Monologue Sports reporting takes bad news with good By Rodney Fobert Sports Editor .1 would like to take this time to explain a little bit about what I do as sports editor of The Print, and also dispel a rumor which has cropped up recently. As sports editor, I try to find out what is happening in the sports department so that I can keep the readers informed about the College’s sports pro­ gram and athletic teams. It often goes beyond finding out if a team won or lost, however. I talk to the coaches and athletes who are directly involved in the College’s varie­ ty of sports events to get a first-hand view of the action. Talented athletes such as Rob Durkee, Terry Frison, Julie Siler and Joanne Ineman are just a few of the Clackamas athletes who, due to their hard work and deter­ mination, have become well- known to the sports fans of the College. Likewise, there are coaches such as Alan Knoop, Royce Kiser, Marilyn Wynia and Phil Garver, who help to shape these athletes and in doing so have gained the recognition they deserve. Now, if you’re still with me, you are probably wondering when I am going to explain about the rumor I mentioned in the first sentence. Not long ago, we, The Print staff, heard a rumor about the College’s baseball team which warranted some investigation. Like most rumors, we soon Community Corner found that the facts had been blown way out of proportion to what had actually occurred. According to what we had heard, six members of the baseball team were suspended for missing a practice. Because of the suspension, they had allegedly gotten drunk and were then arrested. In addi­ tion, the rumor included that Roeder used College funds to bail out the athletes. You can imagine our desire to get to the bottom of the such a story. Paul Roeder, head coach of the baseball team, took the time to meet with us to explain the incident. Roeder explained the truth was that six team members were to be suspended for one league double-header game because they missed a practice. By Fritz Wenzel I It is probably because I got a parking ticket today for staying over two hours in a space on a street few people drive on and is located in a part of town that makes even fewer want to stop that I write about ridiculous laws that govern our lives. It doesn’t take long to recognize that these laws that follow are strictly enforced, and some of them constitute cruel and unusual punishment: versation that he knew the old one had retired, So much for activism. PLAYING FOR KEEPS: You get your first hint that you may be a loser when you decide to start collecting baseball cards, so you go to the store and pick up a pack and all you get is checklists. You know you’re a winner when you can actually bite through the bubble gum that comes with the cards. CONWAY’S LAW: In any organization there will always be one person that knows what is going on. This person must be fired. FINSTER’S LAW: A closed mouth gathers no feet. MCCLEAN’S LAW OF DEBATE: Anything is possible if you don’t know what you are talking about. GLYME’S FORMULA FOR SUCCESS: The secret to success is sincerity. Once you can fake ■ that, you’ve got it made. MASON’S FIRST LAW OF SYNERGISM: The one day of your life that you would sell your soul for something, there is a glut of souls. A BITE OUT OF THE COMPETITION: If you look closely at the advertising on 82nd avenue as you pass the Burger King (my home away from home) restaurant near Town center, you will notice on the billboard that McDonald’s is urging you to keep on driving' another 1/4 mile. Won’t these guys ever get along? It is as bad as the Coke/Pepsi battle for the buck. , MUIR’S LAW OF ATTACHMENT: When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hit­ ched to everything else in the universe. THE SAUSAGE PRINCIPAL: People who love sausage and respect the law should never see either being made. POWER(?) WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE? Dan ¡Hilts, our newly-elected ASG president, who stressed political awareness in his campaign, did not even know who the president of our College was, or, for that matter, did not give a ; visible recognizable signal during a recent con­ Page 2 SEEN AND NOT HEARD: I have had it with those portable radio sets that people plug into their ears. Forget that they are destroying young America’s hearing so fast that the major growth industry 10 years from now will be television adapters for the hearing-impaired. And forget that they are the number-one driv­ ing hazard on the road today, (aside from teenage drivers themselves, that is). The people that wear them are the rudest people around. If I go to all the effort to say “hi” to someone as I pass them on the street, I deserve a response. My self-image is fragile enough as it is, without being treated like I was invisible. Let me put it to you this way: My friends ignore me because I deserve it. It isn’t fair when a total stranger can get away with it. In a completely separate inci­ dent, a member of the team was arrested for driving under the influence of intoxicants (DUII). He was released into the custody of Roeder and no College funds were used. During our meeting with Roeder, he refused to give the name of the team member who was arrested for DUII. However, since the arrest is a public record we were able to find out who it was, and while we could print his name, we feel it is unnecessary. What disturbs me about the whole incident is Roeder’s first words to the staff when we met with him. Roeder asked us, “Do you have anything against the sports department?” Since I am a sports fan as well as sports editor of The Print, I was more than a little surprised at Roeder’s ques­ tion. Getting the facts straight is an absolute must as a jour­ nalist. That includes the good as well as the bad things that happen in any situation. To assume that we were out to discredit the sports program just because we wanted to know the truth about a rumor is ridiculous. I feel that we have done ourbest to give our readers accurate and up-to- date information about everything, including sports, in the College environment. During the year we have covered not only inter­ collegiate sports, but also the intramural activities. In addi­ tion we have brought you features on some of the outstanding athletes of the College. In the sports pages of The Print, we strive to bring you, with words and pictures, the dedication, determination, and the winningspirit of the athletes of Clackamas Com­ munity College. The Print gladly accepts any letters to the editor. All letters are subject to editing and should not be libelous, obscene or false. Letters must be typed and double-spaced. It must be signed by the author and be accompanied by an address and phone number where he/she can be reached. THE PRINT aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic medium covering the campus community as thoroughly as possible. Opinions expressed in THE PRINT do not necessarily reflect those of the College administra­ tion, faculty, Associated Student Government or other members of THE PRINT staff. THE PRINT is a weekly publication distributed each Wednesday except for finals week. Clackamas Community College, 19600 S. Molalla Ave., Oregon City, Oregon 97045. Office: Trailer B; telephone 657-8400, ext. 309 Editor In Chief: Shelley Ball News Editor: Fritz Wenzel Arts Editor: D. Dietrich Sports Editor: Rodney Fobert Copy Editor: Fritz Wenzel Photo Editor: Joel Miller Advertising Manager: Bill Fergusson Staff Writers: J. Jason, Amy LaBare, Julie Miller Staff Photographers: Jeff Meek, Dan Wheeler Graphics Assistant: Han Tran Typesetter: Jacque deWaal Advisor: Dana Spielmann Clackamas Community College