Entertainment ‘Shivaree,’ some real entertainment by Marie Stoppelmoor Staff Writer What do Jack Shields, belly­ dancing, and the pew television seasori have to do with the fall term play? “Shivaree,” by author William < Mastrosimone, is a comic drama about a young hemophiliac, Chandler(Rich Burroughs), trying to break out , of his lonely one room existence. much to the dismay of his over- protective cab driving mother.1 Scagg(David Gloden), the bare­ ly getting by street guy, tries to enliven Chandlers < existence with Laura(Deborah Hum- phrey), a professional girl. By ¡Shields», is very.enthused about now poor Chandler is having se­ this play,because of all the new cond thougths about experienc- performers -working together. in'g life un,til he meets His encouragement gave a Shivaree(Laura Mannen), a free ’ nuturing non-threatening àt- moshere to the audition. “I spirited belly dancer. , The extreme character, dif­ . want more ...more,” “wonder­ ferences between the bookwise ful” and bursts of applause are but naive Chandler and thé ex­ common sounds at his rehear­ perienced Shivaree create a sals. The play debuts Dec. 4, diverse and humorous, dialogùe. Laura Mannen, playing the 8p.m. in the McLoughlin Hall lead, will be taking private belly Theatre. What does the new dancing lessons from Azalea television season have to do Perera to learn the dance that with it? Well, by then the will frighten the “afreetes” reruns will start and you will be ready for some real entertain­ from Chandler. . The talented; djrectpr, Jack ment. Norm Says: “Welcome Back Returning And Hello New Students” Cafe Hours Mon-Thurs 7am-5pm Friday 7am-4pm Closed Saturday-Sunday We Feature Daily Specials Salad Bar Sandwich Bar Beverages Home Made Soup & Chowder AT FAR LUES? Grey Matter Pudding Hitchers: the ignored minority by Thad Kreisher Entertainment Editor Ah, the first issue is here. It’s always frightening putting out a first issue. New editor, new year, new advisor and new staff. You just never know what might hap­ pen. Well, at least I still get to keep my column. I suppose, it being a new year and all, that the standard in­ troductory paragraph is in-order. Don’t worry, I’ll belbrief. If you can read then vou already know it’s called Grey Matter Pudding. Sometimes it can be good and sometimes it’s just plain stupid, but it’s more of a column than you’ve got, so don’t complain. When I was little, I remember every time we passed a hitphiker, my mother would sav “Never pick up a hitchiker or you’ll get knif­ ed.” This, of course, is utter nonsense. Since that time I have done my share of hitchiking, and every time a-mother in acar with her child passes me by (women with children never stop), I swear I see her “mouth” the same thing. These last .three days, due to a slight brake failure, I was once again reduced to hitchiking as my major mode of transportation. I saw a lot of mothers with kids, pass by. Come on now moms, one day it could be your kid out there. Anyhow, the point is, even though hitchiking can be a pain imder popo, (as my German in­ structor would say). It can also be a very different experience for several defferent reasons. In today’s world, there is often little, time ..for thought (cliche’ I know, but please bear with me). Things tend tQ . move rather quickly. I rediscovered some­ thing' this weekend, that hitchik­ ing is great for the thought pro­ cess. It’s not really the most eff­ icient mode of transportation. Especially if you’ve got to get somewhere fast, but it is good for thinking. This is because a good ninety-eight percent of the people who pass you are under the im- ¡pression that in all likelihood, i you are a knife/wielding psycho­ path who spends his weekends butchering anyone who give you a ride. ’ Nothing, of course, could be farther from the truth. You just don’t butcher every Tom, Dick and Harry that picks you up. I mean, it’s, got to be the right per­ son. ' What I can’t stand are the hit- chikers that don’t utilize the international extended thumb sign. When picking up a hitcher, I always go by a rule of thumb: no thumb, no ride. The strange thing about hit­ ching is that young people never give you a ride. -The only people who ever give rides (generally speaking) are older working dass types. Everyone else is just too scared for some reason. But what the hell, I have more intell­ igent conversations in one day with people who give me rides than I do in a week with the aver­ age college student. I’d almost go as far as tri say that I get more practical knowledge from them also. But, unfortuately, they don’t give you a little white diploma for hitchiking, Something really ironic is that on Sunday, none of the people returning from church would give me a ride. Not that it’s necessary to pick up hitchikersfor salvation mind you, but I do recall’hearing something about charity and compassion somewhere in the Christian doctrine. But I suppose it’s o.k. to forget those things - when you’re in imminent danger of being knifed bya college stu­ dent with broken brakes, right? Oh, by the way, will the person who has the Queen Mary docked outside , of Student Publications please shove off. 1 . FREE PITCHER REFILL of your favorite softdrink... 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