The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, May 01, 1985, Image 8

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    Cougars issued losses in recent matches
chalked up their victory with
set scores of 6-3 6-3.
Although not yet showing a
Playing at the number-five
team victory, the Clackamas positions for the Cougars,
men’s tennis team has shown Steve Lewis was narrowly
some strong individual perfor­ defeated by his Evergreen op­
mances among team members. ponent in two sets by scores of
Coach Kathie Woods said, 6-7 4-6.
“We’ve all had wins, just not
On Monday, April 29, the
at the same time.” Woods also Cougars met with the team
rated their competition as “a from Blue Mountain Com­
little tougher than I thought munity College where they
they would be,” explaining suffered a loss of 8-1. Coach
that the schedule has pitted the Woods, however, pointed out
Cougars against mainly four- that the match was much
year college competition.
closer than the score might in­
On Friday, April 26, in a dicate, as the Cougar team
match against Evergreen State members were narrowly
College, the Cougars were beaten in many of the in­
defeated 3-6. Gaining wins for dividual matches.
At the number-three posi­
the Cougars during the en­
counter were Matt Smith, Tim tion, Mike Booth was the only
Marshall and the doubles team Cougar team member to post a
of Mike Miller and Mike victory in the match against
Blue Mountain. Booth beat his
Smith, playing the number- opponent narrowly in the first
four spot, took his opponent set with a 7-5 score, then aced
in two sets with scores of 6-3 the second set 6-0.
7-5. Marshall also won in two
At the number-two posi­
sets, at the number-six posi­ tion, Cougar Mike Miller put
tion, with scores of 7-6 7-5. up a good fight against his op­
The Cougar’s second doubles ponent, yet was narrowly edg­
team of Miller and Booth ed out 6-7 4-6. Matt Smith also
By Rodney Fobert
Of The Print
made his Blue Mountain op­
ponent sweat at the number-
four position, yet was defeated
3-6 6-7. Number six man, Tim
Marshall, took his match to
three sets before being
defeated by his opponent with
scores of 4-6 6-4 2-6.
For upcoming meets, the
Cougars travel to Linfield on
Wednesday, host Western
Oregon State College on
Thursday then travel to Green
River College on Friday.
Coach Woods pointed out that
Green River is ranked as the
toughest team in the Nor­
thwest Athletic Association of
Community Colleges. Woods
added, “All this competition
is good for us. It will help us to
Kiser signs new eager recruit
By Julie Miller
Of The Print
Recruiting for any college­
level athletic program is a full-
time job that doesn’t always
pay great dividends, but for
the men’s basketball coach
Royce Kiser, next fall is
already looking good. That
due mainly to the committ­
ment that 6-foot-2-inch
transfer student Mark Steger
has made to Clackamas for the
1985-86 season.
Steger graduated from
Jesuit High School in 1984 and
started his college career at
Warner Pacific, but he said
the college was just too small
good speed, he’s a good
jumper and he is an excellent
shooter. We think he is one of
our top recruits of the year.”
and that there wasn’t much of
Kiser also mentioned that
a social life there for him. He
then talked to Kiser and the Steger is an outstanding stu­
dent, which he considers to be
rest is history. Steger transfer­ of primary importance.
red to Clackamas at the start
As for his hopes and aspira­
of spring term and has already tions for the next basketball
signed up to play with the
season, Steger said he is look­
Cougar team next year.
ing forward to making the
Kiser, pleased with his new playoffs and winning the con­
transfer, said, “Mark’s an ference, as well as helping the
outstanding player. He has team overall.
a roomate?
a job?
a babysitter?
to sell?
but can’t afford an ad in The Orego­
nian? Try an ad in The Print classifieds.
They’re free to students and faculty.
Deadline: Monday noon preceding the next issue.
Ads run 2 weeks (unless renewed). For more infor­
mation call ext. 309 or stop by trailor B.
For sale
mote. Excellent temperment and
pedigree. Shots. $100. Cail
’71 HONDA-FUN, Good condi­
tion $150 635-8358.
1978 Datsun B210 hatchback for
sale. 64,000 miles. Asking $2,395.
Call 657-4939 eves.
CAMP TRAILER for sale: Used
one summer. Excellent condition,
sleeps six adults comfortably, easy
to set up. Pulls behind a small car
or pick-up truck, no licensing re­
quired. Gill Dianna, ext. 208 or
’66 BAJA-VW Runs great, new
brakes, clutch, tires. Moving must
sell. Call 635-8358.
1974 FORD F-100 P.V., V8, Auto
weeds battery and paint, $1,100.
Call 655-3394.
TAGGING THE RUNNER, Cougar catcher
Kevin Baker defends the plate against the
sliding baserunner in a game against Portland
State University at Civic Stadium. The watchful
pickup canopy, 8’ Camp Trailer
(excellent), antique (motorized)
sewing machine. Call 632-4084.
single fitness membership, worth
$195, now only $150 including
transfer fee. ext. 300 or 635-7004.
FOR SALE: 1977 Honda CR125M
Elsinore. Very low hours on rebuilt
engine, Mikuni carb., race ex­
haust, trick aluminum DG swing
arm, new fox stocks, excellent
tires, runs fast and looks great.
$425 obo. Call 678-1864.
eye of the homeplate umpire, however, saw that
the tag had.come too late and the runner was
called safe.
Photos by Joel Miller
FOR SALE: GUITAR, excellent
condition. $100. 632-7107.
19-INCH B/W RCA TV for sale:
Older model, but works good. $20.
Call Dianna, ext. 208 or 655-6681.
black graphite glass black max ten­
nis racket. Left under a T.V. by
the Audio Visual Dept. Monday
evening around 6 p.m. PLEASE
turn into Student Activities Office.
renters need 2-3 bdrm house in
Oregon City, Gladstone area. Apx
$200-250/mo. Neat, clean and
hard working. Will do home im­
provement, yard work, etc. No
pets. Call Trade at 632-4238.
special events, sports and home in­
surance call 655-3988.
MALE/FEMALE must be depen­
dable, SE Portland area, busline,
dose to shopping, minutes to
1-205. $160/mo., includes utls.
6306 SE Division or call 771-8538.