The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 29, 1984, Page 3, Image 3

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    College class combats heating loss in homes
Jerry Herrmann said of the shades. He
explained that the shades are con­
structed of a thick, quilted-type
By Shelley Ball
Of The Print
Learning how to construct shades
in order to combat heat loss around
windows is the focus of a three-day
class offered by the John Inskeep En­
vironmental Learning Center (ELC).
The Insulated Roman Shades class
is part of a series in energy saving and
will take place March 13, 14 and 20
from 7-10 p.m. at the Center Pavilion.
There is a $20 instruction fee and a cost
for usage of materials. The class will be
taught by Laurie Fleming, a represen­
tative from a local firm which
specializes in the building of Roman
“It’s a decorative approach to
energy conservation,” ELC Director
“Zi’y a
decorative ap­
proach to
energy conser­
vation. ”
dows, an area where a lot of heat is lost
in the home. Roman shades can be
opened either vertically or horizontal­
ly and are designed to fit snugly inside
Such shades have been known to
reduce heat loss up to 83 percent, and
though Herrmann said styrofoam bat­
ting or foil-layered beams could be us­
ed to get the same results, the Roman
shades serve as a decor élément, and
therefore look better in the home.
Participants in the class will design
and build a Roman shade customized
for a window in their own homes.
Materials will be provided for con­
struction of the shades. Herrmann said
material that is capable of cutting people should preregister no later than
down on air infiltration around win­ March 9, so that the amount and costs
of materials for each participant can be
The Roman shades class will be
making its debut on the College’s cam­
pus, and Herrmann said participants
will save money through taking the
class. Shades sell for about $40 apiece,
whereas by taking the class Herrmann
explained people will not be “locked
into the system of manufactured in­
dustry,” as they will have the
knowledge to construct the shades
The current maximum enrollment
for the class is 15, however, 8 people
are presently signed up. Herrmann also
said that constructing Roman shades is
a fairly simple procedure. “Anyone
who has average sewing skills can han­
dle it very easily,” he said.
Annual skiing event rescheduled for March 5
Clackamas Community
College’s annual ski ball at
Multipor Ski Bowl is
rescheduled for March 5 from
4-10 p.m., Associated Student
Government Advisor Dave
Buckley said.
Buckley explained the ski
ball was originally scheduled
for Feb. 6, but was cancelled
due to a lack of snow. Tickets
are currently on sale at the
Student Activities office in the
Community Center and cost
$4.50 each..
“Offering an activity that
is cheap for students, and
where they can get together
and have a good time,” is the
main objective behind the ski
ball, Buckley said. In addition
to College students, there will
be students from Mt. Hood,
Associated Student Government Advisor Dave Buckley
Photo by Ward Moore Chemeketa, Portland and
Linn-Benton community col­
Theft in Automotive Dept,
prompts customer care policy
By Kathy Johnson
Of The Print
In the past 14 years, the
amount of personal property
and equipment missing due to
loss and theft has been stag­
gering in the Clackamas Com­
munity College automotive
The most recent incident
occurred approximately two
weeks ago when a bottle of
brandy was removed without
permission from a customers’
Because of this occur­
rence, Marcus J. Essig,
automotive programs chair­
person, decided not to allow
the students to work on out­
side vehicles.
“I decided to take this ac­
tion to teach the kids that they
are responsible to take certain
precautionary measures in
regard to customer cars,”
Essig stated.
Essig informed the
students the need to develop a
care policy for the customers.
“I did not do this as a
punishment for the students,”
he said. “I did it because I feel
that good protective values
start at the grass roots. You
can’t learn them out in the
To date, the students have
submitted a policy which has
not been completely approved.
It is expected, though, that
they will have one completed
I can drive
Turnout for the event in
the past has been good,
Buckley said, but he explained
that due to the previous
cancellation of the ski ball, it
is difficult to tell how many
students have signed up for the
event again.
“I think last year a couple
hundred students (from the
College) went,” he said.
However, as for the turnout
for this year’s ski ball, Buckley
said the previous cancellation
may lower the amount of par­
ticipants. Buckley explained
Student Activities originally
began selling tickets for the ski
ball in January, but then had
to refund the participants’
money when Mt. Hood Com­
munity College, the coor­
dinator of the event, cancelled
Now that the ski ball has
been rescheduled, Buckley
said tie is not sure how many
students are aware of that
fact, although he said posters
are currently being put up to
alert students of the reschedul­
A College of the Performing and Visual Arts
Cornish, the Northwest’s only college of performing
and visual arts specializing in Bachelor of Fine Arts
degrees in Art, Dance, Design, Music and Theater an­
nounces Portland Auditions/Portfolio Reviews
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Page 3
Wednesday, February 29, 1984
SN: OL0055
and approved by the end of
the term.
In the meantime the
automotive department is us­
ing vehicles which have been
donated or that the college has
bought. “It is not a necessity
for us to use customer cars.
We have plenty of others that
we use,” Essig said. “But it
gives the students a more
realistic idea of what the job
leges attmding the event.
Besides skiing, Buckley
said other activities at the ski
ball will include a dance, ski
races, a beer keg toss and tug-
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