The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, May 11, 1983, Page 3, Image 3

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    International Day
College joins 30 others in day's festivities
By Brett Bigham
Of The Print
Increased interests in inter­
national education has urged
Clackamas Community Col­
lege to host an International
Day, today May 11.
“The College is involved
in a consortium with 30 other
colleges,” John Hooley, assis­
tant dean at the College said.
“That’s really why we’re doing
it. It’s expected of us.
However, I think there is some
interesting events taking
International Day is “aim­
ed at the assistant deans and
department chairs who teach
courses, who may benefit from
internationalizing, including the
content of their subject matter,”
Hooley said. “It’s just not
special courses. We’re trying to
show it could be any course.”
International business is
very important to the
Northwest, which exports raw
materials, including lumber,
but imports many items, such
as cars. “What we’re really
looking at here is more
awareness in international
education, something we can
make more substantial,”
Hooley said.
“Here at the College we
have very cosmopolitan staff.
Many of them have traveled.
For instance, Glenn Ferris, the
parts instructor in the
automotive department is go­
ing to spend some time in
Europe this summer and look
at the field (of automotives)
over there. We would expect
this to influence what he
teaches his students,” Hooley
“All the faculty must know
how much all of this affects our
area,” he said. “In the future
we’ll bring in local businessmen
Hood has done a lot on inter­
nationalizing,” Hooley said,
“but they are larger than us.
We could try the same things,
but our size would make it less
economical.” Harris is the
director of the College Consor­
tium. “She’s an expert in the
international education field,”
Hooley added.
Students at Clackamas
“It's not just special
often join Mt. Hood for trips
which are not offered
courses. We're trying abroad,
The International Day pro­
to show how it could
gram started with a 10 a.m.
be any course."
slide show and lecture by
Sharon Streeter, on “Giverny:
Monet and his Gardens.” “It
was held in the Art Center. We
were encouraging art and hor­
who, for example, deal with
ticulture students to attend,”
the Orient.”
Hooley said.
Tillie Harris of Mt. Hood
A lecture followed in the
Community College will hold a
workshop on “Internationaliz­ McLoughlin Theater entitled
ing College Courses.” “Mt. “Enlightened Foreign Policy:
American Interests, World
Possibilities,” by Dr. Joe Uris,
social sciences instructor at the
The most successful part
of International Day was a bake
sale put on by the Southeast
Asian Students. “I think of par­
ticular interest to the students
was the food sale. They turn
out some interesting things,”
Hooley said.
“Gary Nelson’s German
Bread” was scheduled to play
in the courtyard at noon,
weather permitting. “Gary
Nelson will have some of his
brass players out playing ‘Oom
pa pa’ music,” Hooley said.
At 1 p.m. there will be a
panel discussion on travelling
to Europe, that is aimed at the
person who wants to travel, but
gets beyond the usual tour,
Hooley said.
Defense class aids women
By Shelley Ball
Of The Print
“WHAT WE’RE REALLY looking at here is more
awareness in international education, something we can
make more substantial,” John Hooley, assistant dean
Photo by Brett Bigham
For $10 and two free mor­
nings on May 14 and 21,
young women aged 10-16 can
learn self-defense techniques
here at Clackamas Community
The two-part workshop
will be taught by Helen Cheek
and Lynne Landau, the duo
who taught a rape prevention
class on campus in October,
and will be held from 9 a.m. to
noon both days in Randall 11.
Unlike the usual classes,
where adult women are taught
how to fight back, special em- '
phasis has been placed on
young women and the types of
situations they may encounter,
Dr. Karen Lever, director of
Women’s Studies program, ex­
“I think they (young
women) are a little less political i
(toward defending them­
selves). Also, they are growing j
up with the ‘do as you’re told’
Nuclear convocation series ends
with European view, Kutz’ talk
For a term and a half
Clackamas Community Col­
lege has presented a series of
nuclear war convocations
presented by staff and faculty
members each Tuesday in
McLoughlin Hall Theater. The
final two speakers will conclude
the public seminars May 17
and 24.
Topics that have been
covered so far have dealt with
Nuclear War, its possibilities,
causes and effects. The re­
maining two seminars will be
“A European Viewpoint of
Nuclear Issues,” given by
Valerie McQuaid, librarian,
May 17, and “If the Bomb
Doesn’t Get You, Nuclear
Thinking Will,” by Bill Kutz,
Wednesday May 11, 1983
community devlopment of­
ficer, May 24.
Marlene Tufts, psychology
instructor,. was the initiator of
the convocations and explains
the student interest so far has
been “gratifying.” Tufts got the
idea from a three-day seminar
that she attended at the
Oregon Graduate Center,
which was hosted by the Na­
tional Science Foundation.
The design was to use
faculty members from the Col­
lege because they are not used
as much as they should be.
Many times the College will br­
ing speakers from outside who
are not as good as what certain
staff members have to offer,
Tufts said.
The seminars begin at
noon and are projected to last
an hour. Anyone who is in­
terested is welcome and there
is no admission charge.
In addition to the
seminars, Tufts is currently
looking into a film, “If You
Love This Planet,” in which
several students have shown
interest. She is planning to
receive the film by fall term, but
it will be showing at the Nor­
thwest Film Center May 29 at 7
p.m. “Eight Minutes to Mid­
night” will also be shown with
the Academy Award-winning
documentary “On Anti-
Nuclear War.” Admission is
adult attitude, so they are more
likely to be trusting in a situa­
tion where they shouldn't be,”
she said. “It (workshop) <knll be
getting some of that awareness
into those that are younger.”
Lever also said that Cheek
and Landau have met with
greater success by separating
out the age groups. She said
their attention spans and situa­
tions are different from adult
women. For example, they
ride a lot of buses. The support
they get from “feeling alike”
also helps in the class, Lever
Participants will learn how
to defend themselves by
discovering their own natural
strength, which will be put to
use by practicing some physical
defense exercises. Advice con­
cerning attitude will also be
given, Lever said.
“They’ll also learn how to
do some real uninhibited
screams and kicks. They’ll
learn not to get paranoid, but
to go out and be informed,
careful and confident,” Lever
The workshop will be
limited to 15 enrollees and re­
quires them to bring a waiver
signed by either parent or guar-
dian, in case of injury. Both
classes must be taken together,
Lever said, and because of the
amount of physical activity in­
volved, it is recommended that
participants wear comfortable
clothes and tennis shoes.
Ways to prevent attack;
such as where and when to
walk, and situations to be
aware of will also be covered in
the workshop, Lever said.
“They’ll be able to think about
In the past, the College
has offered self-defense
classes, but this year will only
be the second year for the
young women’s workshop,
Lever said. “We try to do a self­
defense class every year, but
the young women’s class is a
real original idea,” she said.
Parent support for the
workshop has also been good,
Lever said. Part of this may be
due to the fact that some
parents feel the adult self­
defense classes are too explicit
for their children. Another
reason is that parents want
their children to learn how to
defend themselves, at a time
when crime statistics are in­
creasing throughout the United
Applications for admission to the
professional program Fall 1983
are now being accepted.
For information call 754-3424
or write School of Pharmacy,
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
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