The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, November 21, 1984, Page 6, Image 6

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    Reese receives help from fellow
By Shelly Ball
Of The Print
In order to enable him to
serve as interim president and
carry out his current job func­
tions simultaneously, Dean of
Instruction Lyle Reese will be
receiving help from fellow
Services and Planning Bill
Ryan will be on hand to assist
Reese in presidential duties as
“Basically, the deter­
minators that relate to elec­
tions, legal problems, things
that he (Ryan) would be more
appropriate to make a deter­
mination on than I would,”
Clackamas Community were some of the areas Reese
College’s Board recently said Ryan would assist him in.
designated Reese interim presi­ He added Ryan would be serv­
dent from January 1, 1985 un­ ing as the deputy clerk at all
til the end of June. Reese will College Board meetings.
assume the job functions of
As for the assistant deans,
current College President
John Hakanson when he Reese explained each will help
retires Dec. 31 and will serve him with instructional duties
until the new president arrives on a rotating basis for a period
of a month. “We’ll spread it
on campus in July.
(job duties) around quite a
Reese said he will receive bit,” he said.
help from the College’s four
When asked how he felt
assistant deans, who will take about being chosen interim
over some of his job duties as president, Reese said it was an
dean of instruction while he honor, although he added, “I
serves as the College president. think any one of the deans
Other deans, such as Ad­ could do this job.”
ministrative Dean of College
While serving as interim
president, Reese said some of
his major job functions will in­
clude acting as the clerk of the
College’s Board, as well as
working with the Board in
preparing the College’s budget
for next year.
“Going through the
budgeting process will be the
biggest challenge we’ll (Board)
face in the next few months,”
he said. In regards to the
budgeting process itself, Reese
said he feels comfortable
working with budgets because
of his background experience
in business administration.
This budgeting process is ex­
pected to be much easier with
the defeat of Ballot Measure 2,
the property tax limitation
proposal, at the polls Nov. 6.
Reese explained that had the
measure passed, the College’s
Such decisions would have
Board would have had to
included setting a direction for
make immediate decisions
the College by determining the
concerning the future of the
degree of comprehensiveness
College holds food drive
By J. Jason
Of The Print
Developed to help students
in need at Clackamas Com­
munity College, the second an­
nual Student Food Drive
begins Nov. 21 and runs
through Dec. 3.
Sponsored by concerned
staff members, the Associated
Student Government (ASG)
and the Clackamas Communi­
ty College Foundation, food
cans will be collected by plac­
ing boxes and barrels in
strategic locations on campus
that are easily accessible to
“We’re seeking contribu­
tions of purchased food goods
in cans and boxes,” Betsy
Crist, Community Education
Specialist and involved staff
member said. The cans will be
distributed to those in need on
Dec. 10 and 11 and holiday
food baskets will also be
Students in need of the con­
tributions can apply by filling
out a form at the Career
Development and Placement
Center located in the Com­
munity Center. There will be a
few basic questions asked on
the forms, for example, to
determine the specific needs of
the applicants and their
Crist said, the goal for the
drive “is to meet all the needs
of the applicants.”
The “salad bar” special
Only 9c an ounce
Offer good Nov. 21 through Nov. 27
‘Cafeteria located in community center building.
Clackamas Community College
vr.: A
Photo by M. Ekholm
to be maintained, since the
College would have been
operating with nearly a $3
million cut in funds, Reese
Water problem compounded
CCC Cafeteria
by bacteria in sediment
(Continued from page one)
from the south fork of the
Clackamas River to the
Oregon City hilltop area.
“The problem was com­
pounded when the bacteria got
into the big (16 inch) line going
to the College and settled into
the new sediment washed into
the system upstream,” a
spokesperson for the Oregon
City Street and Water Depart­
ment explained. “There is so
little pressure in the line that
sediment builds up pretty fast.
Then the chlorine just washes
right over the top of the sedi­
ment and bypasses the
bacteria, too,” he added.
The spokesperson, who ask­
ed not to be identified, said
another reason the problem
exists is that the line to the
College ends in a dead end,
which severly limits circula­
tion. “Circulation is vital to
cleanliness,” he added.
Culver said Monday “the ci­
ty water department has flush­
ed the lines, and the recent
tests indicate everything is
satisfactory now.
“The hilltop area receives
water that comes from a filter
plant at the bottom of the hill
when this sort of problem oc-
curs,” he added. He continued
to explain that because the
filter plant line connects with
the mountain line before it
reaches the College, the
bacteria had to be flushed out,
to avoid potentially bad water
coming from the tap. “We are
having the city monitor the
water more closely in the
future than before, so this pro­
blem can be minimized,” he
The mountain line will be
phased out altogether by the
end of march 1985, unless a
six-month extension that the
city requested is approved.
Culver said “a dependable
source of clean water must be
found” by the city.
Using the current filter plant
system on a permanent basis is
out of the question because of
the enormous costs involved.
A 1981 estimate placed the
cost of electricity alone to
power the pumps to get the
water up the hill at $300 per
day, Culver said. “I’m sure
it’s a lot more now,” he add­
When asked what the pro­
spects were for this problem’s
recurrence, Culver said “it is
likely to happen again
throughout the winter and into
the early spring, especially.”
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