JI I* a Arts Don Latarski group Campus clubs Diversity to entertain students By Amy Doane Of The Print To some students, nothing could be finer than an after­ noon spent listening to relax­ ing entertainment unless, of course, it was an afternoon spent listening to Don Latarski and his Jazz band. That op- protunity will present itself this Friday as Alcohol Awareness Week comes to a close. Events will be taking place throughout the week that will help inform the public about the dangers and problems of alcohol consumption. Don Latarski will be perfor­ ming during the last hour of a non-alcoholic “happy hour” that lasts from 11 a.m.-l p.m. What does jazz music have to do with Alcohol Awareness Week? Daniel Hilts, ASG president, said that jazz music tied in well with the happy hour and that it would compli­ ment it better than say Rock music. “I’m not saying that only Jazz music ties in well for the happy hour, but it does com­ pliment it well and Don Latar­ ski just happen to be available at the time,” Hilts noted. This will not be the first time Don Latarski and his band have played on the Col­ lege’s campus. Latarski played last year and the performance went over well. Latarski ’s repeat performance should be one worth viewing. Friday, October 25th at 12:00 is a date and time you will not want to miss. So make a note of it and catch it. Here’s to jazz music and Don Latarski. Bottom’s up! The Edge is dull By Thad Kreisher Of The Print “The Jagged Edge” might have been good if it had been a Monday Night Movie on Channel two and not a feature-length film. Unfor­ tunately, this is not the case. “The Jagged Edge” is not a film to see for action’s sake, for the sole reason that it dosen’t have any. And even though it boasts several big­ name stars, the acting wasn’t particularly stunning either. The movie is about Jack Forester, the editor of the San Francisco Times, who is por­ trayed by Jeff Bridges. Early on in the film his wife, Page Forester, is brutally raped and murdered in their weekend beach house. Forester however, recieves only a bump on the head from the assailant. Naturally, he is arrested and accused of her murder. Pro­ tecting Forester from the onslaught of public prosecutor Craszni, a character so ridiculously despicable that it’s unbelievable, is Meryl Streep. For a good hour the film in­ ches forward through Streep’s investigation of the crime and her seduction at the hands of Jack Forester. Both are very boring. Of course, included in October 22, 1985 this fun-filled hour are equally boring attempts at dramatic sub-plots and Streep’s conflict with the cold-blooded Craszni. I managed to stay awake through all this however, thinking that it had to get bet­ ter. Well, it did, but not much. The trial scene, while mildly entertaining, was far too cliche’. It reminded me of an old Perry Mason re-run with Streep as Mason. It has an old judge, a good-guy lawyer and a greedy bad-guy lawyer. It had twists, testimonies, and witnesses, all with something to hide. The only thing it lack­ ed was originality. In the end, Streep gets Forester aquitted only to find out later that he actually did it. Forester tries to murder her, and she ends up killing him. No one should have to pay five dollars to be bored for ninety minutes only to face the let down of such a predictable ending. “The Jagged Edge” uses an over-used, run down theme, and I do not recco- mend seeing it. If you want to be bored and disappointed, stay home and watch the Mon­ day Night Movie. At least that way you’ll save yourself five dollars. By Kathy Jones Of The Print is the key ing, then you will go far. The most common reason for club abandonment is lack of motivation. The key members of the club leave or graduate, and without their motivation force the club folds. So c’mon, get motivated, be someone, make yourself known, go out an join a club, and get involv­ ed. No experience is necessary, we have a professional coach to teach you everything you need to know about bowling, and, if you already know how to bowl, he can help you im­ prove your technique, and br­ ing your scores up. The bowling club meets once a week at Canby Bowl at 3 p.m. on Tuesdays. Bowling is great fun, whether you are a beginning or anexperienced bowler. We meet at the college, then car­ pool to Canby Bowl. If you are interested in joining us just sign up at the Student Ac­ tivities Office or contact club president Michael Wright at 656-9663 or club secretary Kathie Jones at 266-6309. Hmm....Let see..... Business Club, Ski Qub, Bowling Club, Drama Club, which one should I choose? In case you didn’t know, there is wide variety of clubs to choose from at the College. Everything from bowling and skiing, to Spanish Club and drama, plus everything in bet­ ween can be found here at the College for anyone who is in­ Do you like to have fun, terested in taking part. make new friends, and meet In an interview with ASG people? Then join the bowling Vice President Shawn Wat- dub. terberg, he tells me that “it If you’re a person who en­ takes motivated people with joys friendly competition, common interest to form a likes to have fun, and take club.” When I asked Shawn at part in a good source of excer- what time the majority of the cise, then the bowling club is clubs will begin forming, he for you. told me that “because of peo­ ple having to get adjusted to their classes, and becoming us­ ed to their schedules, it usually takes anywhere between 3 and 4 weeks into the school year for people to begin forming clubs.” I was interested as to what it takes to start a club, so going without our Razor Point marker pen over some information given He wrote beautifully and our "Better Ballpoint Pen”... to me by Shawn, I have found but imagine what he might hove written with them. that the first step to forming a club, is to find an advisor, who must be a member of the College staff. Secondly, you must submit the clubs con­ stitution to the ASG through its vice president. Third, it must go before the ASG for approval. Once approval is received, the club will be officially recognized by the College, and the ASG will allocated $50.00 to the club for expenses. The Student Activities Office will also help the club in flyer and poster making. While talking with Shawn, he told me “If You’ll want Pilot s Better Ballpoint You moy not be o Mark any one is interested in form­ Pen" as well. Its tungsten carbide Twom but with a Pilot Razor boll, held securely within a durable Point there’s no telling whdt you ing a club, I would be glad to stainless steel tip insures could do The Razor help them in any way.” - It ° non skip ink delivery Point's durable plastic Clubs are the life of the point conveys every , iWR and smooth write-out campus, in that they provide //ord in a smooth, thin - || Carbons? They re a breeze unbroken flow F xpress | .A because pt its uniquely opportunities for social in­ ribbed grip and there s no /our individual personality teraction outside of the z/itfi every stroke ’ II • < j wnrei s cramp; classroom. Clubs are also an Only 79’ Or.l/96* opportunity for reaching a goal and receiving personal pilot [PILOT] satisfaction. PILOT | THE BETTER The key word to forming or RAZOR POINT | PILOT | BALLPOINT joining a club is motivation. If marker pen you are a motivated person or group of people who are serious about what you are do- North end of Me Loughlin hall 657-8400 ext. 248 --------------------------------------- i Page 5 MARK TWAIN NEVER KNEW PILOT PEN. b? CCC BOOKSTORE