The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 12, 1983, Page 3, Image 3

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CCOSAC meeting results
in joining organization
Watt’s resignation overdue
By Shelley Ball
News Editor
Interior Secretary James
Watt has ruffled many a
feather in Washington lately.
But his eyebrow-raising tactics
are over, as of Sunday, Oct. 9,
when he made a public state­
ment announcing his decision
to resign from the office of in­
terior secretary.
Earlier that day, Watt
phoned the White House to in­
form President Reagan of his
resignation, which reportedly
was accepted, but with reluc­
Yes, Mr. Watt really put
his foot in his mouth this time.
His ill-fated remark, in which
he described the members of
an advisory panel on coal leas­
ing as “a black ... a woman,
two Jews and a cripple,” was
made weeks ago, yet Watt has
been appearing frequently in
the news ever since.
Although Reagan has
stated Watt’s remark was not
worthy of his resignation, the
Republican-controlled Senate
thought differently, so much
that they were willing to vote
on a resolution that would call
for Watt’s dismissal.
Apparently the Senate
succeeded in scaring Watt into
resigning. Watt evidently
thought it less embarrassing to
resign, rather than face a vote
of no confidence from the
It’s amazing how one
remark has wreaked so much
havoc upon James Watt. Or is
it? Was Watt forced to resign
solely because of that one
statement, or did it just serve
as a scapegoat for previous
discrepancies in Watt’s career?
Actually, it is hard to
believe one comment alone
was responsible for so much
animosity toward Watt. For
the past 2Vi years, Watt’s
adversaries have accused him
of ‘raping and ruining’
America’s parks, wildlife
refuges, wilderness areas and
seacoasts.” Likewise, Watt
has compared his foes to “a
left-wing cult dedicated to br­
inging down the type of
government I believe in.”
And as for Watt’s
remark, there is no doubt it
was made in the thoughtless,
poor taste of a boob—yet only
part of that statement was
really distasteful. After all,
what’s wrong with referring to
a black as a “black,” and a
THE PRINT, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers
Association, aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic
medium covering the campus community as thoroughly as
possible. Opinions expressed in THE PRINT do not
necessarily reflect those of the College administration, facul­
ty, Associated Student Government or other members of
THE PRINT. Clackamas Community College, 19600 S.
Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045.
Office: Trailer B; telephone: 657-8400, ext. 309, 310
Editor In Chief: Doug Vaughan
News Editor: Shelley Ball
Arts Editor: J. Dana Haynes
Sports Editor: Rob Conner
Photo Editor: Joel Miller
Cartoonist: Ward Moore
Staff Writers: DeAnn Dietrich, Charlene Jensen, Renee Rickard, Kristen
Tonole, Heather Wright
Staff Photographers: Kim McAbee, Russ McMillen, Jim Skates,
Jason Webb, Dan Youngquist
Business Manager: Shelley Stone
Typesetter: Terri Hannaford
Advisor: Sara Wichman
Are you mad? excited?
overwhelmed? under­
whelmed? depressed?
Write us! Trailer B
Page 2
woman as a “woman?”
In any case, the future
looks bleak for Mr. Watt. He
has resigned in the hopes of
saving what little face he has
left. However, Watt should
not have been forced to end
his government career in that
manner. He should have been
ousted long before this mess,
for the primary reason—his
previous actions that drew
heated remarks from those
who saw him as making grave
Since it appears that
many people saw Watt as not
having done a good job
overall, why wasn’t he
dismissed earlier, at the first
sign of trouble?
A lot of time, trouble and
remarks like “ . . . two Jews
and a cripple” would have
been avoided, had action for
Watt’s dismissal, not resigna­
tion, been initiated much
Oh well, I guess it’s just
the end result that counts.
Calendar of events
Wednesday, Oct. 12
“The Verfiele Environment,”
Community Center Mall, 7
“Understanding the Soviets,”
The Soviet Military Establish­
ment, McLoughlin Theatre,
7:30 p.m. Free.
Thursday, Oct. 13
CCOSAC, the Communi­
ty Colleges of Oregon Student
Associations and Commis­
sions, officially joined a na­
tional students’ organization
last weekend.
At a meeting in Coos
Bay’s Southwestern Oregon
Community College, the
CCOSAC Board of Presidents
debated whether or not to send
a representative to the Fall
USSA (United States Students
Association) meeting, to be
held in Cleveland, Ohio. It
was finally decided, by a vote
of 6-4, to send Jeff Allison,
student body presdient from
Chemeketa Community Col­
lege in Salem.
Representing Clackamas
at the CCOSAC gathering was
Associated Student Govern­
ment President John Sagoe.
Sagoe voted in favor of sen­
ding the representative to the
USSA Meeting.
“I was really split over
it,” Sagoe said. “You can
never be sure if it’s a good in­
vestment (to belong to a na­
tional organization), but I
think we made the right deci­
As a member of USSA,
all 13 Oregon community col­
leges will have access to a
library of information and
material on topics of national
ASG PRESIDENT JOHN Sagoe talks with Gov. Vic Atiyeh at summer CCOSAC meeting.
Perman, Smith, Scott round out ASG Cabinet
By Kristen Tonole
“Single Parenthood,” Small
Dining Room, 7-10 p.m. $3.
Friday, Oct. 14
Instructional Improvement
Day: “Recycling in School,”
Environmental Learning
Center. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 15
Traditional Amercian Rug
Hooking, CC101. 9 a.m.-3
p.m., $10.
Of The Print
“Goats: Dairyland and
Wool,” Clairmont Hall, room
133, 9 a.m.-l p.m., $5.
