The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 23, 1983, Page 2, Image 2

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Idle Hands
Cafeteria prices too high
By J. Dana Haynes
Two weeks ago, someone entered the
McLoughlin Hall Theater. The individual(s) walked
up onto the darkened stage, dropped off a pam­
phlet, and left.
No one knows who left the literature. No one
has taken credit for it.
The pamphlet was from the NSDAP-AO, the
neo-nazi party. That word should not slip quickly
by the eye of the reader: This is a nazi organiza­
It seems odd to see such things here at our
school. After all, it’s one thing to see swastikas et­
ched on the walls of a synagogue in Paris, or to
read about a nazi parade through the streets of
Skokie, lllnois.
But it is safe to say that most of us view
Clackamas County, the College included, as a
sleepy, apathetic place where such things do not
One does not expect to see such things as
nazi propaganda on the campus. But nonetheless,
here it is. And this is not an isolated incident.
Last week, the mayor of Rajneeshpuram
spoke at the College. When it was announced that
a Rajneeshee had been invited to lecture, more
than 300 calls came in from outraged citizens.
Well, that was to be expected, one supposes, in
so conservative a county.
However, one of the calls was from a man
who claimed to represent the Clackamas County
chapter of the Neo-nazi party. The man further
threatened to have 50 of his “brown shirts,” or en­
forcers, here if the Rajneeshee was allowed to
Needless to say, the mayor did speak, and
the nazi brown shirts did not break up the con­
But this shows a rather interesting, and
perhaps frightening, side of our society. The ex-
istance of such an organization in this area may
well represent a side of us that is normally well
In the twenties and thirties, Oregon was a
west coast headquarters for the Ku Klux Klan, an
organization that is politically different from the
neo-nazi’s, but ethically and morally similar. So
this state, for all of its futuristic legislation on
such issues as ecology and nuclear war is not im­
mune to old fashioned racism.
The NSDAP-AO (the pamphlet found in
McLoughlin Hall never explains what those let­
ters stand for) is a decidedly racist operation. It’s
literature bemoans the fate of pro-white organiza­
tions in the United States and Europe, and touts a
pro-white magazine called The New Order.
In a strange way, it is probably good that
such a thing should appear here at the College. It
is, after all, the measure of a good education to
show all sides of any issue.
So as morally opposed as most of us are to
such blatant hatred, it should probably be allowed
on the campus. Only through exposing racisms
and hate can we purge it from our country and con
versely, only by remaining underground can the
neo-nazi movement stand any chance in a free
It would be much easier to understand the
basis for such a group if we stop thinking of nazi’s
as Werner Kemperer’s monacled Colonel Klink
and think of them as normal people, with unusual
political and moral theories.
The Print does not endorse the National
Socialist Party, nor do we endorse their literature.
However, we hope that, by examining all thoughts
and ideologies in the light of day, we can be in­
telligent enough to weed out the bad.
Page 2
Brett Bigham
Man has always strived for new heights.
There’s the World Trade Center, the Space
Shuttle and now the new prices in the cafeteria.
I realize that the cafeteria is a business, but a
twenty percent price hike, which went into effect
this month, seems a little ridiculous. I mean
when they are charging 65 cents for a cup of
yogurt that you can buy in the store for 43 cents
you know that they are asking a little too much.
Especially when you know that the retail price is
probably much lower than even what the stores
are charging.
It would seem that the school’s cafeteria
should be a service to the students. Not a high-
priced rip-off. The point of even offering food
services is to insure the students that they could
get a good meal at the college cheaper and
easier than by going off campus. That’s a joke.
You can eat an entire meal at McDonalds
(O.K. I’ll admit it’s not the best, but still. . .) for a
two-dollar bill. The same meal would cost $3.70
here. (That’s for two hamburgers, fries and a
small drink) That’s almost double the price. That
much difference easily pays for the gas and in­
convenience of having to go off campus.
The salad bar prices are crazy. You pay as
much per pound for the salad as you would for a
half-way decent steak. I know that the salad is
good for you but those prices will kill your
pocketbook mighty fast. Who wants to pay
$2.88 a lb. for jazzed up lettuce?
price hike has put it out of the reach of most
students. The majority of the food now priced
under a dollar is pre-packaged commercial junk­
food (donuts, chips, etc.). The vending
machines on campus even have cheaper drinks,
chips and coffee than the cafeteria. That’s a
The cafeteria needs to find a way to lower
their prices. Maybe it’s time for the school to start
putting in some money but something has got to
be done. It’s gone too are and soon no one is go­
ing to be eating there. All we’re asking for are
some half-way decent prices or maybe even a
The sandwich bar is the same way. The
variety is excellent but the price makes even
sawdust look good. They also run on a weight
system that goes a little nuts. Just a plain bagel
with nothing on it will run around 77 cents. For
two school bagels you could buy .a whole
package of store-or-bakery-bought bagels.
These aren’t even special bagels. They come out
of a bag just like store-bought.
It is easy to see that the cafeteria is trying to
put out good quality and nutritous food but their
man who not use Print classifieds
is one dumb grasshopper
Rajneeshees, ‘Idle Hands’ draw criticism
To the Editor,
Regarding your “Idle
Hands” article on Rajneesh, I
would like to respond from the
Biblical view. The Lord Jesus
said “For our struggle is not
against flesh and blood (i.e.
Rajneesh), but against rulers,
against the powers of this dark
world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places.”
Eph 6:12 You see-to put it
simply it’s a battle between
Satan and God and Rajneesh is
on Satan’s side! The “Red
Brigade” is a Cult! Also the “so-
called” American way to either
welcome them in the name of
“freedom” or ignore them is
exactly what Satan would like!
There is no such thing as the
“American” way—it’s either
God’s way or the Devil’s way!
And did you ever think it odd
in “Free” America that Crea­
tion cannot be taught alongside
the “Evolution” hypothesis,
that kids in public schools are
allowed to have “public”
readings of Plato, Socrates yet
they cannot gather to read the
Bible? After reading your article
I could not help to think that I
wish you’d turn your “idle
hands” into “praying hands” to
the God almighty above and
“Believe in the Lord Jesus,
who dies on the Cross for you,
and you will be Saved.”
Pat Larson
THE PRINT, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers
Association, aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic medium
covering the campus community as thoroughly as possible. Opi­
nions expressed in THE PRINT do not necessarily relect those of
the College administration, faculty, Associated Student Govern­
ment or other members of THE PRINT.
Office: Trailer B; telephone: 657-8400, ext. 309, 310
Editor In Chief: J. Dana Haynes
News Editor: Doug Vaughan
Arts Editor: Brett Bigham
Sports Editor: Rob Conner
Photo Editor: Duane Hiersche
Copy Editor: Kristi Blackman
Staff Writers: Shelley Ball, Dianna Hardy, T. Jeffries, F.T. Morris
Staff Photographers: Russ McMillen, Duane Hiersche, Troy
Maben, Joel Miller, Rick Obritschkewitsch, Jenni Weber
Business Manager: Joan Seely
Typesetter: Teresa A. Hannaford
Advisor: Dana Spielmann
Clackamas Community College