The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, May 23, 1984, Page 6, Image 6

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    Campus clubs respond, invite students to join
(Editor’s note: The
following club information
was submitted to Associated
Student Government Senator
Kay Brant May 14. Due to a
lack of participation, the
deadline for turning in club ac­
tivity information to be
published in The Print was ex­
tended to May 14.
The names of the clubs
and their schedule of activities
are as follows:
The International Club—
The International Club is
not deceased, it is merely
resting at the moment!
During this last year, the
International Club has been
visible mainly through its
quarterly coffee hours, featur­
ing various countries several
times each term. The fall term
International Awareness Day
was considered by all to have
highlighted the intercultural
nature of the student body.
Spring term is customari­
ly a stressful time for the
club’s students from other
countries. There are several
who are transferring to
other colleges or universities,
and some have to consider
returning home from lack of
Lack of financial support
is endemic to the majority of
the international students,
whose families struggle con­
stantly to provide money for
their children’s college educa­
tion, while at the same time
are faced with uneven ex­
change rates, and limitations
and restrictions imposed by
their own countries regarding
money leaving their home
country. Several are also in
serious need of help in finding
inexpensive housing for the
fall. There is always a request
or two for possibly living with
a local American family. An
opportunity to share apart­
ment costs is always welcome.'
The International Club
will revive again in the fall.
The club’s new president will
be Carol-Anne Hynd from
South Africa, and it en­
courages all of its students and
members of the community to
consider exploring hew rela­
tionships and sources of
fascinating information from
among its friendly and
talented international stu­
For more information,
contact club advisor Vince Fit­
zgerald at ext. 266.
Women’s Tennis Club—
The purpose of the club is
to promote a higher level of
play, as well as comraderie
among women tennis players
at Clackamas Community
The club has met
throughout the year in con­
junction with the women’s
tennis team to raise money to
enable the women’s inter­
collegiate team to participate
in the National Tennis Tour­
nament (NJCAA) in Ocala,
In addition, each spring
the club hosts a mixed doubles
tennis tournament, and this
year’s will be held May 31 and
June 1-2.
Each summer the club’s
teams, in conjunction with
Community Recreation, offers
tennis lessons to the communi­
ty. This summer they will be
on Mondays and Wednesdays
from 6-9 p.m. For more infor­
mation, contact Nancy
Mikleton at ext. 437. Her of­
fice is located in R114.
The Journalism Club—
The club welcomes
students and other interested
persons who plan careers or
are simply intrigued by the
journalistic world. The club
raises funds to be used in the
student publications depart­
ment and promotes understan­
ding of a journalist’s role in
Program quick in finding jobs
The Job Club is a project
jointly-sponsored by Employ­
ment. Training and Business
Services and Community
Family Counseling Services.
The club is designed to find
employment for Clackamas
County youths aged 14-21
quickly and efficiently.
The model was selected
for several reasons, including
a proven higher-than-average
success rate, shortened length
of time between beginning
search and finding employ­
ment and the model’s cost ef­
fectiveness when compared
with other methods.
The Job Club incor­
porates effective job search
techniques, into a structured
package. Clients meet in a
group daily for two hours and
develop resumes, find job
leads and arrange interviews
with employers.
Counselors will provide
all the information and tools
necessary for the job search,
including job leads, tele­
phones, newspapers, typing
services and step-by-step in­
formation and guidance that
has proven to lead to employ­
ment quickly and effectively.
During the club’s pilot
project last summer, it was
found the average student who
attended the sessions regularly
gained employment within five
to seven days.
All Clackamas County
youth are encouraged to enroll
in this free program if they
have a serious desire to find
summer employment. The
club’s new location will be
at 607 Main Street in Oregon
City. The first session is
scheduled to begin on June 4
at 1:30 p.m. and pre­
registration is required as
group size is limited. New ses­
sions will be starting weekly
until September.
Anyone desiring more in­
formation should contact Pro­
ject Coordinator Linda Cox at
635-3671 between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m. Employers seeking sum­
mer employees are also en­
couraged to contact this
number. Office hours as of
June 4 will be from 8 - 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday. The
morning sessions are held
from 9:30 a.m.-noon and the
afternoon sessions will be
from 1:30 p.m.-4 p.m.
available only if
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Page 6
We guarantee to provide contact information on at least five legitimate sources
of financial aid (average 18 and up to 25 sources, if available) that, based on
the information supplied-to us in the applicant's qualification profile, the appli-
.cant is qualified to receive. In the event that we cannot find at least five match­
ing sources of aid, we will gladly return the application fee, along with any
sources of aid we may have found. You keep our “INFO PACKET" free of
charge. Further successful contact with funding sources is the sole responsi­
bility of the applicant.
Clackamas Community College