The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, November 16, 1983, Image 8

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    Chittick gives creationism lecture on campus
the very best job of educating
they can. If the schools are
teaching science, they ought to
Scientist, inventor, lec­
teach science as it is being
turer and former professor
practiced today. Today there
Donald E. Chittick visited
are scientists who are crea­
Clackamas Community Col­
tionists, and scientists who
lege last week to speak on
aren’t creationists.”
Chittick went on to add
Dr. Chittick was invited
that research has been done in
to speak by the College Chris­
teaching both creation and
tian fellowship. His lecture in­
evolution in classroom set­
cluded a slide presentation and
“The effect of this has
been that .the test scores have
consistently gone up at those
schools that have used both
approaches. Since there are
just two options, creation and
evolution, and that since there
are scientists using both of
these, and since it’s good
education, I feel that’s what
ought to be taught. If you
don’t teach both views, the
students are going to find out
later on that there’s another
view that they weren’t
presented with, and they’re
going to look down on their
education,” Chittick said.
Having been in the
academic world for over 20
years, Chittick is now working
as a scientist on a full-time
SPEAKER DONALD CHITTICK makes important point basis. However, because he
during lecture at Clackamas Community College. does get invitations to speak,
Lecture included information from scientists con­ and due to his interest in
origins and earth history,
cerning doctrine of creation as a science.
Photo by Joel Miller Chittick lectures frequently.
By Charlene Jensen
Of The Print
his views on the issues of crea­
tion and evolution. Chittick
also provided information
from other scientists and
authors concerning the doc­
trine of creation as a science,
dealing with the origins and
history of the earth.
Concerning the topic of
science in schools, Chittick
said, “In my opinion, I believe
that public schools ought to do
a moral and spiritual decline in
our country.
“Historically, no society
has ever survived that kind of
decline. It was the Christian
doctrine of creation and
Judeo-Christian doctrine of
creation and responsibility to
the Creator which has made
this country have its liberty.
The Declaration of In­
dependence states that man is
endowed with certain rights by
his Creator,” Chittick said.
The response of most
people to Dr. Chittick’s views
is one of surprise. “They
usually are shocked to know
of a scientist who believes in
creation,” Chittick said.
After the surprise is gone,
“One of the problems we most are very interested with
experience now in science is the creation viewpoint. “I find
that people are falsifying data that there’s a big interest
to get ahead. They’re lying, among my colleagues who are
copying each other’s papers. scientists because they are like
Science is dying. It came alive I was. They hadn’t been given
with the Judeo-Christian ethic the opportunity of hearing the
of creation,” Chittick said. other side to evolution,” Chit­
“People expect scientists to tick said.
“Education is mostly
tell the truth because it’s a car­
ryover from that ethic that one-sided, leaning to the
we’re responsible to our teaching of evolution and
Creator. Therefore, even whdn forgetting the other side,”
no one’s watching I’m going Chittick said.
In closing, Chittick said,
to tell the truth because I’m
responsible to Him. So, I “There’s an increasing number
believe that one of the side ef­ of scientists, especially the
fects of this type of science younger ones, moving over to
we’re seeing today is its lead to the creation position.”
He feels that his lecturing
has more to do for the public
than just enlightening them
with- the different views of
earth history. “Creationism is
a good science and good
education. I want people to be
interested in science and to do
the best in science that they
can. I feel that creationism is a
better science as it has shown
consistently,” Chittick said.
Chittick went on to say
that his other motive in lectur­
ing has to do with revealing
that modern science began
with creation. “Creation
started modern science. Crea­
tion set the truth ethics,” Chit­
tick said.
Brain disease not restricted to senior citizens
following article is the
second of three parts
concerning Alzheimer’s
Disease. The series will
conclude next week.)
By Shelley Ball
Of The Print
In addition to its connec­
tion with the word “senility,”
Alzheimer’s Disease has also
been called “organic brain
syndrome” and “hardening of
the arteries of the brain.”
Even though the disease is
at its worst when patients find
themselves totally dependent
and living in nursing homes,
their memory loss is so ex­
treme at this point (some pa­
tients are unable to recognize
relative’s faces) that they are
no longer aware of their condi­
Although old age and
Alzheimer’s Disease are usual­
ly associated as going hand in
hand with each other, this is
actually not the case. “Aging
is not the cause, but it
(Alzheimer’s) takes time to
show itself,” Rodger Meinz,
clinical psychologist, said.
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As time passed Kanelis
The youngest recorded
case of the disease was was forced to watch his
diagnosed in a six-year old pa­ mother gradually lose her in­
tient. This is a rare case, but dependence, and with it the
statistics show that 96 percent ability to care for herself.
of Alzheimer cases occur in There came a time when she
couldn’t pay bills, drive or fix
patients over 40 years of age.
One person who can meals.
Shortly thereafter, in
testify to this fact is John
Kanelis, editor of the Enter­ August of 1981, Kanelis and
prise Courier (Oregon City). his wife Kathy decided to have
Three and a half years ago Mnostoula move in with them,
Kanelis’ mother, Mnostoula, after which it seemed to
was officially diagnosed as Kanelis that her condition
having Alzheimer’s at the age worsened at a faster rate.
of 57, although Kanelis said “I
“Her problem became
can recall now moments of more acute rapidly because it
peculiar became difficult for her to
behavior and subtle per­ understand. All she knew was
sonality changes as far back as that something was happen­
eight or nine years ago.”
ing, but she didn’t know what.
During the time that It became very frustrating,”
followed, Kanelis’ mother he said.
underwent major changes in
Eventually the time came
her lifestyle, beginning with when Kanelis’ family made the
her forced retirement from her decision to place Mnostoula in
job as a secretary in the a nursing home. Currently
Portland Public School residing in the Gladstone Con­
valescent Care Facility,
Not long after this, 60-year old Mnostoula is in the
Mnostoula lost her husband, final stages of Alzheimer’s
Peter, in a boating accident, Disease.
She has no bladder or
an event that Kanelis said was
“part of what made her pro­ bowel control, and her ability
to communicate has been
blem more acute.”
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reduced to a few uttered words
now and then. In order to
counteract seizures resembling
grand mal, Mnostoula is given
a medication called phenobar­
bital. Without this drug,
Kanelis said his mother will
also become hostile.
“They say you are sup­
posed to get stronger through
experience. I can’t imagine
any type of human being ex­
isting on this planet (doing
that). When she (Mnostoula)
was put in, it was the most
emotional moment of my life-
every conceivable emotion
possible ran through me,” he
“The more I see her, the
more I forget what kind of
person she was, and I wonder,
‘What’s left to take away from
that person?’ I’m not the hero
in this, she (Mnostoula) is,”
Kanelis added.
For All Students,
Faculty & Staff
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PRINT office, Trailer B.
2. Ads due by Monday 10 a.m.
3. Ads run for no more than 2 weeks at
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