The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, May 02, 1984, Image 8

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    Hockey update
Stanley Cup: U.S.—Canada rivalry grows
★★★★★★★★★★★★★ *
It’s getting close to Stanley Cup time for all you
hockey fans, and once again the old sentiments of na­
tional pride and international resentment are beginn­
ing to flare among the hockey audience.
Why is this so? Because out of the four favored
finalist teams, two are American, and two are Cana­
Canadian pride is presently at a high point as the
Edmonton Oilers are thrashing the Minnesota North
Stars by a 2-0 games ratio in the seven-game series.
But this takes a back seat. Pride really shows when it
is announced that Montreal is leading three games to
two in its series over the openly admired, but secretly
hated, New York Islanders.
However, along with the pride (and all the
boasting that goes with it) lies also a fear of a turn­
. This is because Canadians view themselves as the
masters, founders and teachers of the sport. “Cana­
dians taught the Russians, Czechs and Americans
how to play hockey,” is a common phrase in the
Great, White North.
So whenever a team from one of these countries
defeats a Canadian team, the mood is one of shame
and disgrace. Naturally, the attitude of the winner is
usually along the lines of, “We beat those Canucks at
their own game.”
The hurt is especially acute when an American
team wins, since Canadians View U.S. hockey players
as being a bunch of redneck farmers or New York
By Marco Procaccini
★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 4
Copy Editor
businessmen who would rather be playing baseball.
Therefore, an American team winning the
Stanley Cup is like an Eskimo eating a burrito—it
doesn’t look very attractive.
This is why the Islanders are so secretly resented.
The New York team, headed by veteran coach Al Ar­
bour, has stormed to Stanley Cup victory for the past
four years, devastating most Canadian teams along
the way. Teams such as the Quebec Nordique, Van­
couver Canucks and Edmonton Oilers have been
mercilessly trampled with relative ease.
If Canadians were not the great sports they are,
diplomatic relations with the U.S. could have been
severed. It’s easy to see that hockey is something like
a religion in Canada—it is taken very, very seriously.
Canadians see the Islanders as an oasis of in­
telligence in a desert of American stupidity on ice,
since U.S. teams such as the Buffalo Sabres and
Philadelphia -Flyers, although tough contenders,
have difficulting finding the goal net.
Teams like the Detroit Red Wings and
Washington Capitals still haven’t discovered which
goal not to shoot at. And as far as the Atlanta Flames
are concerned, Canadians feel that anyone who lives
in a state that grows peanuts and watermelons can’t
possibly know anything about hockey.
California is for Surfing, not skating. Right,
L. A. Kings?
Montreal’s coach Jacques Lemarre is known as
“the man who never smiles” unless his team wins the
cup. He hasn’t smiled in four years, since Montreal
gave up its four-year reign in a loss to, oddly
enough, Minnesota in 1980. (Minnesota was then
dumped by the Islanders, who won the Stanley Cup
that year to begin their reign.)
Will he smile this year? Who knows? Montreal is
one of the toughest and most experienced teams in
the NHL. But so are the Islanders, and Montreal’s
3-2 lead could change. .
So all you hockey fans get your flags ready,
think up' rude chants to scream out and collect as
many paper and styrofoam cups as you can to throw
(That’s what they do in Canada).
I’m placing no bets, although I’d like to see
Montreal win (since I’m Canadian—as if you
couldn’t tell). But either way, it’ll be close.
Session spikes mark
It was no surprise. The
men’s track team once again
belittled the four-year schools.
But this timé it was even more
joyful as they did it at their on­
ly home meet of the year—the
Óackamas Invitational last
The star performance
came from sprinter Roy Ses­
sion in the 200. His top effort
came with a school record 21.4
run which qualified him for
the national meet and earned
him first place against the likes
of Western Oregon, Linfield,
Portland State, Pacific,
University of Portland and the
Greater Portland Road Run­
ners’ Club.
Assistant Coach Kelly
Sullivan was pleased with Ses­
sion and his team members’
showing. “Overall it was a
really good meet for us. We
held out five of our top
distance runners and still
scored well,” Sullivan
Session along with
counterparts Jon Elston, Del
Barber and Yul Provancha
captured the mile relay with a
3:21.5 running. Going into the
final leg the Cougars trailed,
but a 48.47 lap by Provancha
proved to be the difference.
Another highlight came in
the high jump, as Al Taylor
captured first by matching his
season best at 6-8 and almost
cleared 6-9,but his ankle bare­
ly tripped the bar. Steve Hines
jumped 6-0 to earn a third
place for the host team.
Kelly Sullivan
There were three other
first-place finishes for the
Cougs as Jeff Tressler won the
400 with a 48.6 time, Rob
Ro ley tied with Mark Dunbar
OVER THE TOP—Freshman Al Taylor just misses attempt at national qualifying height 6-9.
in the 800 (1:54.2), and discus
thrower Rich Gaiser won his
event with a 148-9 toss.
“We wanted to get a cou-’
pie of people qualified for the
national meet and we did,”
Sullivan said.
The Cougars will host the
regional meet this coming
weekend, May 4 and 5.
Sullivan’s crew will be defen­
ding their regional crown, but
the coach said they cannot
overlook anyone.
“We are the favorites,
but there are a lot of good
teams. We’ll win if we per­
form well,” he said.
j ?REE
For All Students,
Faculty & Staff
1. Ads must be placed in person at THE
PRINT office, Trailer B.
2. Ads due by Monday 10 a.m.
3. Ads run for no more than 2 weeks, at
a time (unless renewed in person).
4. Ads must be no longer than 20 words.
5.Student Body Card or Faculty I.D.
(For more information stop by Trailer B, or call ext. 309,310)
STUDIO FOR RENT: Large rooms,
clean and newly painted, utilities paid.
Close to businesses, elevator, bus and
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cassette, excellent condition, must sell,
BY OWNER—Contemporary custom
$2100, call 982-9378.
designed home on one secluded acre.
Cedar interior brick entry, sunken liv­
ing room, loft. Upper Highland area,
FOR SALE: East Side Athletic Club
$85,000, 630-5532 eves.
1-year membership, $200 or best of­
fer, 655-5166.
WATERBED—Includes: sheets, mat­ apartment north of Reed College in­
tress, frame, pedestal, heater—$199; dudes heat, storage, security and bus.
Adults $245 call 655-3313 after 4:30
632-3859 evenings.
the fun in the sun with the ultimate
board for sand surfing and skimming.
Starting at $25.00. Call Slider
STAFF: The perfect home. 3 miles
from CCC off Leland. New 1,900 sq.
feet. 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms.
$94,000, Call 655-2795.
reasonable trade. Great for rock,
punk or wave. $1200. 654-2752, eves.
FIRE SCIENCE—Albert E. Jones
Scholarship, one $600 scholarship
available for fire science major. Ap­
plications are available in the financial
aid office. Deadline May 18, 1984.
Singer Student Nurses Loan and
Scholarship Fund is now taking ap­
plications. Check scholarship board in
Financial Aid Office. Deadline May
31, 1984.
SUMMER JOBS—Earn $240 per
week; 18 or older; call 246-9508 bet­
ween 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
WANT A JOB selling, making good
money, meeting new people? Well
Avon is just right for you. If in­
terested, please call Melanie at
655-6620 anytime to hear more about
this great earning opportunity.
TYPING, fast, efficient and profes­
sional. Casey 655-4551.
WANTED: 10-speed bike in good
shape for reasonable price. Contact
Doug at 656-1009.
shepard mix pups. Black-tan and
sable. Intelligent and healthy. Call Vai
(Portland) 233-2348, 6 weeks.