The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, March 02, 1983, Image 1

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    Secretary of State Paulus meets
at College
his organization planned to do about the bill,
Paulus told him to “sit down,” and suggested he
go the League of Women Voters if he had plan­
ned to make a speech.
“Sir, I have been asked to speak here to­
day,” she said.
Paulus stated, during the meeting that she
supported the vote-by-mail bill for three reasons.
One, because “it includes more people in the
decision making process.” Second, it “gives us
greater protection against fraud,” and three, it
“gives us an instant purge of voter reference.”
After the meeting, Scheer was quoted as
saying that the Clackamas County Democratic
Party would “call for a resolution if we feel it (the
vote-by-mail bill) will pass.” Scheer said there
was only a 30 percent chance that it would. He
then explained that the bill “lends itself to abuse
and manipulation,” and stated that the
democratic party did not feel, like Paulus, that
the absentee ballot and the vote-by-mail bill were
the same.
“A person has a right to an absentee ballot.
It was a decision on their part,” Scheer said.
Scheer also stated that the party was not
totally against a vote-by-mail bill, only the pro­
blem of manipulation involved, which he said
could become even worse over a long period of
“Until we can address those problems, the
people will not vote for it,” he said.
By Shelley Ball
Of The Print
Oregon Secretary of State Norma Paulus
was greeted with mixed responses from the ap­
proximate 50-75 people who turned out Feb. 23
to hear her discuss topics of current importance
to the 1983 legislation, here at the College.
Crowd emotions ranged from one man ask­
ing if Paulus might run for the Governor’s Office,
to a verbal disagreement by a representative
from the Clackamas County Democratic Party
concerning Paulus’ support of a vote-by-mail bill.
Paulus stated that, if passed, the vote-by-
mail bill would operate exactly like the cunent
absentee ballot, except that everyone could use
She then opened the floor up to questions,
upon which Stephen Scheer, chairman of Plat­
form and Resolutions Committee for the
Clackamas County Democratic Party, addressed
the issue concerning the “question of privacy.”
Scheer then gave examples ranging from a
dominant father or husband in a family, to the
manager of an apartment complex lowering
rents if tenants vote his way.
Paulus suggested to Scheer that if he feels
that way, he should take action to do away with
the absentee voting; stating once again that
absentee voting and the vote-by-mail bill were
the same.
When Scheer tried to explain further what
Secretary of State, Norina Paulus
Photo by Rick Obritschkewitsch
High School
to draw an
1300 students
On Thursday, March 3,
the College will be beseiged
by thousands of potential,
future students, who will be
here for the Clackamas
Regional Skills Competition.
The competition is aim­
ed at students from all of the
high schools in the county.
“We are expecting about
1,300 students,” Bob
Wynia, assistant dean of in­
structional services, said.
Last year, the competi­
tion lured approxiately
1,000 participants to the
College. However, this year
the Future Business Leaders
of America (FBLA) will at­
tend. Wynia predicted that
this will bring an extra 400
students to the all-day affair.
The competition will be
held from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.,
and will range all across the
campus. The event is now in
its fourth year at the Col­
lege, and is sponsored by
the College, Clackamas
County Educational Ser­
vices District, the 16 public
Week celebrates 13
community colleges
high schools and various
private schools in the coun­
The purpose of the
event is to give the students
This week marks the se­
a chance to test their skills or cond annual Community Col­
knowledege in their chosen leges Week in Oregon. In
field. It also allows the honor of the event, the College
students a chance to get a held its annual Clackamas
taste for each field, and Regional Skills Competition
helps them decide whether earlier this week.
or not they would like to ma­
The Community College
jor in that area in college.
The areas of competi­ Week proclamation was signed
tion include accounting, last year by Governor Victor
auto mechanics, business Atiyeh. It was originally the
education, drafting, elec­ brain-child of the Oregon Com­
tronics, journalism, machin­ munity Colleges Association
ing, marketing, mathe­ (OCCA), of which Clackamas
matics, physical science, Community is a member.
safety, and welding.
Roger Bassett, the ex­
Most College classes ecutive secretary for OCCA,
will be canceled that day, said the organization first
which is a Thursday. “Most presented the idea of a week
instructors will have already celebrating Oregon’s communi­
told their students whether ty college s to the governor’s
or not their classes have office. “We use the week to
been canceled,” Wynia said. work with local campuses and
“If students don’t know for to help with the visibility of the
sure, they should contact community college program,”
their instructor.”
Bassett said.
To coordinate the week,
OCCA has asked each of the
13 two-year schools in the state
to schedule a large or
newsworthy event in the first
week of March. The week ac­
tually runs from March 1-7,
which is a Tuesday through a
A media blitz is also part of
the festivities, Debbie Murdock
said. Murdock is the staff
associate for OCCA and is
coordinating the activties of the
various schools.
“The focus state-wide is
on ‘Moving Ahead Work­
shops’,” Murdock said. These
are seminars and events aimed
unemployed population.
“The point we’re trying to
make to the public is communi­
ty colleges are the place to go if
you’re unemployed, or if you
are planning a career change,”
she said.