The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 27, 1985, Page 3, Image 3

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Sci. Dept. plans Malheur trip
College students. There is no
in ecology, geology i part of both trips will include Near
Malheur are the Dia-I
fee for the field trips, but
and environmental, history, viewing wild, exotic birds. He mond Craters and near!
registration is required and
Shirley Cressler and John explained that the Klamath Klamath are the Lava Lands. I
The science department at can be done through the
Snively, science instructors at Basin is the best place he Snively said these lava beds are I
knows of to view wild birds in a very good way to show!
Clackamas Community Col­ Counseling Department.
the College explained.
At Malheur room and board
lege is planning its annual
Snively said “students come their natural habitat. He nam­ students the geology and I
single-credit field trips to the in the dorms will be $37.25.
back so vitalized (from the ed bald eagles, swans, white history of the area.
i Malheur Environmental Field Students will camp at the
trip) that they want to go on pelicans, Ross’ Geese, snow
1 Station and the Klamath L Klamath Basin with a cost of
He added the emphasis of I
and learn. It gives them an geese and Canadian geese as
I Basin. The Klamath Basin trip $6 per tent. The cost of food
awareness of education.” some of the types of birds the trips are not to have fun, I
I is scheduled for May 2 will be divided among the par­
Because of this, he thinks i which students would be able but said students always dol
I through May 5. The Malheur ticipants.
have a lot of fun anyway.!
students should go on a field’ to see.
For the past 12 years the
Another important aspect Cressler said that spending]
I trip will be May 16 through
trip of this type before they
science department has plann­
I May 19.
of the trip will be studying the time with a group of new peo­
start school.
1 Both trips are open to all ed these field trips to educate
Snively added that a major lava beds near both locations. ple is always a fun experience?
By Amy LaBare
Of The Print
aging services
(continued from page one)
Field narrows in
Prexy search
do a lot of things, in achieving
the objectives.”
Shaffer explained that
sometimes she will “do off-
By Shelley Ball
the-wall things,” in helping
own presidential search
Of The Print
her students to stay in touch
screening committe beginning
with what’s going on around
Feb. 11. The committee met
them. Such orientation techni­
This Thursday, Feb. 28,
ques may involve Shaffer ask­
Clackamas Community Col­ again on Feb. 21 to select 10
ing impromptu questions
lege’s Board of Directors will final candidates, which are
about current events. For ex­
scheduled to be submitted to
ample, she said she might ask
be holding a special meeting to the Board Feb. 28. The Board
one student who the current
begin the final selection pro-
U.S. president is.
Through the years she has
will review the committee’s
cess of candidates for the posi­ recommendations and start to
taught nursing home residents,
tion of College president.
Shaffer said her outlook on
choose the final candidates
Out of the total 96 com-
teaching has changed. “When
I first started, I was very goal-
who will be invited to the Col­
pleted applications that were lege for personal interviews.
oriented. I felt it was necessary
turned in, 34 were chosen by a
to finish a project.”
Once the replacement for
In time, Shaffer said she
five-member pre-screening former president John Hakan-
came to realize that “the im­
committee that was arranged son is chosen a contract is ex­
portant thing wasn’t to finish
by Pat Fitzwater, the College’s pected to be offered April 1.
a product, but to build their
(students) self-esteem. To me
• presidential search consultant.
The new president will be of­
that has become the most im­
These 34 applications were ficially on campus to take
portant goal, ” she said.
then reviewed by the College’s
command July 1. )
“My philosophy has been to
keep them alert, interested and
to build up their self-esteem,”
Shaffer added. It is this
building up of self-esteem that
Crist considers an important
objective of the aging services
MEMBERS OF AN EXERCISE class sponsored by the Aging
• Busboys •Chambermaids •Service Station
program, as she said, “I think
Services Program at Sierra Vista Retirement Center keep in­
Attendants •Kitchen Help •Room Clerks
that all of us get a lot out of
flated balls moving.
Photo by Joel Miller
•Switch Board Operators * Etc., Etc.
achieving things.”
Shaffer added there is one
If you like the fun and excitement of working the summer for a NATIONAL
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however. She explained that
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she develops attachments to
her students, some of which
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have died while she was bet­
ween class terms. “You form
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attachments to people, and it’s
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she said.
Overall, though, Shaffer
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said she really enjoys what she
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is doing. “I get so much more
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back than what I give to them
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said. She added that she likes
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sharing her knowledge of art,
across from Bi-Mart
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and letting people know that it
Western Union
Summer Employment Guide 1985
is not so hard or mysterious in ..... ...... . .. .
working with art.
Page 3
Wednesday, February 27,-1985
1 I
Word processing