Monologue College’s future lies with levy election already has one strike against it. The levy calls for an in­ crease from $1.24 to $1.39 in taxes per $1,000 of assessed property value—a yearly in­ crease of 15 cents. Is that too much to ask to keep the Col­ lege from closure and defend the hard-won right to a full education? Some say yes. Levy op­ ponents seem to view educa­ tion not as a right but as some kind of privilege granted by the state. They see education cutbacks as “trimming the fat” or “taking the icing off the cake.” I guess they assume corporate subsidies and military spending aren’t fat or icing. That means making the rich richer and everyone else poorer and accelerating the arms race to risk the destruc­ tion of humanity are essential, but the people’s right to a The former will apply, for a year or so anyway, if the levy passes. If it fails, the latter will be the case. College President Dr. John Hakanson said in a Print report that the November levy failed due to lack of ac­ By Marco Procaccini vote tivism and participation of Copy Editor College supporters. Another This is the last issue of failure in March would mean The Print before the tax levy the same levy would be pro­ vote on March 27. Budget cuts posed in May. If that should are the reason. Three issues fail, it would mean D-Day for have been slashed for this the College. It would be school year. Is this just trimm­ harder to convince people to ing in hard times? Or is this an accept the same levy after it omen of forecast devastation? has been defeated. This levy Final Exam Schedule Winter 1984 Exam Day Monday Tuesday Wed. 8-10 8 M 7:30 T 9 M 10-12 10 M 9T 11 M 12-2 12 M 10:30 T 1 M 24 2 M 1 T 3 M Conflicts 2:30 T Conflicts 4-6 a program, let alone a college. If less tax revenue is spent on wild-eyed mega-projects, catering to a privileged few and pay hikes for politicians, there will be more funds for social services and education, and people will not feel com­ pelled to take drastic measures such as voting against the ex­ istence of Clackamas Com­ munity College to, supposed­ ly, save money. Voting against the tax levy serves no beneficial pur­ pose to anyone. If cutbacks must be made, let them be made in areas other than social services and education. There is nothing to gain and a lot to lose by closing this College. I encourage all eligible students to insure the levy’s passing by voting on March 27. Clackamas^ Community College serves the community and Oregon well, and closure would be a great loss to all. Reproduction technology oversteps boundaries 1 . All classes which have the first meeting of the week on Monday, Wednesday or Friday, will have the final exam as indicated by the class HOUR and M. 2 . All classes which have the first meeting of the week on Tuesday or Thursday will have the final exam as in­ dicated by the class HOUR and T. 3 . Examinations will be held in the regular classroom unless otherwise assigned by the instructor. If you have any questions about the schedule, check with your in­ structor. 4 . Evening classes will have exams at thé regular class meeting time during exam week. 5 . Classes which meet at 7 a.m. (or other hours not listed) may schedule the final during the “Conflict” times on the schedule or at any other time that does not conflict with the regular exam schedule. By Doug Vaughan Editor in Chief x THE PRINT, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic medium covering the campus com­ munity as thoroughly as possible. Opinions expressed in THE PRINT do not necessarily reflect those of the College administration, faculty, Associated Student Government or other members of THE PRINT. THE PRINT is a weekly publication distributed each Wednesday except for finals week. Clackamas Community College, 19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045. Office: Trailer B; telephone: 657-8400, ext. 309, 310 Editor In Chief: Doug Vaughan News Editor: Shelley Bali Arts Editor: J. Dana Haynes Sports Editor: Rob Conner Photo Editor: Joel Miller Copy Editor: Marco Procaccini Business Manager: Shelley Stone Cartoonists: Brent Carter, Ward Moore Advertising Representative: Jack Griffith Staff Writers: Judy Barlow, DeAnn Dietrich, Brad Fox, Kathy Johnson, Kristen Tonole, Heather Wright Staff Photographers: Duane Hiersche, Russ McMillen, Wayne Vertz, Jason Webb Typesetter: Pennie Isbell Advisor: Sara Wichman 7 Page 2 liberal and comprehensive education is not. I just belched on that argument. The fact is the College cannot operate on the present levy. Failure to pass a new one will mean drastic cutbacks, huge tuition increases, lack of modernization of programs which are already becoming obsolete or, most likely, com­ plete closure. This will force students (who can afford it) to seek schooling at more expensive institutions. Rights are for everyone, if they can pay the demand price. This seems to be an ever-increasing condi­ tion that must be opposed everywhere, including Clack­ amas County. A right to an education should have no strings attached to it. Once the College is clos-' ed, there is little chance it will be reopened. Facts show that it’s hard enough to reorganize Looking for Mr. Right? The man with good looks, good personality, athletic ability and an IQ of 140, but you hate cruising. You might never find him, but chances are you can find a sperm bank that can fill your order. Artificial insemination is no longer a fan­ tasy. Since 1960, more than 300,000 children have been conceived by artificial insemination. By the year 2000, it is expected that 1.5 million children will be conceived through this process. For the infertile couple, the artificial in­ semination serves its purpose. But the problem is that science is morally misusing the process. Science seems to be concerned with im­ proving the human race. And why may I ask? Aren’t they satisfied with themselves? The Repository for Germinal Choice in California is a so-called sperm bank that uses artificial insemination as a way to improve the human race. Founder Robert Grahame said in an August 1983 issue of Mother Jones magazine, “The more intelligent you are, the more children you should have.” The clinic supplies women, whose IQ is in the top two percent nationally, with former Nobel Prize winners’ sperm. The problem is that it cannot be proved that heredity is deter­ minant of intelligence. Scientists are approaching the point where they can freeze sperm with a recovery rate close to that of blood freezing. This means it can be frozen, and then used whenever. On top of this, they are refining methods to concentrate, select and in some cases genetically alter the specimens. Morally, I do not think that there are any questions. It is simply inhuman. Artificial insemination is not the only human reproduction technology that has pop­ ped up all of a sudden. Embryo transfers in humans are becoming more realistic. The process is similar to artificial in­ semination. A donor mother is implanted with the father’s sperm. After five days, the embryo, consisting of 100 or less cells, is washed out and placed into the infertile mother’s womb. Several of the first embryo transfers were supposed to be bom in early 1984, according to a Jan. 9 issue of New York Times Magazine. Once the births have occured, a Chicago-based operation will try to patent the procedure. Something as natural as human reproduc­ tion is now not only immoral, but also a way for someone to make a quick buck. Who ever thought that child bearing could become an in­ dustry? I guess the term “old fashioned girl” takes on a whole new meaning these days. We are now in the year 1984. We have not become what George Orwell had predicted, but we seem to be heading in that direction. Toward Oceania, “the place where sexual in­ tercourse was to be looked at as a slightly disgusting minor operation.” Orwell may have only been off by a few years. Clackamas Community College