Tuesday, Oct. 18
Movie: “M”f part of film
series “World of Crime,”
McLoughlin Theatre, 2:30 and
6:30 p.m., Free.
Tie/sock hanger phenomenon
leaves questions unanswered
By Doug Vaughan
Editor in Chief
Why do they put socks on sock hangers
when everyone puts them in a drawer?
In this world of high technology wouldn’t
you think somebody would have a logical
answer for a very stupid question like this.
That is not the only thing that amazes me.
Did you ever notice when you go into a store
ties are on nice plastic hangers, kind of conve­
nient. Why is it then, when you buy the tie they
dispose of the hanger and fold the tie and throw
it in a sack?
The underpriviledged individual, like
yours truly, who does not have a tie rack, is
forced to throw them in the drawer with our
socks. Or should we use our vacant sock
hangers for our ties?
What would life be like without these
mysterious questions? Or better yet who cares?
The constant run-around of life needs these lit­
tle breaks.
H ere is another. Did you ever realize when
you went to get your driver’s license it would be
the last time you ever drove that way? Come on
DMV, let’s revise the test.
First of all, all smokers should be required
to strike a match, with a cigarette in their
mouth while traveling in mid-day traffic. After
that is accomplished, they must light the
cigarette (looking cool at all times) and execute
precisely by throwing the match out the crack
of the window.
Also, when was the last time that you saw a
woman taking her driving test as the same time
she is putting on her make-up and letting her
nails dry?
Men are no exception either. In fact, their
test might be the hardest of the trio. A brief
obstacle of weaving in and out of traffic (in­
tersection or not) while we try adjusting the
stereo with our right hand, and at the same time
hold a beer with our left below the window.
I sn’t school the place where you go to get
smart? Then why are so many dumb things
associated with education?
Try this one on. You go to school to get
smart, right? Then how come when you get
smart with a teacher you get in trouble? Isn’t
that dumb.
The thing that bothered me most in school
was spelling. When the years got tougher so did-
the teachers. Time and time again I would hear
the phrase “look it up in the dictionary.” How
are you supposed to find it if you don’t know
how to spell it? .
Sound it out, right? Good solution—for
maybe 50 percent of the words in the English
language. Try sounding out hors d’oeuvres.
To make it simple, everything in life is not
suppose to make sense, just confuse people like
me who waste time thinking about them. Can I
borrow a few sock hangers?
Clackamas Community College
1 w
ASG CABINET MEMBERS Jeff Smith, Nancy Perman, and Kristi Scott.
Campus classes
through Oct.
Fall term is in full swing,
and that means Clackamas
Community College will spon­
sor a wide range of classes and
workshops in the next few
A sampling of the offer­
Business workshop, which is
an overview of assistance pro­
grams available through the
Small Business Administra­
tion. Topice include accoun­
ting, record keeping, and legal
considerations; from 7-10
p.m. in Community Center
101. Cost is $5.
Oct. 15—Old Time Fur­
niture Making. Low-cost con­
struction and design of fur­
niture, including a mortise and
penon technique; from 9
a.m.-noon, Art Center 102,
beginning Saturdays through
Oct. 29.
Oct. 17—A Panel: Prac­
tical Advice for the Aging
Family. Answers questions
about physical changes which
occur with age, retirement and
choosing a nursing home. Also
covered are coping with
memory loss and positive ac­
tive approaches to aging. The
class is from 7-9 p.m. in the
Milwaukie Senior Center at
North Clackamas Park. Ad­
mission is free.
Wednesday October 12, 1983
Scholarships available
through Oct. 14, 21
The following scholarship aplications are still
available in Clackamas Community College’s Financial
Aid Office. Deadlines for the first three are Oct. 14, 1983.
The deadline for the fourth one is Oct. 21, 1983.
' The scholarships are as follows: Oregon City Business
and Professional Women’s Club—for second-year women
with a 2.0 GPA. Applicants must be Clackamas County
Outstanding Sophomore Tuition Waiver—for
sophomores who have completed at least 45 credits at the
College. GPA of 2.5 is required.
The Bonsai Society of Portland Scholarship—
available to first-yeai horticulture students, they need to
maintain a 2.0 GPA. Students must have an interest in
Horticulture and artistic methods in raising Bonsai.
Oregon State Sheriff’s Association Scholarship—
available for second-year or later law enforcement/correc-
tions students. Two $500 scholarships are offered. For
more information, contact the financial aid office.
The Print
is looking for a copy
editor, writers,
photographers and car-1
toonists. Interested? I
Contact us in Trailer B,|
ext. 309, 310.
Elected this year to serve
as executive members of the
Associated Student Govern­
ment were Jeff Smith (Ac­
tivities Director), Kristi Scott
(Administrative Assistant) and
Nancy Perman (Assistant to
the President).
A veteran of A.S.G.,
Smith served on the senate last
year and from there set his
goal to become this year’s ac­
tivities director.
His plans for the upcom­
ing year include making
available “a wide variety of
entertainment” and “getting
more students to participate in
the planned events.”
He said he has gotten off
to a good start so far since the
turn-out at this year’s first ma-
jor activity, Family Movie
Night, was “so great we had to
turn some people away.” He is
optimistic that the future
events will bring in a similar
large crowd and that involve­
ment will continue to be on the
rise because “the newer
students are curious to come in
and see what’s going on.”
He urges people who have
any ideas on student activities
to come to him. “That’s what
I’m here for,” he said.
Also available for student
input is the suggestion box
located in the Community
Center and the student survey,
which Smith plans to take later
in the year.
members Scott and Perman
were unavailable for com-
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