The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, January 30, 1985, Page 7, Image 7

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Clackamas eagers beat No. 1 Chemeketa
Terry Frison led the team
offense with 19 points and 10
rebounds. Tom Bolt had 10
Clackamas’ men’s basket­ points, Steve Hansen 12 points
ball team defeated formerly with 11 rebounds, Doug Coff­
undefeated Chemeketa in man 11 points and both Jerry
what Coach Royce Kiser called Olsen and Terry Newton add­
the perfect game Saturday ed eight.
‘ ‘At halftime • the Cougars
“We had to play perfect to led by three points, and when
beat this team and we did it! they went back in to play, they
This is thè same team that just seemed to take control
earlier had beaten us 84 to 69. and walk away with the game
This is one of the biggest vic­ while the other team just kind
tories we’ve had since I have of slacked off,” Coach Kiser
been here at Clackamas,” stated.
Kiser said.
“It was a rough game, they
Earlier in the week were fouling and pushing us
Clacamas’ team was prone to around, but it was the best
sickness and injury. Jeff game we have played all year.
Richards, a usual starter, had The kids played tough,” he
a temperature as high as 103° added.
the day before the Chemeketa
Kiser also commended the
game yet came out to play for teams cheering section, with
eight minutes. Roger Thomp­ special acknowledgements to
son, another starter, was out the baseball team, who he said
with a dislocated thumb, He attended the game in full force
could be out for the rest of the like a sixth man and seemed to
help pump up the team, who
in the end was ecstatic with
their victory.
Terry Frison, one of the
team’s leading scorers and re­
Young grapplers from third to bounders said, “We had a bad
eighth grade will have an op­ loss earlier at Linn-Benton.
portunity to pick up some tipis We went in there thinking we
and also compete Saturday,
Feb. 2 at Clackamas Com­
munity College’s Fourth An­
nual Junior Wrestling Tourna­
ment and Clinic.
Registration and weigh-ins
begin at 8:30 a.m. in Randall
Gym. A clinic will be con­
ducted from 9 - 10:15 a.m.
with wrestling set to begin at
10:30 a.m. There is a $3.50 en­
try fee per wrestler. •
Larry Owings, College assis­
tant wrestling coach and a
former three-time All
American wrestler at the
University of Washington will
teach proper wrestling styles
and techniques during the
Wrestlers will then be
bracketed in groups of four
within their age division, ac­
cording to their weight, and
each will wrestle round-robin
within their bracket.
Each wrestler must present
proof of age before com­
peting. All competitors will
receive participatory ribbons.
For more information, call
the Community Recreation
Office at 657-8400, ext. 211.
Terry Frison
By Julie Miller
Of The. Print •
Junior wrestling
clinic scheduled
Wednesday, January 30, 1985
COACH ROYCE KISER gives the Cougar College. The Cougars emerged victorious by a
team advice and encouragement during a time- score of 97-68.
out in the game against Portland Community
Photo by Joel Miller
were going to win and we made by Terry Frison and Jeff Frison had 21 points, Jeff
didn’t. We needed to win this Richards, who had 17 points, Richards 20 and Roger
game and we did. It was one of 13 rebounds and Frison 16 Thompson 19.
Coach Kiser said the team
the best games we have played points, 9 rebounds.
all season,” he added.
On Jan. 19, Clackamas has overall played good of­
Terry Newton, another pro­ played Linn-Benton, where fense, with good passing. He
minent figure on the team they didn’t fare as well. They also said that defense was pret­
said, “It was great! They lost 72 to 71. Jeff Richards led ty fair, with good rebounding.
(Chemeketa) were rated the scoring with 18 points and
“The first ten minutes of
number one, and we beat Roger Thompson led the team the PCC game was pretty
much a tie game and then we
with 13 rebounds.
Earlier, on Jan. 16
Last Wednesday the took over, broke it wide open
Clackamas played Lane Com­ Cougars beat Portland Com­ and took over!” he added.
munity and brought home a munity, here at Clackamas,
60-59 victory. Some of the with an outstanding score of Clackamas plays Mt. Hood in
highlights of that game were 97-68. In that game Terry Gresham at 8 p.m.
(or biscuit)
Only........... 990
On the menu starting
this thursday Jan. 31.
Cafeteria located in
Community Center
Served from 7 - 10:30 a.m.
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