The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, May 15, 1985, Image 1

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Vol, XVIII, No. 24
Wednesday, ' May 15,1985
Student project involves College greenhouse
root zone only instead of the
whole plant. The root zone
will be kept at a relatively con­
stant temperature of 80
degrees, which helps the plants
to grow faster, and they will be
watered automatically. Water
will be transported from a
storage tank to the greenhouse
The project, which is ex­ through underground pipes.
pected to be completed the
“It’s a more efficient way of
week before finals, entails the using energy to get good, effi­
installation of solar panels cient growth,” Marshall said.
that contain a refrigeration
Randy Salisbury, a student
system. Jeff Marshall, thermal who has also been involved in
energy student and designer of the project, said it has given
the project, explained that thermal energy students an op­
when this refrigeration system portunity to sharpen their
goes through a phase change, skills. “It has given these guys
it is much more efficient in ab­ a real good chance at some
sorbing heat than with other hands-on (work),” he said.
similar solar panel systems.
The project is expected to
The heat that is absorbed cost around $10,000 overall,
will heat stored water, which and Salisbury said it will pay
in turn will be used to heat for itself in three to five years.
what is known as the root zone He added the project will also
of the plants in the propaga­ serve a useful purpose to local
tion beds. Marshall said it farmers as a display of the
takes less energy to heat the system used.
Thermal energy students at
Clackamas Community Col­
lege have been getting a chance
to put their skills to the test
lately through a project that
involves improving the growth
rate of plants in one of the
College’s greenhouses.
PROJECT PARTS-Installation of solar panels
(top) with refrigeration system will allow for
more efficient energy use needed to raise plants
in greenhouse (bottom). Water heated by energy
will be piped underground to greenhouse (see
ditch, bottom photo, left).
Two-year classified contract offered in negotiations
By Shelley Ball
Of The Print
The last meeting between
representatives of Clackamas
Community College’s ad­
ministration and classified
personnel resulted in an offer
of a two-year contract pro­
posal to the classified person­
The meeting, which was
held Monday, May 13, was
one of a series that have taken
place between the two
sides and was meant to ham­
mer out an agreement on a
classified contract for the
1985-86 school year.
Kevin Forney, co-president
of the Clackamas Community
College Association of
Classified Employees (CC-
CACE) and a member of the
classified negotiating team
said, “We’re pretty much in
agreement with the first year”
of the two-year contract pro­
College performing arts
center still good idea
Page 2
posal, but added there will
need to be more discussion
concerning the terms of the se­
cond year.
Both negotiating teams are
scheduled to meet next week to
continue the bargaining pro­
cess. Overall, both sides have
said the negotiations are going
smoothly. In March, both
sides exchanged contract pro­
posals. Forney said that was
the first time a direct exchange
of proposals has happened. In
the past, only one contract
proposal was submitted at a
time, and a response to the
proposal given before the
other side could submit its
negotiating teams will be
discussing involves a layoff
clause. Forney said the
classified negotiating team is
standing firm on their pro­
posal to allow any classified
members facing layoff to be
able to bump less senior
employees in another depart­
ment, rather than face
The clause could only be ex-
cerised when classified
members could stay inside
their divisions, however. He
added the administration is
also standing firm against such
a change in the current layoff
clause. The current layoff
clause does not allow such a
crossover of classified posi­
tions in different College
Runners compete in
Oldies but goodies
available at “Record
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