The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 29, 1984, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Arts
‘Same Time Next Year’
successful, Buckley says
By Shelley Stone
Of The Print
Clackamas Community
College’s first dinner theater,
held last Thursday, Feb. 23,
was “a big success,” Dave
Buckley, Associated Student
Government advisor, said.
The event was presented
by ASG and consisted of a
full-course chicken dinner
and entertainment by the
Repertoire Theater of
America. The performance
was the Broadway hit, “Same
Time Next Year.”
“It was really successful,
the audience laughed a lot,
ASG SUCCESS—The dinner theater held at the College last and the students did a great
week was a resounding success, Activities Director Dave Buckley job of getting the dinner
said. The show featured the Alpha-Omega Players touring com- together,” Buckley said, ad­
ding “The dinner theater was
Photo by Joel Miller
experimental. We did the din­
Two movies in town
By J. Dana Haynes
Of The Print
I was wrong, of course. Selleck’s a
fine character actor. His Lassiter isn’t
that much different than Thomas
Magnum or Patrick O’Malley (from
Selleck’s 1983 “High Road to
China”). He’s tough, handsome, good
with the ladies, brave and has a good
sense of humor. Within that limited
frame, Selleck is talented and fun to
watch. Now, I’d like to see him do
something else.
ner program to entice people
into coming. It was almost
sold out in the first couple of
The ASG is considering
holding another dinner
theater, and is debating on
what performance should ap­
The price for the dinner
was $6, which did not cover
costs, Buckley said. The ASG
spent more money to hire the
group and purchase the food
than ticket sales brought in. In
the future, they may keep the
price at $6 for students, and
charge more for faculty, staff,
and community members.
“I’d like to offer more
things for students. We had a
really good community turn­
out, a lot of staff members,
and some students. I would
highly recommended
Rose Moyer and Washington Square
“Yours” is the story of Claude
Eastman, maestro of the New York
Philharmonic, his lovely, young wife
and Italian starlett Daniella, and violin
virtuoso Max Stein. Sounds fairly dull
and up-standing, doesn’t it?
Fortunately (for the audience),
Claude is played by mad man Dudley
Moore (“Ten,” “Arthur”), Daniella
by Nastassja Kinski (“Tess,” “Cat
People”), and Max by Armand
Assante, (“Private Benjamin,” “I, the
Moreover, Max is having an affair
with the wife of another character
(played by Albert Brooks, who was so
good in the prologue to “The Twilight
Zone”), Daniella knows about it,
Claude thinks Daniella and Max are
sleeping together, and so he does the
obvious thing: He decides to kill his
wife and best friend.
Now that is a sex farce! The plot
(based on a screenplay by Preston
It’s such a joy to present two
movies in one review with resounding
applause for both. Such is the case with
“Lassiter” and “Unfaithfully Yours.”
One of the most enduring and
endearing character-types in fiction is
the gentleman rogue. “Lassiter,” star­
ring Tom Selleck, is a worthy addition
If, on the other hand, your tastes
to the list.
run toward comedy, then “Unfaithful­
“Lassiter” is far from the most ly Yours” is the choice.
original flick ever made. However,
You know those advertisements
since expecting originality from that show us a Before and After! Well,
Hollywood is a lost cause, that flaw picture then an ad for How To Make A
can probably be overlooked.
Sex Farce. For the Before, see “Blame
Nick Lassiter follows in the grand, it on Rio,” which manages to give us
shadowy tradition of Raffles, the lots of nudity and double-entendres,
Saint, Alexander Mundy, and John but no script, tissue-thin characters
Roby. He’s a professional cat burglar and absolute predictability.
who always looks like he just stepped
Then, for the After, see “Un­
off the cover of “Gentlemen’s faithfully Yours,” currently playing at
Clackamas Town Center, Broadway,
The story takes place in London,
just prior to World War II. Scotland
Yard and the FBI frame Lassiter with a
fake armed robbery charge and
blackmail him into stealing a shipment
of unset diamonds from the German
Standing in our hero’s way is a
sadistic nazi courier, Countess Kari
von Fursten, played by Lauren Hutton
(“American Gigolo”) and a bull­
headed detective (Bob Hoskins) who
plans on giving Lassiter 20-to-life even
if he helps them out.
“Lassiter” is truly lightweight
fair. It combines elements of “To
Catch a Thief/’ “The Sting,” and
“Casa Blanca,” and adds slick action
and pure-bad nazi’s (boo hiss) for a
comic book-ish effect.
Selleck is quite good. Like Robert
Redford a decade or so ago, my initial
reaction to Selleck was “Well, here’s
another pretty boy with flexing biceps
and perfect teeth. Too bad they don’t
GENTLEMEN ROGUE—Nick Lassiter (Tom Selleck) at-
have to act to get good roles.”
tempts a getaway from trouble in 1930’s London in
Page 4
have liked to see more
students,” Buckley said.
The ASG plans to send
out a questionnaire to all who
attended, asking for sugges­
tions on what kind of acts
should be brought to the Col­
Members of the staff who
attended were enthusiastic
about the event. “I thought it
was excellent and pur friends
who went along with us
agreed. The actors were very
professional and the dinner
was delicious,” staff member
Suzy Alexander said.
Laurita Semke, another
staff member added, “I hope
they’ll have more. The
students who served the food
did a great job. The food was
good and the play was ex­
Sturges and written by Valerie Curtin,
Barry Levinson and Robert Klane) is
spot-on, the timing (courtesy of the
fine cast and director Howard Nieff) is
slap-dash fast, and the humor broad
and slapstick.
The attitude of some film makers
seems to be that sex farces consist of
lots and lots of mammary glands, pro­
perly unclad, and nothing much else
Nonsense! A sex farce is a delicate
thing, and to be funny it has to have
scads of talent on and off screen,
perfect timing and a sure-fire script as
well as a few mammary glands, but
there is very little nudity in “Yours.”
Assante and Kinski are so perfectly
sexy when fully clothed, none is need­
“Unfaithfully Yours” is the fun­
niest movie I have seen in a good long
time. More than once, the showing we
attended was interrupted by applause
t from the audience. When was the last
time you saw that?
“Lassiter,” co-starring Jane Seymour and Lauren Hutton,
Clackamas Community College