The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 03, 1984, Page 3, Image 3

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    Damage still under tabulation
Arson blamed for Smucker’s building fire
By Julie Miller
Of The Print
The Smuckers , building,
located on the campus of
Clackamas Community Col­
lege, burnt down on Aug. 39.
Arson was the cause.
The fire damaged cabinets,
desks, the Shipping and
Receiving department, mail
room, cabinet shop (which
contained expensive saws and
maintenance shop and four
vehicles, one beyond repair. In
Smuckers covered an area addition, 29 pages of inven­
of five acres and consisted of tory still needs to be added to
the Shipping and Receiving
department, mail room, and the total estimated damage. A
maintenance barn. The En­ $330,000 insurance settlement
vironmental Learning Center has also been offered to the
and the Art Center are also College.
located on the grounds.
About ten years ago the
building belonged to the com­
pany bearing its name,
Smuckers Jams and Jellies,
but when the company moved
to Woodburn it sold the pro­
perty to the College.
Bill Ryan, administrative
dean of college services and
planning, said arson was the
direct cause of the fire. He ex­
plained that someone had got­
ten into the restroom in the
cabinet shop, filled it with
paper towels and set it afire.
The fire then spread quickly
through the halls toward of­
fices containing expensive
The most expensive damage
sustained by the building was
done to the roof, estimated
around $150,000. Just two
days before the fire all of the
textbooks needed for this year
were moved to the Bookstore,
which enabled fall term to
start with little trouble. About
$40,000 worth of damage was
done to the side arid roof of
the Art Center, but this was
repaired before fall classes
There are no suspects for
the act of arson as of press
time, but there is a $5,000
reward out for information
about the fire and whoever
caused it.
RUINED REMAINS—Smuckers building for $40,000 worth of damage to the College’s
asptay» damage withi its eaved-in roof and Art Center.
Photo. by Joel Miller
charred interior. The fire was also responsible
This change would benefit
When asked about the maintenance rooms, which
absence of an automatic were located in the Smuckers many nursing and law
sprinkler system in the building, are located at the students, since they would not
have to travel to Clairmont to
Smuckers building, Ryan said
the building was 70 years old, south end of Clairmont Hall. attend classes. This would also
and at the time it was con­ Smuckers is expected to be mean that Clairmont Hall
would be used for what it was
structed there were no codes
directing builders to put in torn down and left vacant basically meant for—shipping
while a new addition will be and receiving.
such a system.
“Its (Smuckers) fire caused
added to Barlow Hall, as soon
Shipping and receiving, the as the College’s Board ap­ some headaches, but we have
the proves of the Dian.
ironed them out,” Ryan said.
Student government searches for senators
Students looking for
something to do with their
spare time on campus and
would like to encounter new
people and enjoy new ex­
periences may be interested in
joining Clackamas Communi­
ty College’s Associated Stu­
dent Government (ASG).
ASG is responsible for plan­
ning many activities during the
school year, such as dances,
lectures, programs, and films.
ASG members also attend
budget meetings and work for
College department offers students
accident, sickness insurance once more
By Philip Wenzel
Of The Print
For the first time in three
years, Clackamas Community
College students can purchase
accident and sickness in­
surance on a group basis at a
discounted price.
Cascade Employee Benefits
Insurance, Inc., of Portland
has joined with the College to
provide two different plans for
the students, both of which of­
fer policies on a guaranteed-
issue basis.
Plan A is a limited policy
that offers coverage at roughly
20 percent of actual medical
expenses. For instance, it pays
$50 a day for a hospital room
alone, while Willamette Falls
Community Hospital charges
$220 a day. The cost of plan A
is $21 a term, or $75 a year.
Plan B offers an 80 percent
coverage of approved costs,
after students pay the first
$100. It has a maximum
benefit of $5000, which
“would last you (students)
about 10 days,” a bookkeep­
ing official at Willamette Falls
Hospital said. Plan B costs $56
a term for a single student.
The claims procedure for
those who buy these policies is
simple, straightforward and
direct,” Nina Stration,
Cascade Employee benefits
representative in charge of stu­
dent plans for the College,
said. “The student simply has
to fill out basic information on
a claim form available at the
(student activities) desk here,
and send it with the bill direct­
ly to the claims office in Il­
linois. They should have a
result in 30 days,” she said.
Stration explained if any
problems should arise for in­
sured students they should im­
mediately contact her office in
Portland so she can help. “It
is usually just a matter of mak­
ing a brief phone call to the
right person,” she said.
Some points of interest
about the policy include the
fact that, while College of­
ficials really wanted maternity
expenses covered, the in­
surance company did not in­
clude it because the cost would
be too high. Also, a student
must be enrolled for at least
three credit hours for the same
term that they have purchased
The policy will cover for ac­
cidents that occur in a P. E.
class, but it will not pay on an
injury sustained during any in­
tercollegiate athletic practice
or game. It also will pot cover
for injuries or illness sustained
while on a work-study job.
the passage of the budget each
year. Their primary function is
to make the College a better
place to be.
The ASG staff is made up of
two elected officers, the presi­
dent and vice-president. They
are joined by appointed staff
members and senators.
This fall there are 11 posi­
tions open on the ASG staff.
One of the positions is the stu­
dent activities director, and
the remaining 10 are senatorial
...students must
be ‘‘willing to
work and to take
The student activities direc­
tor’s job duties include coor­
dinating dances, mini­
programs, films and lectures.
The director also assists with
poster-making and any other
areas that ASG may need help
The 10 senator positions are
divided into four different
areas, all working under a
specific officer.
Five of the senators will aid
the activities director. Two
will help the assistant to the
president, whose main focus is
on the blood drive and keeping
up with the suggestion boxes
placed in each building on
campus. Two of the senators
will work under the vice-
president, and will help by see­
ing that the recreation room is
in order, arranging clubs, and
organizing elections and
senate selections.
The duties of the 10th
senator include the ASG book
mart, filing, typing and
necessary correspondence.
Applications for the 11 posi­
tions are available in the stu­
dent activities office in the
Community Center. The
deadline for activity director
applications is Oct. 5, with in­
terviews scheduled for Oct. 8.
The deadline for senatorial ap­
plications is Oct. 12, with in­
terviews on Oct. 15 and 16.
ASG President Jenny Met-
zker said the only prerequisite
for being an officer or a
senator is that students must
be “willing to work and to
take chances,” in order for
“today’s dreams to become
tomorrow’s successes.
Page 3
Wednesday, October 3,1984