Feature Costa Rica, Oregon partnered in program ¿OSTA «JX AMIGOS states. Costa Rica and Oregon were chosen to work together. This was done 'in 1964. Ever Bret Hodgert since then, they have been Design Editor , I Costa Rica, located down in working together and develop­ Central America,was discovered ing the program. The reason in 1502 by Christopher Columbus they were picked to work on his fourth voyage to the New together, is because of some of World. He named the place the geographical similarities and ‘ Costa Rica” or “Rich Coast” that their economies are fairly because of the lush vegetation and similar. Our country is basically the gold jewelry worn by the an agricultural country and, so it seems, is Oregon. We also Dative Indians. ■ This last week Clackamas have approximately the same Community College hosted a population, about 3.5 million. Did you get to go to any city presentation dealing with the lustoms and culture of Costa in Oregon? Right now there are students Rica. The presentation was put on by some of the exchange in Portand, there are students in students from there. Eugene, in Salem, in Spr­ ■ The following is an interview ingfield, and in Roseburg. We with three exchange students, are all over. Randall, Roberto, and Francisco, Did you get a choice of what who are involved with the pro­ dty you got to go to? Sam, and know from first hand No, you fill out an applica­ experience what Costa Rica is tion and from the basic infor­ really like. mation they try to find a family ■ So, where is Costa Rica? that will suit you and your in­ ■ It is located in Central terests. America. We are the southern What are some of the major ■tost country in Central America, differences you see between the exactly between Panama and people of Oregon and Costa Nicaragua. Rica? ■ What is this program you are Well, first of all, up here involved with? everything is advanced. ■ It’s a program that involves Everything is new and modern. high school students from Costa Family life is very different. Rica and Oregon. It involves We are a very small country, Students that are between the maybe one-fourth the size of ages of 16 and 18. We choose Oregon. So, when we go to a certain amounts of students to school or a university, we really come here and stay with two don’t have to leave our family. different host families. They We can stay with our families and Stay with one family in the city, we don’t look forward to leaving then they switch and stay with a them like a lot of American family in the country. The teenagers do. We have no reason Americans do the same in Costa to do so. Rica. Not everyone works. A lot of ■ The whole program is a part students don’t work so they may of Partners of the Americas. spend more time studying and This organization was founded doing other things. We get a lot by President Kennedy. It deals of support from our families and with several fields such as com­ parents. That, I think, is the big munity education, culture, difference. health and other different areas. Also there is a different feeling We are just one program of this of life, we are not in so much of a whole organization. hurry all the time. We do a lot of I Is Oregon the only state in­ things with the family. Our fami­ volved with this program? ly group is not just parents, it’s ■ Partners works this way: daughter and cousins and ■'hey assign a country ini Latin everybody, because it’s a real America to each one of the dose family. Everyone gets by Dean Grey Editor and February 11, 1987 together to celebrate, something you don’t see much of in America. What do you like least about America? Personally, I think it’s kind of hard to make friends. If I didn’t know you here, it would be hard because everyone keeps to themselves. We’ve noticed that people from smaller towns are more friendly than those from larger ones. We came here first five years ago as exchange students, now we are chaperones. We stayed in Springfield, and the first time in Tigard we noticed a big change, people were very, very friendly. The language also makes it hard to make friends and unders­ tand what they’re saying, especially when you want to tell them you would like to be friends. The language really does make a big difference. So you do run into language barriers? 06 RICA ORE CON I had a chance to study English when I came here five years ago, so it’s easier for me. It’s always a little hard, at least at the beginn­ ing. The first couple of weeks is really hard. For anyone who doesn’t have basic English, it’s really hard. Most of the problems happen because they can’t com­ municate sometimes, sometimes the families we live with don’t have a lot of patience. What do you miss most about Costa Rica? The weather. It’s our summer and we’re actually supposed to be on the beach right now. What kind of sports do you like to get involved in? In regards to the beach, I just began surfing about five years ago, other than that, the most popular sport is soccer. What do you do on a Costa Rican weekend? We can go to the beach, movies, and go dancing, among other things. Dancing is very EXHIBIT popular. Its something we grew up with,. This is a big dif­ ference. At your parties you sit around drinking and talking, where we mostly dance. What is the exhange pro­ grams main objective? I would say the objective of the program is you have the chance to meet all different kinds of people, live their lives, find out what they’re Eke and make an exhange of ideas. Also, to find out the differences bet­ ween the two cultures. Basically we get your T.V., your movies, and music, so America has a very big influence’ on us. The idea of the exhange program is to find out what it’s really like and what the difference is really like. Most people here don’t know much about our country. They don’t know where it is or what language we speak. Photos by Lyn Thompson Exchange students work at the information table during their presentation on Costa Rica Pag» 7