Cecil Rhodes bust rescued by Johnson dependence as Zimbawe, had A marble bust of Cecil been placed unceremoniously Rhodes, namesake of the in the club’s men’s room broom African country of Rhodesia closet. Such “capricious disregard and the Rhodes Trust Scholar­ ship, was scheduled to arrive for three-fourths of a country’s this week in Portland from history” irked Johnson, so when the 112-year-old society London, England. How and why a likeness of refused to restore the sculpture the British imperialist and ad­ to its place among figures of ministrator would end up in other historic British per­ Oregon is of intense interest to sonages, he offered to buy it. The offer was taken and the College religious studies in­ structor Wally Johnson. Oregon has a Rhodes bust to While in London doing be temporarily housed at research at the Royal Com­ Portland’s Multnomah Athletic monwealth Society, Johnson Club. Johnson hopes to bring discovered that the Rhodes the sculpture, which was bust, apparently not popular presented to the Society in after the former British colony 1905, to Clackamas Com­ of Rhodesia gained in­ munity College this fall. Cecil Rhodes photQ Jogl M¡¡¡er College plans bevy of cable productions By J. Dana Haynes Of The Print This summer, Clackamas Community College will run a series of programs on Liberty Cable’s channel 9 and Cablesystems Pacific’s channel 33, Television Production Supervisor Carlos Ricketson announced. The scheduled shows in­ clude several telecourses, a series of films on World War II, College graduation ceremonies, a Timber festival, local awards banquet and a pilot for a news program pro­ duced by College students. The video projects depart­ ment also hopes to present a live country music jam on June 3. Ricketson said the produc­ tion hinges on whether or not the College can use Liberty Cable’s mobile unit, a van from which television production can be directed. “If we can get the mobile unit we will be fine,” Ricketson said. “We would also like to do the (Associated Student Government’s annual) Timberfest, but that too depends on getting the van.” Ricketson said he expects to know later this week whether the mobile unit will be available for those productions. Social Sciences Chairper­ son Fred DeWolfe will present a telecourse on films of World War II, which will also be aired on the cable channels. Each movie will run twice, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and may be viewed at home, or in the McLoughlin Hall audio /video department with an ap­ pointment. The films include: June 21, 23: “December 7.” Veterans’ slide show planned for Thursday A slide tape program en­ titled “From Vietnam to Washington, D.C. and Beyond” will be shown on Thursday, May 26, in the Community Center’s Fireside Lounge. The program will be shown at noon and again at 1 p.m. Carlos Ricketson, televi­ sion production supervisor for the College, is a Vietnam veteran who served in the Navy. Ricketson produced the program which “is from our point of view as Vietnam vets,” he said. The presentation is dedicated to the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial, which was erected in Washington, D.C. earlier this year. The program also presents the need for an Oregon memorial, Ricketson said. This show is presented in conjunction with the Vietnam Veteran’s of Oregon Memorial Page 4 Fund organization. All work on the production was done by vets, Ricketson said. It included photographs taken overseas, in Oregon and in the nation’s capitol. The program will be shown twice, and a question and answer session will be in­ cluded. Members of the Oregon memorial fund organization will field ques­ tions, Ricketson said. June 28, 30: “Tarawa.” July 5, 7: “Stilwell Road.” July 12, 14: “Report from the Aleutians.” July 19, 21: “Battle for San Pietro.” July 26, 28: “True Glory.” August 9, 11: “Memphis Belle.” The following movies will also be presented exclusively on campus, in McLoughlin 112 on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on the dates indicated. June 27, 29: “Hiroshima- Nagasaki.” July 4, 6: “Night and Fog.” July 11, 13: “Bridge on the River Kwai.” July 18, 20: “Home Front-We are On Our Own.” July 25, 27: “The Bulge.” August 1, 3: “Cronkite Reports: Paris, Arnheim, Remagen, Patton.” August 8, 10: “Cronkite Reports: Pearl Harbor, Singapore, The Phillipines, and the Doolittle Raid.” DeWolfe and his associate, Anthropology In­ structor Richard Ramsperger, present a series of films every term at the College. DeWolfe is excited about the summer series he said. This will be the first time he has presented the films over cable TV. “I managed to get some of these films directly from a wholesaler in Chicago, so (the College) saved money on it,” De Wolfe said. Ricketson produced the film series, which he said were shot and edited in the McLoughlin Hall studio. Each film is preceded by a ten minute lecture by DeWolfe. The closest project for the A/V department is the country music concert, which is scheduled for June 3. The jam will feature approximately 40 members of Bob Misley’s Country and Bluegrass classes. Productions such as this are not an original concept, but it will be the first time a live musical show has been aired from the College and possibly the first live cable telecast done by an Oregon community col­ lege, Steve Johnson, College video technician, said. The concert will be held from 7:30-9:30 p.m. in the Community Center Mall. Ricketson said taping and air­ ing the show is “still up in the air,” but he is hoping for the chance to present the artistic side of the College to the com­ munity. Handicapped vets get representative Dale Beaty, a represen­ tative from the Oregon Employment Division, will be on campus weekly for the rest of the year. Beaty works with the Disabled Veterans Outreach Program. He will be available in the Career Development and Job Placement Center, in the Community Center, on Wednesdays from 8-10 a.m. “Beaty is a staff person of the Oregon Employment Divi­ sion, not an employee of the College,” Marv Thornley, career development and place­ ment officer, said. “He will act as an advocate for disabled vets.” No appointment is necessary for people wishing to see Beaty, although Thornley pointed out that the Center is run on a first-come, first-served basis. If a person cannot see Beaty on Wednesday morn­ ings, he is also available at the Oregon Employment Division office, at Fifth and High in Oregon City during regular business hours. Red Cross blood drive nets 60 units “Talking about it (the war) is part of the healing process,” he said. Ricketson pointed out that past question and answer The Associated Student sessions have included discus­ Government and Red Cross of sion on the nation’s involve­ Oregon held their once-per- ment in El Salvadore, which term blood drive last week. Ricketson said many young Dennis Donin, Red Cross people compare to our role in recruiter for Clackamas Coun­ Vietnam prior to the war. ty, said 84 volunteers turned The show is all about the out for the drive. The goal was homecoming process and the 108 donors. Only 60 of the need for a state memorial,” he volunteers gave blood, each said. giving one unit (pint) of blood. Donin said 12 of the volunteers were first-time donors. The reasons for deferring 24 of the volunteers were not given. People may not give blood if they are under medica­ tion, have been ill recently, or have suffered at any time from certain illnesses. Earlier, Donin said Red Cross was concerned about a drop in volunteerism. One reason given for this was fear that a donor can contact AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Donin pointed out that no one can contract AIDS by giving blood, although evidence suggests some people have acquired the illness from receiving blood. Clackamas Community College