I Inside: Neal vs. Norma Vol. XX, No. 3 THE PRINT Clackamas Community College Remember to vote Nov. 4 Oregon City, OR 97045 October 29, 1986 Parking fines SS no part of Rhapsody fuel student emergency funds by Alberta Roper Staff writer The coffers of the General Fund and Emergency Student Loan Fund are steadily increas­ ing thanks to the many students who persist in illegally parking throughout the campus- especially in Grove Circle. Violations range from students parking along yellow lines, parking on slant using tow spaces, or illegally occupying designated handicapped or visitor spots. Increased enrollment this term has created a parking space shortage in the Grove Cir­ cle lot which sevices McLoughlin and Randall Halls. But Stan Johnson, Chief of Public Safety, assured “There is sufficient parking throughout the campus.” Johnson pointed out “Parking Regulations” in the Student Handbook:“Lack of a readily available designated parking area is not an excuse for violation of any parking regula­ tion.” This translates to park­ ing in one of the other lots and walking a little farther to class. Johnson explained that the parking problem-mainly at Grove Circle-follows a definite pattern each term; the first week, lots are jammed because students, both day and night are working out financial aid pro­ blems, adding and dropping classes and locating classrooms. Johnson assured that during the first two weeks “we issue only warning citations, unless the car is parked in a designated han­ dicapped space.” The third week citations are issued. Students pay $3 per ticket-$5 if illegally parked in a handicap­ ped space. Fines are doubled if not paid in ten days. When students complain, Johnson quips, “God gives it and God takes it back.” In this case part of what was taken comes back to the students. Half the revenue from parking citations is placed in the Student Loan Fund. The other half goes to the General Fund. Money in the Student Loan Fund is for emergency situa­ tions and is disbursed by the Finacial Aid Office. Kathy Scheer, Financial Aid Coor­ dinator, clarified conditions for these emergency funds. They are available to returning students only, who must be in good standing and can’t owe tuition or fines. The maximum loan is $50 and loans aren’t available the first two or last two weeks of each term. “God gives it and God takes it back.” Asked what else he would like to convey to the student body, Johnson stressed that some students aren’t aware that he is a Reserve Police Officer and “can stop and give speeding tickets.” These viola tors are processed by the Oregon City Municipal Court. There are traffic problems at Clackamas-everything from il­ legal parking, four-wheelers driving up and over curbs and across the grass to speeding. During the period July 1, 1985 to June 30, 1986 Public Safety issued 1,033 parking citations. What will it take to decrease the citations this year? Lyn Thompson photo New ASG senators are, front row from left: Maria del Melayro Gonzalez, Amy Goodman, Jolienne Kippes, Lisa Frerk, Samantha Storm, Heather Wright, Marietta Anderson, Denise Camp; back row: Larry Levi, Kim Stardig. by Marie Stopplemoor The Gestapo-type men in black file into the community center, i encircle you and shout in unison “das submission is rejected” throw the manuscript at your feet and goose-step out of the center. Rhapsody is the arts/literature magazine of and for Clackamas Community College. Students, faculty, and even the community are encouraged to display their art for the enjoyment of the cam­ pus and as a valuable addition to their portfolio. Robin Anderson, art student, did not even know ofRhapsody’s existence after three years of at­ tending CCC. Ms. Anderson complained about the lack of publicity to her friends who in turn referred Robin to her favorite saying “Don’t complain unless you’re willing to do something about it”. After Robin accepted the editorship she began creating a format for the magazine and its management. Her three main goals are to make students aware of the publication , to use a wider variety of art to appeal to a larger audience, and let everyone know about the interesting, talented people at the college. The art going into Rhapsody will be “a little bit of everything” Lyn Thompson photo from short stories, drawings, poetry, photography, original lyrics/musical compositions, plays, satire, to anything you want to submit as art. As for publicity, the new editor depends on word-of-mouth, posters, and she has visited some arts and composition classes recruiting new talent. If interested in sharing your work it can be left at Trailer B (behind Randall Hall) or given directly to Robin who wears a “Rhapsody Editor” pin on campus. Deadline for work fe Dec 1. Submissions will be assessed by the appropriate departments tc impartially decide what will go in­ to the magazine. “A lot of people are good ‘artists’ and just don’ know it. This term alone there art 25 composition classes and since they have stories written anyway, they may as well submit them. The worst I can do is give it back to them”. No gestapo-men in­ volved. Facility available on campus Daycare a learning experience by Darla Durisch Contributing writer Many students may be unaware of a service that is available on campus to stud­ ents, The Campus Children’s Center.This facility is a private community day care center located near the college parking lot by the McLoughlin Building. Although this is not a campus- affiliated program, the college students are among their targeted customers. The center provides low-income child care for six month old infants up to children age six. Fees are on a sliding scale basis. Generally a prospective parent may expect to pay $1.50 an hour, which averages out to $212 a month for a full day ser­ vice. Once parents have enrolled their children, they are welcome to come and view classroom ac­ tivités. According to Janna Cook, director of the center, “We maintain an open-door policy.” The center has set aside an area for parents to view their children. Children are divided into three age groups: six months to two, two and a half to four, and four to six years. Each age has its own classroom with a teacher/child ratio of 10:1. Classrooms are divided into several fun areas including space for a theater, games and puzzles, art, and a house play area. From 12:30 until 3 pm is nap time for each child. If the child is unable to nap then he/she must spend the time on a quiet activity such as reading. Daily activities for each age group are similar, with the ex­ ception of infants, who require special care, such as,changing diapers and feeding. All ac­ tivities teachers prepare center on the development of each childs learning and social skills. The center stresses pre-math, writing and reading skills which will help the child transfer smoothly into first grade. “Every activity is a learning ex­ perience. Even holding a paint brush helps develop motor skills,” Cook said. Parents are given the option of setting-up feeding schedules for infants and must provide their food. Older children are fed by the center, based on a USDA Food Program similar to those at public schools. This en­ sures the parents that their children are receiving a nutri­ tionally sound diet. Other services the center pro- vides are summer programs for children six to twelve years old. It is primarily a recreational program geared towards work­ ing mothers who need summer child care. Also, the center maintains the Clackamas Fami­ ly and Child Care Information Service. This service helps parents locate preschools, fami­ ly resource agencies and home child care providers. This ser­ vice helps family oriented agen­ cies increase their contact with the public by increased publici­ ty- Originally in 1966, The Cam­ pus Children’s Center opened as a practicum lab for Clackamas student teachers. When the col­ lege dropped the teaching pro­ gram the lab area was taken over by the Oregon City Day Care Center and re-named to Campus Children’s Center. The agency is run by a volunteer board of directors consisting of parents and interested com­ munity members. Funds come from parent fees, United Way, donations, fund raisers and USDA child care nutrition pro­ gram. Anyone interested in the day care center can call 657-6683 for more information.