The Arts Speech team polishes up for national tournament By D. Dietrich Of The Print Next weekend will be a “final tune up” for the members of Clackamas Com­ munity College’s speech team, Coach Frank Harlow said. All four qualifying students for the national competition will be among their fellow forensic team members in the last real run-through before the March 31 beginning of the week-long tournament. The team has remained in good league standing throughout this year’s com­ petition and won a second place trophy for the communi­ ty college division, as well as third place in the overall catagory in their last tourna­ ment at Willamette Univer­ sity. Their competition con­ sisted of 22 two and four-year colleges from Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Mon­ tana. After the Linfield College tournament this coming weekend, the team will focus on polishing their perfor­ mances through the use of the video equipment at the College in the Audio Visual room. Coach Harlow said he con­ sidered the use of video equip­ ment “the difference between entering and winning.” The four members who will travel to the Hilton Hotel in Stockton, Calif, to compete with the nations best from over 100 colleges and univer­ sities will be Marty Yost, Lin­ da Kuntz, Jennifer Hanel and Heidi Mosier. Harlow will drive the members down in a school van, which he affectionately refers to as one of the “fine white wonders.” The group said they planned to do a bit of sightseeing in San Francisco either going to or coming from the competition. The traveling team will com­ pete primarily in catagories of interpretive speech. “We were Speech Coach Frank Harlow works with team nifer Hanel (front), in the audio-visual room, members Dawn Birch, Heidi Mosier and Jen' Photo by Joel Miller heavier on interp this year,” the upcoming competition? tournaments left in the year. Harlow said. Hanel will also “I’m confident enough with Portland Community College be competing with an infor­ the material I have. Not know­ will host a state championship mative speech on Ballet and ing the competition makes you meet and the College will maybe on A.D.S. (After Din­ nervous,” Heide Mosier said. feature the third annual Tom ner Speech). After the national competi­ McCall Invitational tourna­ Is the team nervous about tion there will be only two ment on May 5 and 6. Controversy colors erotic Prince concert By Julie Miller Of The Print People started standing in line around 4:30 p.m. Feb. 14. That is when I got there. Security said they would open things up at 5:30 p.m., so we thought we were just about on time. But, security being as on top of things as they are, were of course about two hours late. At 5 p.m. the picketers showed up and the media were on location interviewing fans and having a field day with the controversial concert. Even though there were quite a few picketers, (one even brought a huge cross), they were fairly civil and didn’t hesitate to listen to what the concert-goers had to say, and a few even asked ques­ tions. Some of the reasons they were picketing included that they believed the sex- related songs Prince is famous for help to exploit teenagers. One such sign said, “Teens need protection, not exploita­ tion!” At about 6:45 p.m. they finally opened the doors. The concert was set to start at eight. Wednesday, February 20, 1985 At 8:15 the lights dramatically went out and the screaming started. It was at a very high pitch and did not stop until the end of the con­ cert three hours later. Next, the beautiful Sheila E. arrived on stage saying, “Happy Valentine’s day to Washington.” Then she started to sing and play her drums. Shiela E. almost stole the show away from Prince, with her lighted drumsticks and fast-paced songs. For her final song she per­ formed “Glamorous Life” and held the audience in suspense with her lighted solo on the drums. When she left the stage the audience was screaming for more. But the lights came on and the crowd could be seen sweating up a storm. Not 15 minutes later, without warning, the lights went out and the crowd heard the sound of the voice they waited so long to hear. “My name is Prince and I’ve come to play with you.” The crowd went berserk! People were screaming Prince’s name over and over again. He began with “Let’s Go Crazy” and reminised with a couple of old songs, while dancing and prancing all across the stage. During the course of the show he changed clothes several times. He started out in red and went to his theme col­ ors, such as light purples, pinks and a pure white outfit for the song “I Would Die For U.” But he always ended up in just his pants and his lace shirt r opened all the way. After one song he playfully asked the crowd, “What are you looking at?” When he performed the fiery, sex-oriented “Darling Nikki” people truly started to go crazy. As expected he mov­ ed around the stage in the ex­ act way the picketers outside were trying to prohibit. The mood was very erotic and sen­ suous. Througout the concert Prince made statements like, “Do you mind if we just jam for a while? You don’t have anywhere to go, do you?” No one ever did. All in all, Prince moved you with his music and he touched your heart with his lyrics. C.C.C. Cafeteria - Special - Fish and Chips Reg...$1.85 This Week, Only $1.65 Offer good Feb. 20 through Feb. 26 Cafeteria located in community center building. Page 3