The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 17, 1984, Page 3, Image 3

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    Free medical advice available
to registered students
By Heather Wright
Of The Print
Students at Clackamas
Community College can
receive free medical help from
two adult nurse practitioners
and a doctor. Pat Krumm and
Erna Lewis will be available
for students one day a week,
while Dr. Powell will visit the
College on Thursdays.
Krumm and Lewis will pro­
vide help for students who
need physicals, gynecological
exams, or for those with sore
throats, minor sprains and
other medical problems.
According to Krumm and
Lewis, adult nurse practi­
tioners have more training and
schooling than registered
nurses but not as much train­
ing as a doctor .
Krumm has been teaching in
the nursing department at the
College for 11 years. “I feel
there is a real need for this
program. We are starting with
limited utilization, but
hopefully we will eventually
have more expansion,”
Krumm said.
Lewis started teaching at the
College in 1976 and was on a
full contract in 1977. Lewis
also works as a nursing in­
Suzy Alexander has been the
full-time secretary for the
Health Services Department
and Student Publications for
three years. “By having two
people to confer with instead
on one I feel we can provide
better care for the students,”
Alexander said.
Paula Vinecore is the new
tionist/secretary for the health
services. She joined the Col­
lege two weeks ago. Vinecore
feels the Wellness Resource
Center is a great addition to
the Health Services Depart­
In case of a medical
emergency, health services
follows specific emergency
procedures. Alexander is cer­
tified in first aid and CPR.
The Health Services Center
is located in trailer A near
Randall Hall. The hours are
Monday through Friday from
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lewis is
available Tuesdays from 10 to
12 p.m. and Krumm is
avialable Wednesdays from 11
a.m. to 1 p.m. and Dr. Powell
is on campus Thursdays from SORE THROAT? Erna Lewis (left) and Pat Krumm are ready
8 to 10 a.m. Appointments can to receive all those ailing in the Health Trailer near Randall Hall.
be made from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
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bility of the applicant.
Page 3
Wednesday, October 17,1984
Colors by Munse