THE PRINT Clackamas Community College . Oregon City, OR 97045 November 19, 1986 Student success strategies: a group effort >y Alberta J. Roper itaff Writer The SSS is here! Students Suc­ cess Strategies is a monumental Tojip effort currently underway in campus working to insure the [Uccess of our students. I Jim Roberts, Assistant Dean >f students stated, “Student suc- gg has been indentified as an in- ititutional priority.” People allied when Roberts challenged, Participation and involvement rom all areas of the college is 'itical to the success of this isk.” t The combined talents of the tuuent Personnel Services (who tearheaded the project), faculty ivisors, and Student Success onference participants, joined trees to gather data, evaluate it, id Implement an “action plan” tr revision and improvement of ie current approach for insuring udent success. i About 30 community colleges ‘om throughout Oregon and Washington sent 160 staff mem- ;rs to attend Student Success Disability Strategies, the first Northwest Regional Conference of the Na­ tional Council of Student De­ velopment. An “idea paper” drafted by John Keyser, Clackamas College president, which had been dis­ tributed to conference attendees prior to the meeting, Addressed the key issues of access, assess­ ment, and intervention. “Student success has been identified as an institutional priority” The conference was planned and hosted by the Council of Stu­ dent Services Administrators, and was co-sponsored by the American College Testing Pro­ gram, the American Association of Community and Junior Col­ leges and the Oregon Department of Education. As a follow-up to the spring conference, Clackamas Comm­ unity College staff were invited on October 21 to “brainstorm” specific activities relating to ac­ cess, assessment, and interven­ tion. Nearly 80 people from Stud­ ent Personnel Services and in­ structional staff participated. The first task was to determine the meaning of success in regard to students. Bernie Nolan of Counseling gave this definition: “An opportunity for students to have the information and support to meet their particular goals.” In order to galvanize their ef­ forts, “Access,” “Assessment,” and “Intervention” were defin­ ed, and a working survey was created which grouped key con­ cerns for rating purposes. Those who rated it had two basic ques­ tions to consider, “How are we doing?” and “Does it contribute to student success?” The group’s working definition of “Access” throughout the pro­ ject has been the following: “Specific actions taken which are designed to inform people about the college’s programs and ser­ vices and increase the likelihood that eligible people will use the college’s programs and services.” Translated by Bernie Nolan, it merely addresses “how people get into the door.” (Story continued on page 7.) Bad weather openings reinstated Separate announcements will The College, this year, has decided to reinstate their past policy of late openings due to bad weather. In the event of bad weather, students can tune into various radio stations to deter­ mine whether the campus will be closed for the entire day, or mere­ ly opened late. College closure/late opening announcements can be heard on AM KGW (620), KEX (1190), KUPL (1330), KXL (750), KW- JJ (1080), and KMJK (1290). On FM the announcements will be made on KWJJ (101.9), KKRZ (100.3), KUPL (98.5), KCNR (97.1), KXL (95.5), KM- JK(106.7) and KKLW (103.3). still be made for day and night classes. The College, in addition to the radio announcements will post “College Closed” signs at each of the entrances and at the bus stop. Also, for the most up to date imformation, students can dial Code-A-Phone at 657-8400. The decision to reinstate late openings was made, according to College President John Keyser, to insure that the stud- - ents and taxpayers and students get what they pay for and to, “Make sure our schedule is as aligned as possible with other col­ leges that have late openings.” it does not stop life, it only increases the challenge K Alberta Roper jff writer Jandicapped-the very word irs [thoughts of a restricted Fe. It smacks of being less than tried in this age of “body- tautiful.” But once past these rst [impressions, we find in ose with supposed disablities, laljties to be envied. Two such dividuals here on campus are Knight and Clinton Lind- wTl knight works hard, robably harder than most, imsidering that he has only one g and half of one lung to work it hi Knight is active in student ')v®nment, as the Entertain- *en| Coordinator and hopes to main at the college long tough to help get everything orl^ng smoothly before he insfers to University of Ore- »n. Knight is a people person. As he puts it, “Trying to help every­’s a great challenge.” His warmth and empathy suit him well as a psychology major. His main area of interest is alcohol and chemical dependency in adolescents. He also hopes to work with people who have Alz­ heimer’s disease. Knight is no stranger to disease in his own body. In 1978 cancer cost him his leg. Then in 1980 he lost his left lung and half of the right lung. After his last lung surgery the doctors wanted Knight to take two years of chemotherapy. He’d already had one and a half years before that. Knight opted not to undergo the treatment which makes a patient very sick. He was confident that he was healed. In fact, the cancer has been clear since May 18, 1980- the day Mt. St. Helens erupted. “If I was going to die, I wanted to have fun first,” Knight said. However, the fun brought him close to another brush with death when he fell off his motor­ cycle on the freeway. He landed on his head. While an ambulance carried him off to emergency, police officers were frantically combing the brush for his leg. Finally, friends told them that Knight’s leg had been gone for years. Knight and his friend had a good laugh over that. Another life-threatening epi­ sode occurred when a 2000 lb. car, wheels removed, fell on him after the jack broke. Once again he was spared. Throughout his cancer ordeal, Knight had the encouragement of family and friends. They didn’t pity him, but acted as if nothing had happened. They let him do as much as he could, often telling him, “You can do it.” And do it he did-and does! In high school, he majored in avia­ tion. Knight took flying lessons in Sandy, and now has his student’s pilot license. He’s been active with the Mountaineering Club on campus. He water-skis summer and winter, and has tried snow skiing, but stays away from it for fear of breaking his one good leg. Each of these endeavors he started after the loss of his leg and lung. As Knight puts it, “They;_, seemed mope, of a challenge.” When asked about difficulties he encounters because of his han­ dicap,Knight spoke seriously;‘l have the most problem trying to make others aware that the body is only worth $3 worth of chemicals, but the soul and per­ sonality are priceless. It’s just a “Disability... doesn’t lie in the wheel­ chair; it lies in the person who can’t see beyond the wheelchair” Bill Knight leg; I’m still me; it’s what’s on the inside and not the outside that counts.” Knight called it a “miracle” that he survived the motorcycle accident. Looking back at the three lung surgeries, he recalled that his chances for survival were only about 20%. Yet two weeks later he walked across the stage to receive his High School diploma. “I had to make it-to live and receive my diploma,” Knight ' commented with emotion. “God has helped me out a lot,” he says. While Knight was a counselor with Camp Easter Seals, he adopted one of their slogans as part of his own philosophy-“Disability doesn’t lie in the wheelchair; it lies in the person who can’t see beyond the wheelchair.” Clinton Lindgren, a blind stu­ dent here on campus is described by Pete Senser, who has been Lindgren’s tutor and test proctor, as a person “who has a good sense of humor, and doesn’t seem to be hampered by his handicap.” Except for the first two months of his life, Lindgren has always been blind. Now a second year student at Clackamas, he faces challenges most students don’t think about. One such challenge is the Community Center. It has become an obstacle course main­ ly because the furniture is con­ stantly rearranged. Some stud­ ents leave soft drinks on the floor, which is a “mild annoy- ance” to Lindgren, especially when it winds up all over his shoes. One of his hobbies is music; he plays the guitar, piano, ukelele, and portable synthesizer. Rock and roll, classical, and jazz are among his favorites. As for coun­ try music, Lindgren remarks, “You can listen to a person cry­ ing in their beer just so long.” A man of adventure, Lindgren has taken swimming lessons, tried roller skating and ice skating, and even paddled a canoe. He was quick to mention that he wasn’t the one steering the canoe. (Continued on page 7)