The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, May 18, 1983, Page 3, Image 3

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    Vaughan, Lundgren grab 83-84 editorships
Douglas Graham Vaughan,
this year’s NewsEditor for The
Print will take over the helm as
next year’s Editor In Chief.
Vaughan is a graduate of
Gladstone High School, where he
was the Editor In Chief. This is
his first year at Clackamas
Community College.
Vaughan will be replacing J.
Dana Haynes, who will continue
to write for the newspaper next
“I have great faith in Doug,”
Haynes said. “He has added a
great deal to The Print this year
in terms of professionalism, hard
work and good, journalistic
common sense.”
Vaughan ran for the job
There are also negative
because he sees it-as “another aspects to the paper, and he
step in my goal to be a journalist, pointed to the small staff as one.
a step I felt I had to take.”
The new editor has no “Traditionally, The Print un­
dergoes a high attrition rate,”
definite plans for next year. t‘I’m' current Editor Haynes said. “We
just trying to get my thoughts start out the year with 20 or so
organized now,” he said. “I don’t
have any major changes planned
yet. First, I have to get a staff people, and we end with three or
four staff writers and the
editorial board.”
Among the strong suits of
’ Next year, the current
The Print, which he would like to
maintain, Vaughan cited newspaper advisor, Dana
“consistency and cleanliness.
The whole appearance of the Spielmann, will be on sabbatical
in Vancouver, BC.
paper is clean,” he said.
File Photo
Doug Vaughan
Steve Lundgren, the current
editor of Rhapsody magazine,
will retain . that position next
Rhapsody is Clackamas
Community College’s magazine
of arts and literature, and is
published three times a year.
Lundgren, 19, is from Colton
High School. This was his first
year at the College, and he ad­
mitted that taking over as editor
was tough for a first-year
However, he feels this has
been a good year for him. “I think
I’ve improved the magazine from
when I took the helm. Hopefully,
I’ve developed it and made it
interesting’to the general public
here at the College,” he said.
This year was .only the
second year of Rhapsody’s
existence. Prior to that, it was
called Feature Magazine, and
ran once per term as an insert in
The Print. Last year, Thomas A.
Rhodes became the editor of the
magazine and changed the name.
Under Rhodes’ control, it
became a news magazine with a
focus on articles and essays, as
well as some poetry and art.
Lundgren changed the magazine
when he came to the College,
putting the main emphasis on the
arts and literature.
“I think The Print pretty well
covers the news for the campus,”
Lundgren said. “I felt the need
for an outlet for art, and a freer
forum for expression, was
Lundgren applied for the
editorship again because, “I have
goals that I want to fulfill,” he
said. “I’ve accomplished some,
but there are still many things I
want to do with the magazine.”
Those goals include im­
proving the quality of the
publication, and obtaining a
wider variety of features, he said.
“The magazine is a means
for me,” he said. “It is a means to
develop my own skills. Also, I
think Rhapsody can enhance the
College’s image.’i$j?|
Lundgren has no immediate
plans to change policy for the
magazine, but will strive to
professionalism. “I’ve found it
hard to have an arts and
sometimes I doubt that it’s right
for this College. But I still feel its
a good medium,” he said.
Summer employment
available for youths
By J. Dana Haynes
Of The Print
Despite the first hints of an
economic upswing in America,
unemployment is still a factor
with which to contend. This
summer, thousands of young
people will join the stampede for
too few jobs.
To help contend with this
problem, CETA (Comprehensive
Employment and Training Act)-
will once again sponsor a sum­
mer Ytfuth Employment
Jim Larrimer, youth
program coordinator for the
Employment Training and
Business Services Ad­
ministration arm of CETA,
predicted a significant rise in the
number of people who find work
through the program over last
“We’ll probably serve 480
youths through this (program),
plus however many through
private employment, which could
be as many as 100,” Larrimer
said. Last year, the Youth Em­
ployment Program served ap­
proximately 300 people.
The program is designed for
people 14-21 years of age and who
qualify as “disadvantaged
youths,” Larrimer said. A total of
$667,000 has been put aside for the
employment opportunities.
during the three-week period. A
participant may sample up to
three different jobs.
“We’ve had a lot of success
with this and we’re moving more
and more toward job sampling,”
Larrimer said.
If the participant enjoys the
work, and the employer is
Satisfied with the work done, the
job can then become permanent
and the employee is no longer
paid by CETA, Larrimer ex­
The target jobs-tax credit
division of the program provides
tax assistance to the employers.
CETA will pay 85 percent of the
taxes on the first $3,000 in wages.
This program is for summer
employment only
To qualify for this, CETA
must first certify the eligibility of
the employee. “CETA also does
all the paperwork,” Larrimer
The amount of credit accrued
is subtracted from the business’
taxes at the end of the year. “This
project is very effective because
it is so economical,” Larrimer
People who are interested in
the Youth Employment Program
can pick up applications "at the
College’s Career Development
and Job Placement Center in the
Community Center. Applications
~» _ s
Wednesday, May 18,1983
SN: OL0055
The Youth Employment
Program is divided into three
sections, summer work ex­
perience, job sampling and
target jobs-tax credit.
The summer work ex­
perience is designed to find jobs
for people in public or non-profit
agencies, where they will gain
“work skills and habits,”
Larrimer said. - Clackamas
Community College is one non­
profit agency that regularly
employs young people through
the program.
The job sampling division
gives the participants a small
taste of different jobs, to help
them choose a profession. The
employees may work at a job for
up to three weeks at no cost to the
employer. CETA pays the wages
are to be filled out and returned
there as well. During the third or
fourth week in May, applicants
will be interviewed, Larrimer
Eligibility for the program
rests on several factors. Par­
ticipants must reside in
Clackamas County, be from a
low-income family, and be 14-21
The program will run from
June 1 through the end of Sep­
tember. Larrimer said students
at the College could get out of the
program early and attend classes
next year.
are needed for
the 1983-84 school
are now being
taken for Arts
and Copy Editors
and for Business
Manager. Call
ext. 309 for
Page 3