The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, November 21, 1984, Page 3, Image 3

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    Koopman sees new position as opportunity
to have positive effecton community. College
Koopman, 29, replaces
former College Public Infor­
mation Specialist Anne
Tongue in what has become an
expanded version of her
original job. He explained that
his position is designed to be
more visible, and he plans on
meeting people instead of just
talking to them on the phone.
“I see my role as an oppor­
tunity to have a positive effect
on the community through
promoting the College,” he
Another new element in
Koopman’s job will be his
coverage of College sports as a
sports information director,
which he said will make him
“sort of a middleman between
KEN KOOPMAN, NEW Community Relations Specialist
gathers information from Shirley Leniger, nursing department
Photo by Joel Miller
By Shelley Ball
Of The Print
When it comes to alerting
the community about events
happening at Clackamas Com­
munity College, new Com­
munity Relations Specialist
Ken Koopman is using a varie­
ty of methods.
In addition to sending the
traditional weekly packets of
events information (photos
will now be included) to the
local media, Koopman ven­
tures out of his office, located
in Clairmont Hall’s Public In­
formation Office (PIO) to ac­
tively cover campus events by
taking photographs and
gathering information.
the Athletic Department and
sports reporters,” the goal be­
ing to “get more ink for the
(college’s) sports programs.”
Koopman started working
at the college in October after
his application was selected
out of the total 97 turned in.
Of these applications, 15 can­
didates were chosen for inter­
views, which were then nar­
rowed down to three before
Koopman was chosen.
“I was happy to be one of
the 15 interviewed,” he said,
adding, “I’m excited about
the job- I really felt that this ed him when Koopman told
job was for me.”
him he was one of the can­
A graduate of the University didates he would be interview­
of Oregon, Koopman majored
in journalism. His first profes­
“It was very convenient to
sional newspaper job was with
get to meet Kevin McMurdo,”
the Del Norte Triplicate in he said, although he added the
Crescent City, Calif., where he meeting had no bearing on his
worked as a sports editor and
getting the job.
covering school beats. Koop­
After working as a profes­
man then worked as a city sional reporter for two years,
government reporter for the Koopman said he is looking to
Cottage Grove Sentinel for broaden his journalistic career
nearly two years before com­ through public relations. He
ing to Oregon City to live.
explained he does not want to
It was when Koopman was be limited to newspaper jour­
making a living as a freelance nalism only and this job will
writer for The Oregonian by allow him to be more creative
covering the Oregon City area in his writing. “I don’t have to
that he first heard of the Col­ follow that hard-hitting repor­
lege’s community relations ting style,” he said.
opening. In fact, Koopman
Other activities for Koop­
said he had covered some of man include taking time to
the college’s Board meetings make contacts on campus and
for The Oregonian, which encouraging people to call him
helped him to get an idea of with information. “I’m look­
how the college operated.
ing for story ideas,” he said.
During the time when Koop­
Regarding his first impres­
man was one of the 15 can­ sion of the College, Koopman
didates to be interviewed for said, “I feel a good relation­
the job, he was covering a col­ ship with everybody develop­
lege Board meeting at which ing.” He added he is impress­
Director of Community Rela­ ed with the various services the
tions Kevin McMurdo was
College provides. “The Col­
present. Koopman said he in­ lege provides a lot of oppor­
troduced himself to McMur­ tunities for students here,” he
do, and subsequently surpris­ said.
Handicapped Center, counseling merge temproarily
By Shelley Davis
Of The Print
“It could be an half-time
person, three quarter time per­
son, who knows? That has not
yet been determined, ” said
Because of a personnel
change, on Nov. 1, the Han­
dicapped Resource Center at
Clackamas Community Col­ Dave
lege temporarily became part counselor/coordinator for
Handicapped Resource Ser­
of the counseling department.
When a part-time counsel­ vices.
ing position opened, Han-
“The whole thing is kind-of
dicapped/Veterans Specialist confusing right now,” Derr
Debra Derr applied and was
eventually chosen. She then said. “I’m happy with my
put in her resignation for the change because it’s what I’ve
position. wanted to do and been trained
“Basically, it was so that I can to do. But I’m also unhappy
work in the field that I was because I’m not working with
trained in,” Derr said. “I am the special kids that I’ve been
interested in being in counsel­ working with for five years.”
Although there is change
ing because I have been train­
ed and have my degree in that taking place in the staff of the
area. The specialist was not center, “work study help is
really part of counseling,” she- available to assist the need to
handicapped students,” said
The Handicapped Center, Campbell. “People who are
Veteran’s Center, and counsel­ interested in notetakers or
ing are all a part of Student
Support Services. Derr’s jump auxilary aids should contact
to counseling left a position me here at the counseling
open at the Handicapped department,” he added.
Resource Center, which has “Handicapped students who
not yet been filled. The posi­ are not being assisted and
tion is still open so that it’s want to investigate possible
necessity can be evaluated.
help should contact me also.”
Page 3
Photo by Jeff Meek
Davis pose for photo with Dave Camp­
bell, counselor/coordinator for Han­
dicapped Resource Services. Campbell is
a temporary replacement for Debbie Derr
who is currently working part-time as a
counselor at the College.
Wednesday, November 21,1984