The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 11, 1986, Page 3, Image 3

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    Shuttle tragedy overpublicized
By Thad Kreisher
Entertainment Editor
Scott Wyland
Staff Writer
Recently, as we’re sure you know, the space shuttle
Challenger exploded during lift off, killing all
aboard. Most people in the nation would agree that
this was a great tragedy and a time for national
mourning. We do not necessarily agree.
We agree that it was truly a sad event. Death is
always a sad event, yet it is a fact we must all live
with. However, it is also a fact that oft times we seem
to find it easy to ignore.That is, until it happens to
some heroic figure.
When this case, the hero wasn’t any of the other
six astronauts killed, but Christa McAuliffe.
We identified with Christa. She represented the
common person. So consequently, her death was like
a death in the family.
We will say with fair certainty that if the shuttle
would have exploded with merely trained, profes­
sional astronauts on board, the public reaction would
not have been so intense. After all, astronauts live
with risk. That’s part of their job.
Without Christa, the media might have given the
whole story maybe fifteen minutes coverage. We
would have been spared the hours of repeated explo­
sion footage, the speculations from NASA about the
causes, the apologies to save face, and most assured­
ly, the distastefully replayed Hollywood-style close­
up shots of the horrified Mcauliffe parents as they
watched their daughter disintegrate with the ill-fated
So across America, flags flew at half mast in honor
of the seven astronauts. The nation is shocked and
mourns their death. Letters pour in conveying con­
dolences both to Christa McAuliffe’s family and to
the school children whom she taught. But what’s as
lamentable as these deaths we’re mourning is the
hypocrisy being revealed in its entirety. We don’t
mean to condemn these actions. On the contrary, it is
extremely commendable and encouraging to see such
a wide spread expression of concern for our fellow
However, let us cite the fact that thousands of
Americans die every day just in auto accidents. Hun­
dreds at a time perish in airline disasters. Worse yet,
each day thousands will die of hunger in Africa, and
more in conflicts throughout Central America, the
Middle East, and Southeast Asia, as did 53,000 of
our Vietnam vets whom we didn’t honor for over a
decade. Across the face of the earth oppression,
famine and human rights atrocities run rampant.
Perhaps it seems that we paint a dark picture of
world events. We merely wish to point out that the
thousands who die each day are not just nameless
statistics. They are humans, many of whom die
deaths far worse than that experienced by the crew of
the Challenger, deaths just as tragic and untimely,
and certainly just as courageous. Why are the flags
not at half-mast for these victims? The answer is sim­
ple; because only the heros get the flags.
The shuttle explosion has been compared much
with the JFK shooting insofar as the public shock.
The reason for the shock is apparent. Like the JFK
shooting, it happened before America’s eyes on Na­
tional TV. It would seem that death must happen
spontaneously and unexpectedly during a telecast to
have any impact on us. Otherwise, it’s treated like a
distant concept happening to a distant somebody
To these writers, on a human scale, the shuttle ex­
plosion was nothing more than a glorified plane
crash. Like most plane crashes, it was an accident.
Unlike war and famine, it could not have been
prevented. We’re sorry they died, but we’re also
sorry for the thousands of others who die each day.
Calender of Events
To Skippy:
Some cars are red, some
cars are blue.
Your car is a toilet, but we still
love you.
Thumper and Bambi
To my Babzy:
To the bestest valentine
what I eber nude!!
Love, Skippy
To Bob:
Thanks for the grade. You
saved my life! Will you be my
Ju Ju
To Bobby Joe:
I’m in love with the vessel
the Potter’s creating you to
To Sarah:
Happy Valentine’s Day. I
love you.
February 11, 1986
To Mel:
There is a guy named Mel
Who most don’t know very
His help is so grand
Let’s all give a ,hand
To the man in A V who is swell
Your Fans
To John:
Roses are red, violets are
Valentine’s Day was designed
just for you. Just remember, if
you need any I.C. you know
where to come!
Love, Jill
To the cute guy who put in my
I kept the copy. Want to be
To Frank:
Happy Valentine’s Day.
Good luck at regionals. Love
ya Babes!
Continued on PAGE 5
Thursday, Feb. 13 “What You Don’t Know
This week, Feb. 10-14, is Sexual Awareness Can Hurt You,” a presentation on sexually
week, and is the subject of a series of ASG transmitted diseases will be conducted by public
health specialists, Robert and Marcie Gowan,
sponsored events.
Monday, Feb. 10 kicks off Sexual Awareness in P104 from noon to 1:00pm.
Friday, Feb. 14, we have the climax of Sexual
Week with “What Every Man Should Know
About Birth Control,” a presentation by Dr. Awareness Week, in which students will play
Ronald Powell in the Community Center’s ASG’s own version of “The Dating Game,”
small dining room, from 11:00 am to noon. with ASG Vice-President, Shawn Watterberg,
Also on Feb. 10 will be the Mr. and Mrs. Legs acting as host.
Come one, come all, to the Sadie Hawkins
contest from noon to 1:00 pm in the CC Mall.
Tuesday, Feb. 11, Sexual Awareness Week Dance. There will be a social hour from 8:00 to
continues with an open forum, “Dating in the 9:00 pm. The dance will begin at 9:00 pm and
Eighties,” with Student Program Specialist, last until 1:00am. Top 40 and Swing music will
Paul Kyllo, serving as moderator, in this ASG be performed live by “Swing Shift”. Cost is $3
version of “Town Hall.” Following the forum, single, and $5 couples.
which takes place at 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, Pat Feb. 19, Wednesday. James Hersch,
Krum and Erna Lewis, of the College’s nursing songwriter/guitarist/vocalist, will perform
department will speak on “What Every Woman from noon to 1:00pm in the CC Mall.
Should Know About Birth Control,” in the Feb. 21, Friday. The Family Night Movie will
be “Terminator.” There will be two showings.
small dining room from 1:00pm to 2:00 pm.
Wednesday, Feb. 12, we have the ASG/Red The first will be from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm in
Cross Blood Drive, which will be held in the McLoughlin Theatre, and the second from 7:00
Community Center from 9:00am to 2:00 pm. pm to 9:00 pm. will be held in the CC Mall.
Also on this date, a Red Cross spokesperson Feb. 26, Wednesday. ASG will hold an open
will' speak on AIDS, also in the Community forum with the student body in the Community
Center form noon to 1:00 pm.
Center from noon to 12:30pm.
Page 3