I landicapped Awareness Week Daily arts, sports and workshops slated y Doug Vaughan f The Print In an effort to see handicapped people as lurnan beings with the same wants and interests as Ithers, Debbie Derr, handicapped specialist, has Irganized the second annual Handicapped Iwareness Week at Clackamas Commuhity Coi- |ge, April 25-30. I “Hopefully if (the Week) will bring an Iwareness to people on campus of what it would be re as ä disabled person,” Derr saief- “They have pecial problems that have to be looked at from dif­ lrent aspects.” Derr is hoping that the week of events will polish the idea that handicapped people do not lave the same interests as the rest of us. In an at- Irnptto send the word, she has scheduled events br each day. »■ On Monday, April 25 the Handicapped |esour6e Center will present an art exhibit featuring lodger Hodge, a Clackamas Community College- Irt major who works through the Center. The isplay Will remain' in the Pauling Center until April *Q “People make assumptions that handicapped leople can’t be artists or enjoy art, ,sb we are resenting this to show they can,” Derr said. “It is pry special this year because it is a student from lie College. Last year we had a deaf and retarded . han who did carvings that were phenomenal.” I The following day Derr has scheduled a Iheelchair basketball game starring the Portland p heelblazers.. Also participating’in the game will be . lollege students and faculty. I “Here again people make the assumption that 1st because a person is in a wheelchair they can’t e acti®,”’Derr said. I Wednesday is set aside for people to volunteer heir time to the summer programs that the Han-, »capped Resource Center sponsor. Derr will have I table set up in the Community Center to answer Iny questions for interested people. “I am hoping the response will be good. We Ire always having people request information, and ‘‘People make assumptions that handicap­ ped people can’t be artists or enjoy art, so we are presenting this to show they can.” Debbie Derr, Handicapped Specialist Photo by Rick Obritschkewitsch this might.be an easy way to help them," Derr said. . Thursday, Derr, will show-a,video tape dealing with career'options.for the handicapped. The view- Hundreds of people attended last weekend’s Take Charge Day at Clackamas Community College, in­ cluding representatives from local businesses, artisans and county human service agencies. Photo-by Rick Obritschkqwitsch ing vvill be for all interested staff and students. Also, a personal skills assessment workshop and resume writing workshop will be available to disabled ih- dividuals. A f ilm festival is set for. Friday with three films being shown throughout the day.. “The Kid From Nowhere,” “Bill,” and “Inside Moves” will be shown in the Community Center Mall. ■' The final day of events will be a benefit run ■•with all the proceeds going to Special Olympics. The entry fee is $6 with an April 22 deadline for preregistration. Late registration fee is $6.50. T-shirts will be given to every runner and ribbons will be awarded for top finishers in each category. “If the week brings awareness to a couple of people, I will have met my goal,” Derr said. “Sometimes one thing wilLspark aperson. If a per­ son sees the wheelchair basketball game and it pro­ mpts him to talk to a person in a wheelchair later it will be serving its purpose. I guess that is just my Jpie in the sky’ idea.” Last year, the participation and response from the College was disappointing to Derr. She is hop­ ing that this ybar will .be a little more organized and the response will be greater. ‘^1 do not know if I set my expectations too high, but I-wish there was more involvement from the faculty,” Derr said, “It was my first time organiz­ ing something like this, maybe I tried to do too rhuch/’^' * “There are more and more handicapped students on campus. They cure just like any minority group that is not like the rest of us and they have special needs,” Derr explained. “It is important to build an awareness that they live the same type of life as ours.” ? -. The main problem Derr sees in the lack of awareness is that it is hard to break the barrier bet­ ween two different things. “I am. hoping this awareness week will break the barriers. -The hardest thing to do is break therm­ it is like any other minority group. I demot know any specific way; it is just something that I can’t make happen,” Derr concluded.