EVENTS CALENDAR Wednesday, May 11 Music Dept. Open House 9-10:30 a.m. CC Mall T I t I I I I I I 1 I Thursday, May 12 Tri-City Chamber of Commerce 7:30-8:30 a.m. CC 101 I I I I I I i I I Saturday, May 14 Focus: Self-defense Women Tuesday, May 1 7 I Nuclear Convocation 9 a.m.-noon noon-1 p.m. Rll McLoughlin Theater Wednesday, May 18 Arthritis Discussion I I I I I I 1-3:30 p.m. CC 101 Dr. Hakanson announces tuition increase Lack of taxes, state aid forces jump to $200 By Shelley Ball Of The Print Clackamas Community College’s in-state students will pay $600 for their annual tuition next year, as opposed to the current $540, Col­ lege President John Hakanson announced Thursday to members of the Associated Student Government. The President’s Council decided that in­ state students will pay $20 per credit hour in­ stead of $18, which raises their term tuition to $200 for 10-21 credit hours, as opposed to the current $180. Tuition for out-of-state students will in­ crease from $66 per credit hour to $73. Non­ credit classes will also be raised from 95 cents to $1.10. The tuition increase is expected to bring in between $215,000 and $220,000, Hakanson said, and will be used to “maintain what we’re presently doing.” Efforts to improve the College, for example equipment, would be “very little,” as Hakanson estimated that $300,000 alone is needed to restore equipment. The increase will also put the College “in the middle of the pack,” former ASG President Paul Nastari said. “What can you do? You want to keep the tuition low, but if the programs are not there, you’re hurting the students,” Dean of Students Jim Roberts said. Some discrepancy did result from the recent tuition increase, however. Today, May 11, the College’s Fee Study Task Force, a committee appointed by Hakanson, will be meeting to discuss the fees of College materials, such as towels and lockers, after which they will need to make recommendations to the President’s Council by June 24. Pile Photo Nastari, who is a member of the committee, thought they would also make recommen­ dations concerning the tuition increase, and that no increase would be decided upon until after June 24. However, Hakanson explained that the committee is unrelated to tui­ tion, and said their main con­ cern would be to “try to develop a policy on fees.” Lower-than-predicted in­ creases in true cash value of College beseiged by Old Time Fiddlers Fiddling is an art form as truly American as jazz. Last weekend, the tradition was kept alive at Clackamas Communty College as the local chapter of the Old Time Fiddlers jammed in the Community Center. For a closer look, please see page 5. Photo by Duane Hiersche property and failure for state funding to meet the needs of students and cost of inflation were the reasons Hakanson gave for the tuition increase. The College’s three-year, rate-based levy involves having to make an estimate on the following year’s increase in true cash value of property, Hakan­ son explained. In 1981 the College projected an 8 percent increase, one Hakanson thought to be “conservative.” For the first year the true cash value was at 12 percent (the College still collected 8 percent), but for the 1982-83 year , the second year of the College’s current three-year levy, the value is at only 5.4 percent. “Not to make excuses, but our guess was wrong,” Hakanson said. As for the 1983-84 property value, Hakan­ son said the College’s budget committee will plan for at least a 2 percent increase. Had the rate stayed at a consistent 8 percent for the three years, he said the College would have almost $2 million more than it will have with the projected 2 percent increase. In regards to state funding, Hakanson said that the amount given to the College has not risen high enough to combat inflation. Currently, about 26 percent of the College’s total funding is from the state. For the 1982-83 year state fun­ ding amounted to $3,253,000, which was less than the $3,297,000 the College received in 1979-80. “If we were being funded at the same rate that we were six years ago, all the community colleges in the state would have $50 million more than now,” he added. Hakanson said next year the College is ex­ pected to receive $3,411,000 in state funds, an increase he said is not enough to sufficiently han­ dle all of the College’s basic needs. President John Sagoe asked Hakanson if there were other ways to raise money instead of a tuition increase. Hakanson answered the only other way would be to have people vote on a levy, an act he thought would not be successful right now. “We (President’s Council) had to do this. It seemed much better for the whole school than to go to a levy at this time,” he said.