LOVE Noun space no place for love by Dean Grey Editor I’m young I know But even so I know a thing or two I learned from you I really learned a lot Really learned a lot Love is just a flame That burns you when it’s hot Love hurts Ooh Love hurts . -Nazareth- Great song...for all you self pitying fools. Great, but not quite accurate. To break this song down with one life rending stroke I must say it is not love that hurts, but feelings and love you will soon learn is not a feel­ ing. Beyond that it’s still a good song, especially the part about learning from the person you “love.” That’s where all these practiced marriages called rela­ tionships come into play. The first relationship usually goes something like this:(l) you date and get serious (2) you an­ nounce to others you’re in love (3) she does something you don’t like (4) you fight (5) you split What have you learned?- Well, you learned that you don’t have a date for Friday night. What else? The next time you’ll be more understanding and talk things out. One more learned that you didn’t love her because you don’t know what love is. Before I embarrass you fur­ ther, why don’t you tell me what happened to convince you that you were, so briefly, in love. Every time I’m with her my heart races, my hands sweat, and I get this feeling somewhere near my heart that tells me this is it. Oh, and how many times this year have you gotten this message? 27. So I thought. If you ask me, I would say you either have a case of heart burn, or you’ve been fooling with Love’s twin brother called Lust. Lust, unlike Love is a feeling. It’s a stirring of sexual desires caused by an attraction to another person. This attraction doesn’t even have to be on a first look basis, as the saying “all the girls get prettier at clos­ ing time” alludes to. There is one more type of lust attraction that the group “Journey” describes adequately. Those crazy nights I do remember In my youth I do recall Those were the best times Most of all... ...Those summer nights are callin’ Stoned in love Can’t help myself, I’m failin’ Stoned in love. This last one can be pretty scary waking up with in the mor­ ning. Now you know part of what isn’t love and what is. According to the Funk and Wagnalls Standard Dictionary, Love means ‘a strong, complex emotion or feeling causing one to PRESENTS TWO HOT ’N JUICY SAVINGS COUPONS. (WATCH THIS PAPER FOR MORE SAVINGS TO COME) "WE GOTTA’ REMEMBER TO LOOK EVERY DAY!" V ■'* 4 HOT ’N JUICY COUPONS. ITS MORE GOOD NEWS FROM WENDY’S. Valid only at participating Wendy’s. Please present coupon when ordering. One coupon per customer per visit. Not valid with any other offers. Cheese extra. Tax extra where applicable. offer good 2/11 to 2/17 What about those wonderfl feelings that always precedl love? Well those are just thal feelings. But they play their roll in the scheme of thing! Without these feelings we woulj never be tricked into the act 1 love, and remember, that’s nl sex. (i The feelings accompany lol as well as precede it, and serf as little reminders of why we al with this person in the fir! place, but they can also be vel dangerous and cause numeral relationships to end. Why? I The answer is simple, becaul people get them confused wil love. They get the feeling ail instantly love the persl because they mistake feelinl with love. Then, after a whill the feeling goes away, usual I not too far though. But f I enough for the people to thii [ love is gone. I Then they go through I separation period where th I see other people and have thl ever-valuable time to think, I the end of the week, or howe long, they decide to call off tl relationship. If they were I have spent some time with eal other after the week, they wo hi have found those feelings alii and kicking. hi Feelings will come and ga just like Spring. Lust will I mand fulfillment or dwind I away. Love, on the other haul is not a wishy washy emotion I hangup between Man ai I Woman. For the last time, it I dedication and commitment 0 that person even tough it m L damage our pride or ego; sat I thing. OOH 08' OOH 070 CHICKEN SANDWICH Now Only $1.69 the welfare of the other; devoted affection or attachment.” That’s probably the most anyone ever said in the way of defining love in one sitting. It also happens to be a crock of feces. Before I explain, I will give you the chance to stop reading at this point if you are going to believe everything written in a dic­ tionary. First, love is not, I repeat, not a noun. It is and always has been and action word. Why? Because love is an effectuation of a choice made by you, either conscious or subconscious, and not a state of mind or being. It should be in the verb place as in the statement: I love you. A perfect example of the proper form of a sentence contains love. We Americans are always put­ ting verbs into noun slots and then brainwashing everyone into believing it to be true. Why not do it with run. Why don’t we say I’m in run with you when we mean we want to jog with a partner, or express our feelings dealing with running. This, however, is not an im­ portant part and can easily be argued and made to appear con­ tradictory; the key word here is appear. I just want to point out the function of love is an action whether it occupies a noun space or a verb space. And this brings me to my se­ cond point. Love is an action. I’ve stated it several times because I want you to get used to the idea. Love is not something you fall into. That is a major fallacy. Love is a manifestation of a choice made by you to care BIG CLASSIC, REG. FRIES AND MED. SOFT DRINK Now Only $1.99 Valid only at participating Wendy’s. Please present coupon when ordering. One coupon per customer per visit. Not valid with any other offers. Cheese extra. Tax extra where applicable. offer good 2/11 to 2/17 Clackamas Community Colles