Dialogue ASG letter Student president asks for additional help Fellow Students, Once again, your student government needs you. We thank you for all your support thus far, but during election times we need you most. First I would like to thank all of you who helped with the Blood Drive. 107 units of blood were collected in all! Awareness Week (spon­ sored by all the community colleges in the state through CCOSAC) is February 20-24. Monday is dedicated to Rape Prevention Day. Several events will be going on to make students and the com- ’munity aware of this problem. Tuesday will be Hunger Day; Wednesday will be Peace Day; Thursday will be a day to pro­ mote Voter Registration Day. Then, the week will be crown­ ed off with the staff talent show on Friday. The winter term lip sync contest is scheduled for February 15. Come have fun and don’t forget that there will be a voter registration booth available. ASG is also sponsoring a professional acting tour group to perform “Same Time Next Year.” This is a dinner theater and a full-course dinner will be served. This event was sub­ sidized in order to set the price at $6 to make it reasonable enough for students to attend. However, student response has lacked. There are still a few tickets available. The serial levy, of course, is the most important issue of all. Several activities are being organized to promote the levy. First, ASG is sponsoring cam­ pus tours where committee members will be giving tours to community members, showing them what is available at Clackamas Com­ munity College. These tours will take place February 19. This event will be preceded by the ASG lip sync which is dedicated to voter registration this term. We hope to register as many students as possible. We are also sponsoring a College Bowl on March 7. This will be a debate-format quiz competition between students, administration, faculty and classified staff. Be there at 11:30 a.m. to cheer on your student team. The most important of our election activities is the student march from the Col­ lege to Oregon City High School. There will be a huge rally on their field with high school and Clackamas Com­ munity College students. This is an event which will take massive support to make it a success. ASG will host a barbeque lunch before the march that Monday (the first day of spring term) March 26. Then we will all march down the hill together. Your support would be very much ap­ preciated. A Concerned Student Committee has been formed. Any concerned students who wish to help out with our levy activities are welcome. Con­ tact the ASG Activities Office or call ext. 247 for further details. Thank you, John Sagoe ASG President Rhodes statue College not place to honor racist To the editor: I object wholeheartedly to the placing of the bust of Cecil Rhodes in our College library. I do not believe that Cecil Rhodes should be com­ memorated here. The legacy of Rhodes in Africa for the black population is pain, misery and suffering. His wealth was gained at great human cost. I, for one, do not believe we should com­ memorate individuals solely because they have made their mark on society. We should commemorate those men and women whose endeavors ad­ vanced the good of all people, black and white. How about honoring Martin Luther King? As a former resident of Africa who knows the essence of what struggles are taking place in South Africa and Zimbabwe (formerly Rhode­ sia), I find it morally repug­ nant to have to see Cecil Rhodes every time I enter the library. A college library is no place to honor a racist. Sincerely, Eileen Brown Nigerian coup d’etat spurs commentary The following article was presented to The Print by a Nigerian student at Clackamas Com­ munity College. The article deals with the recent coup d'etat in Nigeria. Because there are many Nigerian students at the College and Nigeria is the home for many Americans, we thought the article would be of interest to our readers. By Augustine C. Mekkam For The Print ;In the early hours of Dec. 31, Nigerians witnessed a dramatic change in government. The news of the bloodless coup spread like wildfire throughout the world. The reason for this authen­ tic but undesired publicity by Western media is still unknown to most people because it is unusual for Western press to carry any news that seems to have some good taste about Africa and Africans. Perhaps, when the journalists sat down to write and/or broadcast the news, they thought they were going to blackmail the image of Africa again with another failure from that part of the world. What came as a surprise and eventually brought an end to the frequent flashing of the news was that Nigerians of all caliber gave their overwhelming support to the new military govern­ ment, which to Americans is a dictatorship. A few weeks later, several Western journalists flew into the supposedly troubled African nation. To their amazement, the country was full of jubilating clans of people. Nigerians were in their most festive mood since their independence in 1960. The press then felt confused because they could not fetch the best-selling hot news from a country where people are expected to be running helter-skelter. k___________________ Wednesday, February 15, 1984 In all the opinion polls conducted, Nigerians gave 97 percent support to the new “charismatic and dynamic” military regime. This discouraged the newsmen most, and the issue of the coup in Nigeria quickly went off the air and print media. The question then is: Why were Nigerians happy over a sudden and unprecedented change? The answers are numerous. In the first place, Nigerians were initially in­ troduced to the parliamentary system of govern­ ment, which ended in shambles and subsequently formed a remote course for a bloody civil war fought in the country between 1967 and 1970. Then Nigeria went through a series of military regimes for thirteen years. During those years, she witnessed a steady economy based on many export commodities. In 1979, the same military that had already become a part of the people’s life with their systematic approach to major issues affecting the nation internally and externally, felt they had not done satisfactorily, based on what they had set out to achieve for the people of Nigeria. It was at this juncture that they decided to hand control over to civilians, whom they hoped would do better than the army. A constitution, similar to the United States’, was drafted and an election was con­ ducted. Before handing over to the civilians, the military failed to realize that a close study of the history of the country demands that a military rather than civilian administration be installed in Nigeria. Secondly, when the civilians assumed power, they erred by pursuing politics of personalities in­ stead of that of issues. From that moment, the na­ tion’s foreign policy received the most severe set­ back since the civil war. The economy was neglected by the policy-making bodies and the country suddenly became a one-product (oil) na­ tion. Even then, the nation still maintained a balanced trade until the end of 1980. Then the United States, from whom Nigeria borrowed its system of government, went on to establish a diplomatic relationship with the racist government of South Africa, which is of course against the policy of Nigeria. The Nigerian diplomats fail­ ed in their bid to deal with the issue. The failure to handle the matter tactfully led to the withdrawal of U.S. purchase of oil from the country and the Nigerian economy went into a slump. Thirdly, the people vested with authority left the nation’s problems to seek after their personal pockets. Bribery, embezzlement, arson, thuggery, religious fanaticism, smuggling, currency traffick­ ing and a host of other federal crimes were spon­ sored and in some cases committed by the highest level politicians. Fourthly, people’s hopes were completely shattered after they prayed for the 1983 elections to come so that they could throw out the shanty administrators with Shagari at the top. The elec­ tion was rigged and the corrupt and inept politi­ cians returned themselves to power. That was the greatest sin against the so-called democracy in black Africa, but the people could not do other­ wise. Two months after assuming power for the se­ cond term, the deposed president Shehu Shagari introduced yet another, stiffer measure called “Physical Measure” to the prevailing austerity measures. His budget speech was greeted with a coup. The coup then corresponded to the popular demand by the people for a change in government. Page 3