News ASG supports Smucker Garden By Dave Holmes Editor-In-Chief In their Feb. 6 meeting, the Associated Student Govern­ ment passed a motion to sup­ port art instructor Les Tipton’s plan to convert the burned-out Smucker’s Building into a sculpture park and community gathering area. ASG President Daniel Hilts noted that an earlier session of the President’s Council, head­ ed by college president John Keyser, had also decided to support Tipton’s plan and ap­ proved it to go before the Col­ lege’s Board of Directors. Sen. William Short, of the Campus Use and Develop­ ment Committee, said the pro­ posal was a good one and urg­ ed ASG to pass it. After a bit more discussion the motion passed unanimously. Alsoin the meeting, changes to the ASG By-Laws concern­ ing voting rights and summer sessions were adopted. The changes limit the number of times ASG can meet during the summer to no more than four meetings a month. The sections dealing with voting rights clarifies officers duties after their term of office expires. Former officers will now be classified as senators and their duties will include helping new officers adjust to ASG operation. The By-Law changes passed 12-1 with two abstentions. A constitution submitted by the Mountaineering Club was turned down by ASG when unclear statements were found in the document that outlined what was to be done with club monies after the club disband­ ed. As the club constitution presently reads, all funds will default to the club’s advisor, music instructor Gary Nelson. Several ASG members, in­ cluding ASG Activities Direc­ tor Breck Jacobs, felt the dissolution clause was am­ biguous. The motion to ap­ prove the group’s constitution was tabled until the Feb. 13 College admission up 12 percent school graduates. Adams said the increase is The body count grows due to a 20 percent increase in larger. Fall term enrollment at the number of students in col­ the college has increased by 12 lege transfer courses, such as percent since last year. Accor­ business, writing, and accoun­ ding to Chuck Adams, admis­ ting. There is a reported 7 per­ sions director the rise in the cent rise in vocational pro­ total quota of students is the gram enrollment, and a whop­ largest increase in six years. ping 300 percent increase in The average age of students apprenticeship program enrolled at the College is 32 enrollment. years old, a figure that may An Oregon Department of soon have to be adjusted due Educaation survey has shown to the flow of incoming high- that approximately 50 percent By Wayne Carluk Staff Writer of Clackamas County high­ school students go onto col­ lege. About 30 percent of these students choose to enroll at Clackamas. “Our survey showed that the choices of those students not planning to attend Clackamas were divided among other colleges and universities, leaving Clackamas the number one choice over all,” said Assis­ tant Dean of Students Lee Fawcett. £><3<3<3<3 A Tues., Feb. 11 Beef Stew Wed., Feb. 12 Norm ’s Specials Chicken Chow Mein w/rice II Thurs., Feb. 13 Tacos $.65 ea. Fri., Feb. 14 Swiss Steak w/baked potato Mori., Feb. 17 Lasagna w/garlic bread Page 6 at your cafeteria $1.75 ASG meeting, which will be held in P-105 instead of CC-101. Popcorn will return to the Recreation Center, but with new precautions against hepatitis, said Sen. Neale Frothingham. “He (Dean Jim Roberts) said as long as we have something from the Health Department stating that they had no problem with us serv­ ing popcorn we could go ahead,” Frothingham said. He told the assemblage he had obtained a permit and that popcorn sales would com­ mence soon. Popcorn will not, however, be served at the Friday night movies. Jacobs said the movies would continue to be shown in the Community Center Mall, but that changes might be in the future. “We are contemplating shifting next term into the (McLoughlin) theatre. It’s possible and all of the dates are available,” Jacobs said. He felt that crowd control would be easier to maintain and that the theatre would provide a much nicer at­ mosphere in which to watch movies. Jacobs also noted that all activity progrmming had been completed through the month of March. College board meeting Feb. 12 By Amy Doane Staff Writer The upcoming Board of Education meeting scheduled forWednesday, February 12, at 7:30 p.m. in Barlow Hallwill in­ clude discussion on the proposed Administration Reorganiza­ tion, presented by President John Keyser. Keyser’s reorganization proposal converts a five dean plat­ form into a three dean platform. The Board will also consider the hiring a Life Science instruc­ tor. Chuck Scott will present abrief on the recommendation that the Board employ Robert R. Misley as a part-time instructor on a six month basis. Misley recently returned from a sabbatical in China where he taught English to medical professionals. The Board will consider awarding $26,690 to Nor-Pac systems, Inc. to cover the cost for two sections of telescoping bleachers, each 20 feet, 14 tiers, along with a portable power assist tractor and portable hydraulic dollies for transport of seating. Jim Roberts will be on hand to discuss the transferring of funds in order to purchase protective vests to be worn by college Public Safety personnel. Jim Roberts will also discuss the proposed 1986-87 calendar that needs to meet the approval of the Board. The Smuckers Sculpture Garden Proposal, which will be brought forth by Les Tipton, Jerry Herrmann, and Ric True, will be introduced to the Board as new business. The administration, in cooperation with the ELC, will draw up a contract document for the planned Sculpture Garden and outdoor activity area. Jim Painter will also supply the Board with new business on the College Emergency Plan. The plan will outline the steps to be taken in case of an emergency. Before the closing of the meeting, reports will be heard by the Board. Annette Andre will speak for CCCEA, Jim Edgington on behalf of the OACE; Daniel Hilts, president of ASG; and John Keyser is scheduled to give report. Clackamas Community College