SPRINT Qackamas Community College_________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Wednesday, October 17,1984 Local fundraiser helps combat Measure 2 Clackamas Community College , is once again gearing up to campaign against another property tax limita­ tion measure. This Friday, Oct. 19, a local fundraiser will be held to raise money to buy television time for ads oppos­ ing Ballot Measure 2, Bob Ellis, dean of community education, said. The fundraiser is being sponsored by the Committee to Support Community Ser­ vices (CSCS) and will be held at the Oregon City Armory from 4-9 p.m. Tickets were available Oct. 1, and cost $5 each. Ellis explained CSCS represents Clackamas County, and it is working in conjunc­ tion with the Oregon Commit­ tee, which is the statewide committee involved in defeating Ballot Measure 2. The Oregon Education Association (OEA) is also in­ volved in campaigning against the measure. Ballot Measure 2 is a pro­ perty tax measure designed to limit the rates of annual pro­ perty taxes to 1/2 percent, or $15 per $1,000 of assessed pro­ perty value. The major activities for the College’s campaign at this point include rounding up volunteers to go canvassing, and seeking contributions. “We’re (College) trying to get people to participate,” Ellis said. Canvassing is scheduled to take place Oct. 27-28 and Nov. 3-4. In regards to the cam­ paigning effort the College put out to defeat Ballot Measure 3 in 1982, Ellis said the canvass­ ing played a major role in the success of that campaign. Campaign goals include the ability to raise at least $20,000, possibly more, in order to help pay for television advertising. Ellis said $20,000 was raised back in 1982, not counting in­ dustrial contributions. He also said television time has been reserved and is awaiting pay­ ment. Overall, Ellis said the spirit among campaign members was one of optimism, and he added that once the public is aware of all the consequences of Ballot Measure 2, it should be defeated. “It really is a difficult measure; it takes time to know. But once you have a well-informed group at the polls the chances of it being Anyone interested in volunteering time to the cam­ paign against Ballot Measure 2 can talk to either Ellis at ext. 408, Shirley Cressler, who is organizing the faculty, at ext. 376, or Kevin Forney classified staff organizer a ext. 502. Ellis said he is work­ ing with the administrative group at the College. Enrollment declines further to 10 percent Figures tabulated for the first two weeks of classes at Clackamas Community Col­ lege show a projected drop in student enrollment of approx- 'imately 10 percent, according to Charles Adams, director of admissions and records. Enrollment numbers total 4,830 students as opposed to 5,400 this time last year. “I don’t want to paint a ‘doom and gloom’ picture in the minds of the public,” Adams said. “There is no real problem now.” He also said, however, that if enrollment continues to decline in the future some of the currently offered classes may have to be cancelled. college athletes and coaches gathered for a roast beef dinner Tuesday night in the College defeated are greater,” Ellis said. In regards to possible reasons for the drop in enroll­ ment, Adams said, “Basically fall, winter, and spring term sports events, Photo by Joel Miller it is economics. We (College) have a lot of good instruc­ tional programs and quality teachers, but people are star­ ting to really take second looks at how they spend their money. “People who are working aren’t going to be able to just quit their jobs and go to school. The jobs, they fear, won’t be there when they get back,” he added. Another reason Adams gave . for the decline in enrollment was private funding. “Money’s tight,” he said. “There is a lack oT funding in the agencies that sponsor students for training.” When breaking down the actual statistics, Adams ex­ plained that 45 percent of the students are in transfer pro­ grams, 38 percent are in oc­ cupational programs and the rest are involved in general self-improvement courses. Laugh Clinic prescribes humor for health By Shelley Ball Of The Print The magazine Reader’s Digest is famous for coining the phrase “laughter is the best medicine.” The idea humor is medically beneficial has become more than just an adage however. It’s a reality. Using humor to reduce stress and cope with tension are two of the many concepts that will be taught at the Laugh Clinic, a newly-formed organization that will be holding a series of two-hour sessions at Clackamas Com­ munity College. The first in­ troductory session was held last night. “Our (clinic’s) basic premise is people can learn how to develop and use their sense of humor for productive purposes, ’ ’ Carol Petersen, College health and PE instruc­ tor, said. Petersen will be the main person leading the clinic sessions. Other guest leaders or members of the clinic include famous lecturer and speaker Dr. Lendon H. Smith; Joseph Patrick Lee, clinic founder; Jerry Parrick, president of Parrick*Milpacher, Inc; E. T. (Cy) Eberhart, director of chaplain services at Salem Hospital; and Mayor of Oregon City Ronald D. Thom. Besides teaching people how to use humor as an alternative to stress, Petersen said humor has been scientifically proven to change the body’s chemistry to a more healthful status. One such example is Nor­ man Cousins, a man Petersen said was suffering from a degenerative disease of the muscles. Through the use of humor, Cousins was able to change his body chemistry to a healing chemistry. Cousins has since written a book about his recovery, titled Anatomy of An Illness, and a movie has been made as well. While there have been humor conventions and seminars on humor before, Petersen said she thinks the Laugh Clinic is .an original in the way it teaches people to use their sense of humor for a (Continued on page six)