ready for this one? That’s
right, it’s the La Belle Swamp
Cabbage Festival. This is the day
that Florida residents let all hell
break loose and pay tribute to
their state tree, the cabbage palm.
If I am a person
I am a noun.
When I move
I must be a verb.
Sun., Feb 22
Today is the first day of the
Festival of Whales. From now
until March 16, Californians at
Dana Point Harbor will be
celebrating the migration of the
grey whales. Some people will use
just about anything for an exuse
to party.
On this great day way back in
1732, our first president was
bom. George Washington, born
on Feb. 22, died 67 years later in
Mon., Feb 23
It’s Guyana’s National Holi­
day. Guyana became a republic
on this day in 1970. I know
you’re excited, but remember
that this is February.
Tues., Feb 24
Party up, because it’s
Estonia’s Independence Day! If
you know what and where
Estonia is, you know a helluva
lot more than me.
Page 8
“Over The Top’’ also has a
cond plot. The plot in wli
Stallone struggles to be
world’s best at something. F
been the world’s best boxer, 1
been the world’s toughest s
and he’s been the world’s
cop. So, what’s left? .
what better way to pit n
against muscle than a
championship arm
tournament! Gimme a
what’s next, kick boxing or
I think we’re all just a little
tired of seeing Stallone prove t
he’s still a man. He needs to f
ve his acting ability and
role where he does sor
other than show dominance
the next guy.
“Over The Top” has b
good points and bad points.'
father/son relationship betw
Hawk and Mike shines throu
The arm wrestling side
something we’ve seen
again and again. We all
see something else.
Design Editor
A verb is an action,
a movement and force.
Verbs move,
nouns don’t
Am I a noun?
Am I a verb?
Am I a thing,
or a movement?
Since birth
I have been in action,
thinking and moving,
Even in sleep
my heart beats,
my lungs breathe,
and my mind dreams
I am always moving,
always living,
always an action,
always a verb.
I think
when I am dead
I will cease
to be a verb,
And finally be
a thing
in a place
a person
a noun
Wed., Feb 18
Here Comes Everybody
noon in C.C Mall
Thurs., Feb. 19
ASG meeting
noon in C.C. 101
Fri., Feb. 20
Christian Fellowship
noon in B-113
AA meeting
6:30 p.m. in B 151-153
Sat., Feb. 21
Basket Ball Playoffs
7:30 p.m. in gym
Homecoming dance
9 p.m.-l a.m. C.C. mall
Sun., Feb. 22
Open recreation
1-5 p.m. in gym
Mon., Feb. 23
Ski Ball
5-10 p.m.
Mt. Hood Meadows
18 Razorbacks at the Last Hur­
Caryl Mack Band at Eli’s
David Lindley at Key Largo
19 Dan Reed Network at Last
Hypertension at Eli’s
Rockin’ Razorbacks at Key
20 the Jackals at Pine Street
20 & 21 Cool’r at Last Hurrah
Hypertension and The Nerve at
Calvin Walker at Key Largo
22 Ritmo Tropical at Key Largo
Hypertension at Last Hurrah
23 Radio Silents at Last Hurrah
Terry Robb Band at Eli’s
Ed and the Boats at Key
24 Cool’r at Key Largo
Curtis Salgado and The Stilet­
tos at Last Hurrah
Terry Robb Band at Eli’s
25 Terry Robb Band at Eli’s
Razorbacks t Last Hurrah
Radio Silents at Key Largo
Clackamas Community