The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, November 19, 1985, Page 4, Image 4

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Asia, Outdoors hobbies
Keyser: The other side
By Loretta Carter
Staff Writer
You may find him deep in
the woods kneeling over a
campfire, or maybe running
the white-water rapids of an
area river. He is a man who
fills the role of the typical
Oregonian as well as the
typical executive. He is John
Keyser, the College’s new
president since July 1.
Keyser accepted the top
position at Clackamas after a
nationwide search, including
over .100 applicants, was nar­
rowed to him alone.
Keyser, 40, was vice-
president at Linn-Benton
Community College in Albany
prior to comming to
Clackamas, and from
1977-1982 he served as Dean
of Students Relations and
Research at Mt. Hood Com­
munity College in Gresham.
He held a position in the ad-
minstration at Western
Wyoming College, Mesa Col­
lege in Grande Junction, Col­
orado and at the University of
Colorado in Denver. Keyser
holds a PH.D (1975),MA
(1968),BA(1967), and a
Teaching Certificate (1968) all
from the University of Col­
Keyser got his start in life in
Ferdona, New York, a small
university town of about
10,000 residents. He now lives
in Wilsonville with his wife
Marilynne, a Portland accoun­
tant, and his two children,
Amber and Brandon.
Keyser developed his
athletic ability during his col­
lege years, and even had a
dream of becomming a basket­
ball star until a leg injury
brought his athletic career to a
“This was a very humbling
experience for me,” he said.
“I had to learn to cope with
life even though my dream was
John Keyser
Photo by Dan Wheeler
Keyser loves the outdoors,
he surrounds himself with
fishing rods, rafting and cam­
ping equipment. He said,“I
love to steelhead fish. I also
like drifting down the white
water rapids on rafts in eastern
Oregon.” He and his family
enjoy backpacking through
the wilderness on the Olympic
Peninsula.They could be call­
ed the Swiss Family Robinsons
of Oregon.
Keyser has a very strong in­
terest in books that deal with
college management and col­
lege adminstration. “Someday
I hope to write a book of my
own dealing with community
colleges.” he said.
Keyser also has an interest
in some of the famous and
well-known people of our
time. “I love to watch Jane
Fonda and Dustin Hoffman.
Their transitions they have
made in their lives are very
unique. Jane with her political
aspects and Hoffman for the
talented role changes he
does,” Keyser said. Political
figures such as John F. Ken­
nedy, Winston Churchill, and
Theodore Roosevelt are also a
few of his favorites.
Though he has accomplish­
ed much in his career, a couple
things beckon to Keyser to
follow. “Someday I would
like to go to South East Asia
and then travel around the
world. I’ve only been to
Hawaii and Canada. I want to
see other parts of the world,”
he said.
The State Police is offering
an opportunity for summer­
time employment for college
students through their park
and game cadet programs,
which are designed to supple­
ment the department during
periods of heavy tourism in
specific areas. The deadline
for applications to the pro­
gram is Nov. 30.
Students selected for the
park program are employed
from mid-June until the first
week of September. Their
duties consist of providing
protection to beaches and
parks along the Oregon coast
and other selected areas, as
well as to aid citizens in these
Those selected for the game
program are employed for
about the same time span as
the park cadets, with some
assignments extending into the
fall hunting season. Game
cadets will work with the
regular department personnel
in patrolling areas of high con­
centration activity in hunting
and fishing.
Pay for the first season
cadet is $1,098 per month,
while experienced cadets
receive $1,151 monthly. The
department supplies all
uniforms for the participants
in the program.
Applications can be obtain­
ed by interested parties by
caontacting the Oregon State
Police, General Headquarters,
107 Public Service Building,
Salem, 97310. Attention to the
training division should be
noted on the envelope.
School closure policy explained
As the weather turns ugly
and the temperature plum­
mets, President John Keyser
has issued guidelines and a list
of radio stations that should
be consulted for further in­
The bulletin says that in ad­
dition to the radio an­
nouncements, the College will
post “College Closed” signs at
both entrances to the campus,
and at the bus stop. If the Col­
lege is closed due to the
weather, it will remain closed
the entire day. There will be
no late openings. However,
the memo said that a separate
decision will be made regar­
ding the status of evening
The memo advises those
students who commute long
distances to call the college to
get the most up-to-date infor­
Red Cross Blood Drive
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 19
Fireside Lounge
A sign-up sheet is available in the ASG office and walk-ins are
Page 4
Applications due
Photo by Juan Callahan
The College’s new heating system is organized around a cen­
tral computer ‘brain’ that is able to conserve energy through
conservation and efficiency. The unit is supposed to heat rooms
only when students are present, based on a schedule that is
entered into the computer’s memory.
The College pays $4,400 a month over five years for the
Honeywell system.
Projected savings of the unit are $106,000 for the first two
years, said Paul Roeder, engineering supervisor. He said that
due to the efficiency of the system, the College has budgeted on­
ly $327,000 for electicity costs, up $28,000 from last year. This
minimal increase comes in spite of a 27 percent increase in elec­
tricity costs.
Clackamas Community College