The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, May 11, 1983, Page 6, Image 6

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Sunship Earth teaches ecology
By Russ McMillen
vironmental awareness and
(Russ McMillen is a
This was done by using
the “Sunship Earth” program
Meriwether and a staff
with the overall theme reduced
photographer for The Print.)
to the initials ECDCICA-.
How many people would Energy flow, cycles, diversity,
find it fun to run off into the communities, interrelations,
primitive wilderness with thirty change and adaptivity.
To start off the day a
peers and 150 12 year olds?
That sounds like fun to you? camper awoke to the sound of
Then take, for instance, Camp a Raccoon trapsing through his
luggage. Shooing him off, the
The entire camp is nestled weary camper staggers away
in the woods and on the shore for a five-minute walk to the
of the Pacific about nine miles 42.5 degree shower and hope
North of Tillamook. The camp the girls haven’t beat him to it.
After a brisk shower they
was far from the height of lux­
ury: the cabins were three walls head for breakfast, which is
and a roof, showers were open surprisingly good. Then each
stalls with pull chains and a cabin group funnels through
the lunch table, making up a
But, the accommodations , sack lunch to eat while out on
were not the main reason for loop studies. When everyone
being there. We had a pur­ has their canteens filled and
pose. We, the counselors, lunches made, we start off for
were trying to instill into the our first loop study of the day.
Lessons are taught in
campers a sense of en­
Of The Print
loops through the woods, four
or five lessons to a loop. Each
lesson pertained to the original
theme, ECDCICA. Two or
three counselors were given
about eight campers to take
through a particular loop. That
way, the counselors got to ex­
perience different campers,
and a chance at all the loops.
After the first loop was
finished, lunch is eaten and it’s
off to the second loop. Then
recreation with the teachers
which gives the counselors
about an hour’s rest.
Campfire: The highlight of
the evening. An chance for
campers, counselors, and even
teachers, to show off their
respective talents.
Then it’s bedtime, to
dream about the next school
levy being voted down, again
and again and again, until the
entire program has been whittl­
ed to a three hour field trip on a
Tuesday in May.
COLD SHOWERS. “Fang,” a camp counselor tests out
one of the open air showers.
photo by Russ McMillen
‘Murder’ tickets on sale
By Brett Bigham
Of The Print
Reservations for the spring
theater production “Little
Murders” are now available at
the Theater and Communica­
tions officer here at Clackamas
Community College in
McLoughlin Hall.
It is a satirical comedy on
today’s senseless violence in
American life, and the story
revolved around a young cou­
ple who plan to get married.
The play’s themes are adult­
based, and it is not recom-
mended for children.
The play will run in the
McLoughlin theater May 19,
20, 21 and June 3, 4 and 5.
Tickets for the show are $3 for
adults, $2 for students and 50
cents for students with student
body cards. Gold card holders
are admitted free. Perfor­
mances will start at 8 p.m. ex­
cept for the June 5, 2:30
The play is written by
Jules Feiffer and directed by
Jack Shields. For more infor­
mation call ext. 356.
College hosts jazz night
For those of you who love Community Big Band will host
jazz, Clackamas Community Jazz Night.
College has the show for you.
The music will start at 7:30
p.m. in the Community Center
Wednesday, May 11 the Mall. Admission is two dollars,
College’s Jazz Ensemble and free to Gold Card holders.
• old & new
• expertly set up
• with bow & hard case
Production Designed by RICHARD SYLBERT • Director of Photography RICHARD H. KLINE. AS.C. • Executive Producer KEITH ADDIS • Screenplay by L. M. KIT CARSON & JIM McBRIDE
Produced by MARTIN ERLICHMAN • Directed by JIM McBRIDE • Filmed in PANAVISIONPnnts by DE LUXE " An QvUOTf «CTWES Rwea
• starting at just $100.00
505 S.W. 3rd Ave. Portland,
Page 6
Clackamas Community College