The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, May 02, 1984, Image 1

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awaits arrival
of novel
Page 4
Thinclads clean
up on four-year
Page 7 & 8
Wednesday, May 2, 1984
Clackamas Community College
Vol. XVII, No. 21
Students vote duo into ASG office
By Shelley Ball
Of The Print
Of the 354 ballots cast in
last week’s Associated Student
Government presidential elec­
tions, the team of Jenny Metz-
ker and Shawnee Christensen
easily dominated the votes,
making themselves the new
ASG president and vice presi­
Metzker garnered 177
votes to presidential-hopeful
Sandy Bush’s 100 votes and
Steve Enos’ 67. Christensen
easily beat out write-in vice-
presidential candidate Tim
York with her 222 votes to his
64 votes.
NEWLY ELECTED—Clackamas Community
College students recently voted Jenny Metzker
(left) and Shawnee Christensen to represent
This year’s voting was not
limited to the official can­
didates, however, as there
were numerous write-in can­
didates for the offices of ASG
president and vice president.
The candidates ranged from
former ASG President John
Sagoe to God.
The write-in candidates
for ASG president were John
Sagoe, Roy Thorpe and Tim
York with one vote apiece and
Vince Trost with three votes.
The numerous write-in ballots
cast for ASG vice president
other than Tim York are as
Leroy Neal, 15 votes;
Randy Schoonover, five votes;
Kipi Doran, Roy Thorpe and
Sandy Bush with two votes
each; and Ron Wayner,
Yorker, Steve Enos, Adam
Jagelski, Louis Perez, Tim
Holt, Waif, Mike York, Jenny
Metzker, Vince Trost and God
with one vote each.
Out of the total 354
ballots that were cast, two
were disqualified because the
voters were not registered.
Two ballots were invalid.
When asked how she felt
about winning the ASG
presidency, Metzker said “I
feel really good about it, and
I’m relieved it’s all over with.”
Both Metzker and Christensen
estimated putting in 100 hours
for their campaigning strate­
gies, and at this point are
beginning to feel the afteref­
fects of their efforts.
“I spent yesterday
(Thursday, April 26) cam­
paigning until 4:28 p.m., and
them as president and vice president, respec­ the polls closed at 4:30 p.m.,”
tively, of the Associated Student Government. Metzker said.
Photo by Joel Miller
Both Metzker and
Christensen will be officially
sworn in on May 10 at noon in
CC 101. Other upcoming ac­
tivities for the soon-to-be top
two members of the executive
cabinet include attending an
old/new officer dinner tomor­
row, May 3. The following
weekend, they will leave for,
the Menucha Retreat and Con­
ference Center, where
Christensen said they would
undergo “intensive training.”
Although Metzker and
Christensen appeared to have
no trouble in defeating their
opponents, Metzker said “I
honestly thought it was going
to be very close.”
“We originally thought
we’d win by default,” Chris­
tensen said in regards to
what may have been an un­
contested race for ASG presi­
dent and vice president. Both
Christensen and Metzker said
they were glad the race did not
turn out uncontested, and
despite their seemingly easy
victories Metzker said, “It was
a tough fight campaign-wise.”
Just what was it that
made Clackamas Community
College students vote for Met­
zker and Christensen? “The
main thing that got people to
vote (for us) were our ideas,
and one-on-one campaign­
ing,” Metzker said.
Local group provides forum for gay youth
By J. Dana Haynes
Of The Print
As a teenager, a young boy or
girl begins to experience strange
emotions and feelings, outside the
normal realms of puberty. A fear of
homosexuality sets in. Within a few
months, the boy or girl has decided
he/she is gay, and undoubtedly the
only one in school who is.
Alone, isolated from many
parts of the community and from
kindred souls, the boy or girl draws
inward, lives a lie and suffers by
feeling he or she is “different,”
“not normal” or “sick.”
Until recently, that was the
scenario for young gays and lesbians
throughout the country, including
the Portland metropolitan area.
Now an organization has been
formed to ward off the isolation
problems felt by young people.
Windfire is an under-21 fellowship
organization for gays, lesbians and
bisexuals in this area.
The group was formed in Oc­
tober of 1982 by a counselor and
two homosexual minors. By the
summer of 1983, the group boasted
19 members. Today, Windfire has
approximately 60 members, 20 or 30
of whom attend the weekly meetings
In Portland.
The organization was started
by Frank (all last names withheld by
request), a 46-year-old mental
health worker in the Portland area.
“I must have talked to 50 persons
and organizations about what was
most needed in this country and this
town,” Frank said. Most of the
adult gay and lesbian community in
Portland agreed some form of
organization for gay and lesbian
minors was missing.
The need for the group is there,
Frank thinks. According to popular
statistics, 10 percent of the
American population is homosexual
(13 percent gay men, seven percent
lesbians). Another statistic indicates
that one out of ten people is
(Continued on page six)
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