The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, January 19, 1983, Image 1

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Wednesday, Jan. 19
I Thursday, Jan. 20
I Focus Program: “Great
First Aid Meeting
f Women”
I Ji 10 p.m.
2-4 p.m.
CC 101
I Pauling 101
Friday, Jan. 21
Vocal Jazz Festival
Saturday, Jan. 22
Vocal Jazz Festival
10-12 p.m.
7 a.m. * 12 p.m.
« Randall Gym
Randall Gym
Sunday, Jan. 23
City League Basketball
6-10 p.m.
Randall Gym
I _ Clackamas Community College
■■ Wednesday
Wednesday January
January 19.
19, 1983
Congressman hosts
financial aid seminar
Hitting incident investigated
However, witnesses from the College claim
that the incident was preceded by obscenities
and Hungarian racial slurs aimed at Szanto.
By Shelley Ball -
Of The Print
Anyone with questions
concerning financial aid had
the opportunity to get answers
Saturday at the second annual
Workshop, held in the Bon­
neville Power Administration
Building in Portland.
The workshop was spon­
sored by Congressman Ron
Wyden, who explained the
reason for the workshop in his
opening remark, “The purpose
of this seminar is to help you
cut through the red tape, and
make sure you can secure and
understand your rights.”
Approximately 250-300
students, parents, businessmen
and college financial aid ad­
ministrators attended the
workshop to listen to speakers
representing different areas of
financial aid, followed by a
question and answer period.
Among the members in the au­
dience was Clackamas Com­
munity College Financial Aid
Officer Scott Fischer.
“I think it was helpful and
informative, particularly the
15-page handout that was
given out. It was really, I think,
a very helpful document,”
Fischer said.
“But at the same time I
want to emphasize that staff
members at the College do
provide for people a whole
bunch of general financial aid
information, and how to fill out
problem areas of the Financial
Aid Form, without driving out
on a Saturday to the BPA
Building,” he added.
Fischer also said that star­
ting today there will be eight
financial aid form fill-out ses­
sions on campus through Feb.
21 in CC 101. Both Fischer
and Financial Aid/veterans
specialist Kathy Scheer will
each conduct half of the ses­
Marcus Lowthorp, U.S.
department of education
representative, headed the list
of speakers on the workshop’s
agenda, who outlined the three
goals of the government con­
cerning education. The goals
were: To provide access,
choice, and retention skills.
Lowthorp also stressed the
growing importance of higher
education for today’s elec­
tronic, data processing,
marketing and sales fields, to
name a few.
“I think what I’m trying to
impress on you at this point is
the whether we like it or not,
there is a dire need for an
education beyond a high
school education,” he said.
Lowthorp concluded his
speech by advising students to
contact the financial aid office
of the school they plan to at­
tend for specific information
about financial aid sources.
The next two speakers on
the agenda included Lewis and
Clark College Financial Aid
Tsukamaki and State Scholar­
ship Commission Official
Thomas Turner, who together
listed the qualifications for
various loans and grants that
were outlined in a handout
given out to visitors earlier.
Both also emphasized the im­
portance of applying for many
different types of financial aid.
“Do not exclude yourself
from seeking these resources,”
Tsukamaki said.
Turner added that inac­
curate reports concerning the
amount of student aid funds
available has kept many people
from applying for aid in the
past. Turner then stated that
anyone applying for financial
aid “should get one (Financial
Aid Form) soon; but you
haven’t turned into a pumpkin
Other speakers at the
workshop included Veterans
Administration official Rob
Harlan, Social Security Ad­
ministration representative
Gary Gitner, and Bob Bellows
and Marlene Stein from
Neighbors of Woodcraft.
Wyden concluded the
workshop by saying, “The
training of people is a whole lot
more important than military
cost overrun. We’re (Congress)
going to adopt steps to combat
a small minority of bad apples,
' so that they don’t end up
strangling 85 percent of the
Janos Szanto
By J. Dana Haynes
Of The Print
Clackamas Community College Soccer
Coach Janos Szanto is under investigation for
allegedly hitting two people in a community
soccer game in the Randall Hall gymnasium.
Associate Dean of Special Instruction Bill
Hargadine and Community Recreation Super­
visor Paul Fiskum are investigating the incident.
A letter of protest, signed by members of a
non-student soccer league, was sent to College
President Dr. John Hakanson, Director of Plan­
ning and Operations Alf Lair, Athletic Director
Charles Hudson, and The Print. According to.
the letter, the situation arose during a spon­
taneous, non-league soccer game between
members of the Cougar soccer team and a group
of non-student community members. The game
was held last December.
During part of the game, according to the
letter, Szanto entered the competition, lost his
temper and hit two of the non-student players,
Ron Gideons and Mark Miller.
The letter further states that the attack was
unprovoked and not retaliated upon.
According to the students who were pre­
sent, one of the non-student members, Miller,
had been asked repeatedly to stop shouting
obscenities because of a co-ed volleyball class
which was sharing the gymnasium. Szanto
allegedly asked Miller to be quiet twice, and was
rebuffed by swearing. On the third time, Miller
allegedly shouted racial epithets and “go back
where you came from.”
At that point, Szanto claimed that he turned
to walk away, but was pushed from behind,
presumably by Miller. Szanto then turned and hit
Miller. Ron Gideons, one of Miller’s team mates,
rushed forward and was also slapped by Szanto.
“There’s no question that a situation did oc­
cur,” Hargadine said. “However, the two sides
present such different stories, we are in­
vestigating to see what’s what.”
Szanto admits hitting both Miller and Gi-
cfeons. “However, they were calling me a
M——F——, and saying ‘Hey Gypsy, go back
where you came from.’ I realize it was wrong to
hit him, but I think that under similar cir­
cumstances I’d do it again,” he said.
LeRoy Neal, one of the players on the com­
munity team, is upset by the lack of action taken
by the College administration. “Two of my
players were punched and no legal (actions)
were taken,” he said.
It was Neal’s suggestion to send the letter of
protest to the College. “Some of the guys
wanted to ‘get’ Szanto, but I said it was better to
do it the legal way, that’s why we wrote the let­
ter,” he said. “But nothing has happened. You
can’t always win if you take things by the law. If
we can’t get any satisfaction this route, then what
can we do?”
Two of the non-students involved in the
situation, Neal and Curt Hines, played soccer for
Szanto’s 1981 team. Neither made the 1982
team. Szanto claims they have resented him
since. Neal denies the implication. Hines was
unavailable for comment.
Diane Schuur featured
Musicians gear up for jazz festival
By Brett Bigham
Of The Print
Diane Schuur, a nationally
known jazz singer will be the
guest soloist at Clackamas
Community College’s Vocal
Jazz Festival this Saturday.
Schuur recently perform­
ed at the White House for
President and Mrs. Reagan and
she has just finished her first
“I think that she is one of
the premier jazz singers of to­
vocal jazz instructor
Lonnie Cline said.
The all-day festival will be
attended by several jazz choirs
from local high school. These
groups will be judged and the
highest ranked will perform in
the evening show with the Col­
lege’s Vocal Jazz Ensemble and
Two shows will be given
during the festival. A daytime
show starting at 9:30 a.m. will
include the high school groups
involved and the “straight­
ahead” jazz and fussion group
“Drama” that will play at 5:30.
The evening show will begin at
8 p.m.
“We’ve been working on
the festival since October,”
Cline said. “We’re going to do
it every year and we’re hoping
to expand it.”
Both concerts will have
festival seating in the Randall
Hall Gym. For more informa­
tion or tickets contact the music
department at the College.