Sting film gives look backstage By Amy Doane Of The Print “Bring on the Night,” definitely brings out a “behind the scenes” look at Sting’s new band and the musically talented mastermind himself. Sting’s movie “Bring on the Night,” produced by David Manson and directed by Michael Apted, not only in­ volves Sting and his music, but also allows the audience to view his new band and the work that' went into Sting’s new album “Dream of the Blue Turtles.” The movie is filmed on loca­ tion in Paris, France and takes a look at Sting’s new band. What’s so wonderful about that? Nothing, really, except for the fact that Sting has taken rock music one step further by forming a band made up en­ tirely of black jazz musicians. The movie doesn’t have a need for a plot. It just lets the audience sit back and have a look at Sting doing what Sting does best: make music. It’s like watching someone put a puzzle together. Slowly, piece by piece, the puzzle takes Stuck for gift ideas? shape and after many trial- and-error sessions it all comes together. This is .what “Bring on the Night” portrays. Each of the band members are interviewed and each voices their opinion about the band. One major point that is questioned is why would a jazz musician want to set aside his work and mix his skills with rock music? One special twist in “Bring on the Night” touches on Sting’s ex-wife, Trudie Styler, and the birth of their son. The movie allows the viewer to see Sting as a warm, caring human being instead of a famous, im­ personal rock-star/actor, which adds a personal touch to the movie. “Bring on the Night” has humorous moments through the movie along with nice scenic shots of Paris, but most of all it contains good music. Sting obviously had a good time putting together this movie and the same would seem to go for the rest of the band. Do Your Christmas Shopping Holley involves students By Erik Conrad Staff Writer Although many teachers want to help students gain knowledge, few are truely able in the class. Cariota Holley, however, succeeds in this. She is a dedicated Spanish teacher; one person who is committed to teaching. Mrs. Holley gets students involved in the learning pro­ cess with a special style. “I try to involve them in the things I think would be relevant,”, she says. Her lessons are a blend of language and culture from both textbook and personal knowledge. “I tell them everything I know.” In addition to teaching Mrs. Holley has also taught in a foreign study program spon­ sored by the Center for Cross- Cultural Studies. A few years ago Mrs. Holley saw the need of community college students to study abroad. She feels there is a necessity for students to be immersed in the language and culture of a foreign coun­ try, whether they are beginners or experienced in the language. At this time, one other study abroad program has been add­ ed to the list, along with two other foreign work experience programs available to students at the College. Even though Mrs. Holley does teach Spanish, it is not that language which comes se­ cond nature to her--it is English. Havana, Cuba, is the place of her birth. Her reason for coming to the United States is that she received a scholarship to study at Birm­ ingham Southern College in Alabama. While in the U.S., she taught herself English—with a little help from her friends and classmates. “Anybody can do it,” she says, “if they try hard enough.” One of her favorite Spanish proverbs is: “Lo que mucho cuesta mucho vale,” which translates to, “That which costs much is worth much.” Mrs. Holley’s family con­ sists of her husband James and her son Stephen. She has been married for 30 years; the same length of time she has been teaching, she points out. Throughout her teaching career, she has taught every level of education, from elementary to college. On Campus Holiday Specials Dec. 9 through Dec. 23 *GRAB BAGS*DRAWING, DEC. 23, GIFTS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Open House Dec. 11 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Coffee and cookies provided Regular Hours 8 a.m. ■ 5 p.m. Store Hours: Finals Week, Dec. 16-19 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Dec. 12 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. CCC BOOKSTORE J: <7 ' r~^>\orth end ot Me Loughlin hall 657-8400 ext. k . jiiiiiiimwiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiik Page 6 In the fall of 1971, Mrs. Holley came to the College. Since then, she has taught Spanish classes in addition to being in charge of the Spanish language study abroad pro­ grams. When asked what makes teaching exciting for her, she responded, “my students.” She explains that every day her students are different, and that it is exciting for her “to see the light in their faces as they learn.” Mrs. Holley . maintains a bond with her students. She says that she is willing to give help to her students any time. The bonds she makes with her students are also long-lasting; even today she keeps in touch with students she has had in past years. Plays are ‘warm and caring * By Thad Kreisher Entertainment Editor Drama, drama, and more drama. In the light of their major production for this term “The Increased Difficulty of Concentration”, the Theatre Arts Department is presenting two one-act plays. The plays, “The Puppet Master” and “Ludlow Fair”, are set to run December 10 and 11 at noon, and December 12 at 7:30 p.m. in McLoughin Theatre. All performances are free. “Ludlow Fair” is to be directed by Joe Schenck, the man who assisted Jack Sheilds in directing “Increased Dif- ficuty.” Although this is Schenck’s first attempt at directing, he has a long list of credits including assistant director, stage manager, and actor,'' •' The play stars Diana Bauer and Leslie Roschelle. It’s about an evening with two girls discussing their problems, Mr. Right and life in general. “Ludkjw Fair” ran once before at the college in 1973. Then it was, in the words of Arts instructor Sheilds, “A great success,” as he hopes it will be now. Sheilds is also concidering booking the play around to area high schools for publicity. “The Puppet Master” is a “warm and caring play” directed by Marlese Baird, who ran sound for “Increased Difficulty”. According to Sheilds it’s about “a pair of puppets who find a touch of their humanity, but fear to get unstrung”. It stars Joe Schen­ ck and Leslie Thomas. Clackamas Community College