The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, April 18, 1984, Page 6, Image 6

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    Hartley-Linse’s nursing position
proves susceptible to budget cuts
By Shelley Ball
Of The Print
After nearly 14 years of
service with Clackamas Com­
munity College, Nurse Bonnie
Hartley-Linse will not be
returning to her job next fall.
Hartley-Linse’s full-time
position was included in the
numerous budget cuts that
were made in November and
December, in order to help
save money by cutting back on
costs to the College’s Student
Health Center, Student Ac­
tivities Director Debbie Baker
Baker explained the Col­
lege will still provide emergen­
cy care for students and staff,
as the elimination of Hartley-
Linse’s job does not mean the
elimination of the health
“Our intent is not to
eliminate, but to change the
focus (of the health center).
We’re certainly not going to
leave students out on a limb,”
she said.
Plans will be made by the
College to fill in Hartley-
Linse’s position, and although
nothing definite will be decid­
ed until next June, Baker said
the fill-in will most likely be in
the form of a full-time
Emergency Medical Techni­
cian (EMT). Should Hartley-
Linse’s job be filled in by an
EMT, Baker said the College
hopes to save approximately
$15,000. Costs for the
College’s health services this
school year amounted to
In response to having her
position eliminated from the
College’s health center,
Hartley-Linse said, “I’m very
proud of Clackamas Com­
munity College, in the very
fact that the health service has
existed this long, but I’m
disappointed that it’s going to
become less than what it has
Hartley-Linse, who will
have worked at the College for
14 years in June, said “I do
think that they (students,
staff) will probably lose
something” should her job be
filled by an EMT.
“I’ve worked with them
(EMTs), and I think they
fulfill a need, but I doubt
whether they have the com­
prehension to grasp all the
medical things that come into
a college health service,” she
Director of Admissions
and Records Chuck Adams,
who has taught courses on the
subject of EMTs and has
served as an EMT One, ex­
plained that EMT Ones are
concerned with basic life sup­
port, and are defined as hav­
ing a more advanced form of
first aid than the type the Red
Cross teaches. EMT Twos,
Threes and Fours are concern­
ed with advanced life support.
EMT Twos differ from
EMT Ones in that they can
start intravenous infusions
(I.V.s). The differences bet­
ween EMT Threes and Fours
are slim. Adams said EMT
Threes undergo roughly 1,000
hours of training, whereas
EMT Fours have between
1,300-1,400 hours.
Hartley-Linse said her job
as the College’s nurse entails
more than putting Band-Aids
on cuts or giving out aspirin
for headaches. She explained
that she encounters many
serious illnesses, from
stomach ulcers to cancer. In
treating these illnesses, she
acts as a psychologist, as she
takes into consideration and
deals with a person’s feelings
toward his or her illness.
EMTs are employed in
It is this added task of
jobs such as fire fighters and handling the emotional as well
ambulance drivers, and their
medical training is divided into
four levels. The higher the
level of an EMT, the more ad­
vanced the amount of the
Clackamas Community
training. For example, an
College’s third blood drive,
EMT Two has more training
held at the College Monday,
than an EMT One, while an
yielded 73 units of blood; less
EMT Four has the most train­
than the anticipated amount
ing of all the four levels.
of 80 units.
“This (73 units) is the
lowest (amount of units) from
this year. Last year, the lowest
was 60 units,” Nancy Perman,
Associated Student Govern­
ment chairperson of the blood
Easter services will be
drive, said.
Perman believes that the
held at many area
different time schedule for the
blood drive may have been a
factor in its loss of donors.
The blood drive has usually
“We’re certainly
not going to
leave students
out on a limb. ”
Linse stands inside doorway of College’s health center. The
center will undergo changes when Hartley-Linse finishes out her
job in June.
Photo by Duane Hiersche
as the physical side of patients in order to make the best use
that generates Hartley-Linse’s of available resources.
concern as to whether EMTs
Baker added that many
are sufficiently trained, since College students have medical
their job duties are geared coverage through their parents
more toward life and death or job, therefore, the overall
emergency situations instead need for College health care
of illness treatment.
may not be as great. Further­
“I see more illnesses than more, should any major
I do accidents. It’s not that I emergency situation occur, the
question their (EMT’s) ability, College is only three to four
it’s just that it (handling il­ minutes away from Willamette
lnesses) hasn’t been a part of Falls Hospital.
their training,” she said.
Baker also added that
Although Baker said the after examining a study of
College’s health center will not Oregon community colleges,
be the same without Hartley- she said “My impression was
Linse, the cutback will enable that only half of the communi­
the College to explore options ty colleges have a health ser­
that haven’t been looked into vice of any sort.”
Blood drive nets disappointing 73 units
Easter Sunday is April 22
been held in the past from 10
a.m. to 3 p.m. This year it was
held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Perman feels that students
were either in class or off
campus at that time of the
morning. The rush of students
occurred between 1 p.m. and 2
The next blood drive will
be held in the fall. The school
is planning on hosting it in the
Fireside Lounge from now on,
because it allows for more
privacy for both the nurses
and donors.
“I’m going to suggest to
try a few more tactics to get
people to give blood. Maybe
they’ll start a committee to ask
people why they don’t give
blood. We did everything
we’ve done in the past to
publicize the drive. Maybe we
needed to publicize that it isn’t
dangerous to give blood.
There are a lot of people that
are still afraid to give blood,”
Perman said.
“The College made 91
percent of the total expected.
It wasn’t quite as good as we
had hoped,” Public Informa­
tion Coordinator for the
Portland Blood Center
Kathleen Larson said.
These local churches
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Oregon City Church
of the Nazarene
716 Taylor
Oregon City, OR
Easter Drama with Music
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Easter Services
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Willamette Christian
2014 S.W. 7th Avenue
West Linn, OR
Easter Services 9:30
and 11:00 AM
6:00 PM Film
“Mating, Dating and
Atkinson Memorial
6th and John Adams
Oregon City, OR
Continental Breakfast
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Victory Baptist Church
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Easter Service 11 :OO AM
Easter Play at 6:00 PM
“Pontius Pilate’’
Check our new low
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Salad Bar
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Clackamas Community College