Monologue ) Tactless acts heighten local death threats So heated has this issue become that If the Rajneeshees truly want to I The Rajneeshees also didn’t score the national news has broadcast stories any positive points with local Orego­ reside in Oregon peacefully, they Editor In Chief about the incoming homeless people, nians when they recently voted to haven’t done anything recently to war- | and not too long ago Sheela and State change the name of the town of rant that response. This recent un- Once again, Clackamas Community RepresentativeWayn e Fawbush (whose Antelope to Rajneesh. With that name pheaval has only served to make College’s educational cogwheels are district includes Rajneeshpuram) ap­ change came the erasing of a little bit Oregonians even more hateful of them. off and running for another school peared on the ABC television program of Oregon’s history, and to the When they first came to Oregon, didn’t year. And after spending all summer “Nightline.” residents of that once sleepy little town they say all they wanted to do was live nowhere near a typewriter, I an­ So much for making the national this act no doubt felt like a slap in the in harmony on the ranch and farm the ticipated some trouble in coming up news. The Rajneeshees have since been face, the insinuation being the Ra­ land? Why has Sheela threatened a with an editorial idea for this first issue receiving death threats and it’s been jneeshees have no concern for anyone county takeover? Do they honestly of The Print. Oregon is, however, the reported that shots have been fired in believe they can contol the county, or is except themselves. site of a rather unusual political issue, the commune’s direction from the The fact the Rajneeshees are no it just an idle threat? one that is becoming so intense lately banks of the John Day River. The state longer providing return-ticket that it can scarcely be ignored. has been carefully monitoring the ac­ There’s nothing wrong with letting guarantees for the incoming people has The followers of the Bhagwan Shree tivities at the ranch for security reasons helped to escalate the tension brought the Rajneeshees live here, but when they Rajneesh have been the subject of a and a decision is still in the works on about by the county takeover scare. At start making threats that are only good previous editorial of mine, in which I whether the election in Wasco County this point, the homeless recruits who for further endangering their and other I compared the emotional responses will be monitored to protect against decide life on Rancho Rajneesh is not people’s lives, they’re being their past activities have generated to possible voter fraud. for them are being transported back to unreasonably obnoxious. True they those evoked by the ever-popular There. That’s the latest update of the the nearby town of Madras, where they have been met with hostility ever since i television soap opera. Without a Rajneeshees vs. Oregonians fight. The are being dumped and left to find their they came to Oregon, but their actions I doubt, the Bhagwan and his cast of question is, how have things gotten to own way home. How hospitable does of late are no excuse for past feelings. red- clad disciples are currently at the the point where the lives of people may i this sound to you? top of the television ratings, at least as be in danger? As for the takeover threat, if it is to I Sheela hasn’t been of much help in far as Oregonians are concerned. calming people’s fears, either. She be taken seriously, Oregonians can rest With the general election nearly It’s true the Rajneeshees were not seems to have nothing better do at assured that state officials are looking I upon us, the latest Rajneeshee activity warmly received by most Oregonians this tme than run around calling people into the matter very closely, and are I to make the people of Wasco County when they first settled here. They wear bigots, and when she appeared on determined to see nothing illegal hap- I (and others) literally see red is the re­ red clothes, the Bhagwan gets to tour Nightline with Fawbush, anchorman pens. The main thing Oregonians need I cent influx of homeless “street people” about the ranch in numerous Rolls Ted Koppel had to disconnect her to remember is to STAY CALM. to the ranch, and the threat made by Royces, and as far as anyone can tell, microphone because she wouldn’t stop There’s no doubt that as the election I Rajneesh’s personal secretary Anand free sex is riot on their list of dirty acts. calling Fawbush names or using draws near people s emotions will I Sheela, that the religious commune Some Oregonians had trouble accep­ obscene language. Her level of profes­ become more intense, but violence is plans to sway the election in favor and ting this different lifestyle right from sionalism leaves much to be desired in definitely not the answer to this situa- I tion. thereby take contol of the county. the start. this matter. By Shelley Ball ‘Better half’ contained in presidential ticket By D. Dietrich Arts Editor I saw a bumper sticker the other day that read, “Ferraro in ’85.” Not “Mondale/Fer- raro” or “Democrats for Fer­ raro,” as I have seen before. The implication is that Fritz is being left by the wayside as Ferraro steals the campaign show with her political savvy. The bumper sticker might as well have read, “Ferraro for President in ’85,” because that is the underlying sentiment. Being an avid anti-Reagan Democrat, I was ecstatic when Mondale chose Ferraro as his Letters to the editor The Print gladly accepts any letters to the editor. All letters are subject to editing, and should not be libelous, obscene or false. Letters must be typed and double spaced. It must be signed by author, and accompanied by an address and phone number where he/she can be reached. THE PRINT, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic ' medium covering the campus community as thoroughly as possible. Opinions expressed in THE PRINT do not necessarily reflect those of the College administration, facul­ ty, Associated Student Government or other members of THE PRINT. Clackamas Community College, 19600 S. I Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045. X______________________ _________________________ / Page 2 running mate. Not only did I enjoy the thought of the historical entrance of a woman into a top elected position, but I was also able to erase those nagging urges to write in my Uncle Louie as my presidential choice. (Uncle Louie’s been dead for six years now but I still opted for him over Mon­ dale, and human sacrifice over Reagan.) The thought of Mondale as president is a rather frightful one. The trade-off would be the influence of Ferraro in the office. Ferraro’s footing along the campaign trail has ranged from a sprint to a falter and now at a steady pace. Helping the Mondale/Ferraro cam­ paign is the critical appraisal of Reagan’s Central American policies and the quantum leap the federal deficit has taken since Reagan stepped in. Although the Democratic plat­ form doesn’t have all the answers to either issue, at least they aren’t claiming to like we heard in Reagan’s ’80 cam­ paign. Before I continue, I will ad­ mit that I am a female. I now expect a number of readers to say to themselves, “Of course, no wonder she wants Ferraro in office.” In fact, only when I researched her background and discovered her anti-crime chauvinism, Ferraro must also woo the support of their wives who think she’s not feminine enough. It amazes me actual­ ly, that in the same decade that we are witnessing more technological and human focus and pro-arts interest did I truly accept her as a suitable substitute for my Uncle Louie. rights advancements, a mur­ One must also admire her mured but blatant prejudice stamina when fielding attacks against a woman in the White on her and her husband’s House is circulating. What’s financial disclosures and her the problem here? Do these passionate denial that Mr, people (women included) truly Zaccaro had any connections think Ferraro might be blurry- with organized crime. I believe eyed and emotional when both those conflicts pointed to discussing the strategic arms the growing trend in the race with Gromyko if the media’s and the public’s will­ pressure is on? Or perhaps ingness to accept a guilty she’ll excuse herself because before innocent verdict. The she ran her nylons? American public can certainly The 1984 presidential elec­ not be blamed for this self- tion has a definite spoiler. protective attitude rising to the call of less than pious politi­ Mondale takes the polish off the Democratic ticket and cians everywhere. enhances Reagan’s side­ stepping charisma. While Back to the idea of voting trembling at the thought of for Ferraro simply because she our social service programs is a woman, I must point out continuing their decay under that our whole political system the Reagan administration, I is geared toward that motive look to a new management for for action. I know few avid the domestic attention this supporters of Fritz Mondale, country needs. the man, but because they’re I’m not voting for Reagan Democrats they’ll vote or Mondale in the 1984 Democrat, by God. Besides having to deal with the lef­ presidential election. I’m tover of the ‘barefoot and voting for Ferraro for Presi­ pregnant’ school of dent. (Sorry Uncle Louie). Clackamas Community College