Photo Essay Portland seen in new light through the by Bret Hodgert Design Editor Photos by Bret Hodgert W. BURNSIDE W l Page 6 "g- On my way downtown to join David Falconer and the rest of my photo-journalism class on a field trip, I got to thinking: why pictures of Portland? How gray, drab and boring can you get? Catching my class at the Skid­ more Fountain, I mildly was sur­ prised to see what the morning sun did for the people and sculptures of downtown. I have been downtown numerous times, but I have never taken the time to notice the beauty and character residing there. Even though I was using black and white film, the color behind the scenes told their own story. I’m not quite familiar on how to use my camera as of yet. When I have learned, I plan on taking another trip downtown. The difference on how I used to see Portland and how I see it now, is the difference between seeing a room with the lights off and then again with the lights on.