The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 19, 1983, Page 6, Image 6

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    Reese replaces Kaiser as dean of instruction
By Charlene Jensen
Of The Print
Due to the upcoming
retirement of Dean of Instruc­
tion Dr. Ronald Kaiser, the
position for the 1983-84 school
year is filled by Lyle Reese,
who is also the assistant dean
of instruction in the division
of business and related areas.
Dr. Kaiser will be retiring
in December. Until then he is
uàing up his vacation time and
preparing for his retirement.
Reese is holding two posi­
tions this year.
Reese’s main goal is to see
that the job of dean of instruc­
tion is still performed as it was
under Kaiser. “I think holding
down both of these positions is
a great opportunity and a real
challenge for me,” he said.
Reese grew up in North
Dakota. After serving in the
United States Navy he went on
to college and majored in
business and English. He
began teaching at Clacka­
mas Community College in
1967 on a part-time basis while
he was employed full time at
Oregon City High School.
After two years working
for the high school, Reese was
hired as a full-time business in­
structor at the College. After
one year he was promoted to
director of business and has
been involved in administra­
tion since.
Although Reese is the
assistant dean of instruction in
the division of business and
related areas, and is the acting
dean of instruction, he said
“I’m not considering this posi­
tion of dean of instruction as
“At the end of this year I
will go back to being the assis­
tant dean of instruction. In Ju­
ly the president will make a
determination as to whether he
wants to have a reorganization
of management. Choosing the
individual to be the dean of in­
struction is purely his de­
cision,” Reese said.
As acting dean of in­
struction, Reese has the job of
interpreting rules and policies.
He also is a communication
link between the president and
faculty, and from other ad­
ministrators to the faculty.
“Establishing the policy
is a greater effort than dealing
with problems, because here at
the College we just don’t have
that many problems,” Reese
Reese has a very strong
opinion concerning the Col­
lege. “I think this is a
marvelous school. We have a
great teaching staff, the
students are great and the
public is looking at the College
as a quality school. We’ve
developed a history and
credibility over the years,” he
The 1983-84 school year
will see Reese establishing pro­
cedures and administrative
policies. Also, Reese is very
active with golf, bowling and
running. Having once coached
for the Oregon City High
School baseball team, he en­
joys watching high school
Reese considers his two jobs to be “a great op­
portunity and a real challenge for me.”
Photo by Russ McMillen
Career Market/workshops highlight program
(continued from page one)
One of the new editions to
the Career Hunt workshops, is
International Trade: Oregon
and the Pacific Rim, which
Director of Counseling Art
Hames said would “look at
world-wide trade.”
Hames, who has helped
coordinate the Career Hunt
workshops, explained the
focus of the workshop by say­
ing many local firms, through
diversity, can sell more.
“(You can) double sales
overseas. (Using world trade
can) increase the sales of local
firms,” he said.
Other workshops offered
under Career Hunt are What
Do I Want To Do?, Interview
Techniques and Success: It’s
Up To You. The Career Hunt
workshops are basically
designed to introduce people
to resources and skills which
can increase their chances of
The Self-Employment
workshops will include the
pros and cons of starting a
business, and include such
titles as Getting Started,
Records and Taxes and Multi­
level Companies.
The Living on Less
workshops discuss handy sur­
vival tips. Some of the
workshops include Eat Well
For Less, Free, Fun, Family
Entertainment and Design a
Family Spending Plan.
Besides the workshops
and Career Market, a Com­
munity Resources section is
offered, which will feature
various agencies. They will
have tables set up in the Com­
Creative Travel
on a budget
By Kathy Johnson
Of The Print
4 Classes
Thursdays: Nov. 3,10,17, Dec. 1
6:40 to 9:20 p.m. on PSU campus
1 Credit (audit).
Includes all the things you need to know-planning and
preparation, transportation, health and urban survival,
and budget eating and sleeping.
$including Steves' do-it-yourself
travel handbook, Europe Through the Back Door
Co-sponsors: PSU Alumni Tours and PSU International
Studies. For details: call (503) 229-4011.
Page 6
Hall, where participants will
be welcomed and the program
explained to them, including
how to find their way around
At 10 a.m. the workshops
begin, and will last through
2:45 p.m. A free lunch will be
served in the cafeteria from
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for
program participants.
Throughout Take Charge
Day there will be assorted
refreshments, and beginning
at 2:15 p.m. there will be live
music in the Community Mall.
Registrants for Take
Charge Day will also be placed
on a mailing list for Take
Charge Update, a quarterly
newsletter that keeps readers
developments around the com­
munity and at the College.
Counselors, a College
coordinating committee and
many volunteers are responsi­
ble for putting on Take
Charge Day. Fawcett an­
ticipates that Take Charge
Day will “be a very positive
day.” Fawcett also encourages
current students to get involv­
ed in the program, as it pro­
vides information on careers
that may be of interest to
If history has anything to
say about the performance of
this month’s Take Charge
Day, last spring’s program
was well received. “Usually
you get some negative com­
ments, but we just didn’t get
that. Nobody thought that
they had wasted their time,”
Fawcett said.
Controversial film shown Oct. 18
Author of widely acclaimed book, Europe Through
the Back Door, shows you how to experience Europe
on a limited budget at any age.
munity Center from 11 a.m. to
1 p.m., and will be there to
provide information and
answer questions.
The Career Development
& Placement Center, Financial
Aid and the Women’s
Resource Center are a few of
the many College Resources
that will be open during Take
Charge Day to assist people.
Registration for Take
Charge starts at 8 a.m. and
will last through 10 a.m. in the
Community Center. Take
Charge is free, but enrollment
is limited to the first 600 par­
ticipants. By calling 657-8400,
ext. 501, participants can
reserve a space.
Following registration
will be the Career Market, and
then at 9:30 a.m. there will be
a general session in Randall
Award for best documentary
in the spring of 1983.
On Tuesday, Oct. 18, “If
You Love This Planet,” a film
with anti-nuclear war activist
Dr. Helen Caldicott, was
shown in the McLoughlin
The film was produced by
the Canadian Film Board. It
was at first branded as “pro­
paganda from a foreign gov­
ernment” by the Reagan Ad­
The film is based on Dr.
Helen Caldicott, who started
The Physicians for Social
Responsibility, which provides
education about the medical
effects that a nuclear war would
have on a society. The film
showed Caldicott giving
speeches and being with her
family. It also portrayed her
undying devotion to her work.
It is said that this descrip­
tion increased the viewers in­
terest in the film and caused
popularity, which led it to be
the winner of the Academy
Caldicott believes that
nuclear wars must be
prevented, since there is no
medicinal help for the victims
of such a war. She favors ac­
tivism and is also in favor of a
freeze on the development of
new, even more dangerous
weapons. These beliefs are
clearly expressed in the film.
Marlene Tufts of the
psychology department first
brought the film to the atten­
tion of Clackamas Communi­
ty College students. She had
been attending a ser- of
nuclear seminars pn^i to
teaching a class on the
psychological effects of
nuclear warfare.
A few of the students had
heard of “If You Love This
Planet” and made a request
for it to be shown on campus.
Clackamas Community College